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小说: p&c.icelimit 字数: 每页4000字

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 And then one of the boats vanished。 One moment it was there; running lights winking; diving into yet another wave; and then it was gone; buried; its lights cut out as abruptly as if shut off with a switch。
 〃We've lost the beacon on number three boat; sir;〃 said the man in the bow。
 McFarlane let his head sink toward his chest。 Who had been in that boat? Garza? Stonecipher? His mind did not work anymore。 A part of him now hoped they too would go down as swiftly; he longed for a quick ending to this agony。 The water in the bottom of the boat was getting deeper。 He realized; vaguely; that they were sinking。
 And then the seas began to quiet。 The craft was still pitching and bobbing in ferocious chop; but the endless procession of watery mountains beneath them ceased; and the wind fell。
 〃We're in the lee;〃 said Howell。 His hair was matted and lank; the uniform beneath the foul…weather gear soaked。 Blood mingled with water in pink rivulets that ran down his face。 And yet when he spoke; his hoarse voice was steady。 Again he had the radio。
 〃I need your attention! Both boats are taking on water; fast。 They won't stay afloat much longer。 We've got only one choice … to transfer ourselves and as many provisions as we can carry to the ice island。 Understood?〃
 Very few in the boat looked up; they seemed beyond caring。 The feeble beacon on their boat swept the flank of ice。 〃There's a small ice ledge up ahead。 We'll run the boats right up on it。 Lewis in the bow will pass out supplies to each of you and take you out two at a time; fast。 If you fall in the water; get the hell out … it'll kill you in five minutes。 Now buddy up。〃
 McFarlane drew Rachel protectively toward him; then turned to look at Lloyd。 The man stared back this time; his eyes dark; hollow; haunted。
 〃What have I done?〃 he whispered hoarsely。 〃Oh my God; what have I done?〃
 Drake Passage;
 July 26; 11:00 A。M。
 DAWN ROSE over the ice island。
 McFarlane; who had passed in and out of a fitful doze; was slow in waking。 At last he raised his head; the ice crackling off his coat as he did so。 Around him; a small group of survivors had huddled together for warmth。 Some lay on their backs; their faces coated with ice; their eyes open; frosted over。 Others were half upright; on their knees; unmoving。 They must be dead; McFarlane thought in a dreamy sort of way。 A hundred had begun the voyage。 And now he could see barely two dozen。
 Rachel lay before him; her eyes closed。 He struggled to a sitting position; snow sliding from his limbs。 The wind was gone; and a deathly stillness surrounded them; underlined by the thunder of surf below them; worrying the margins of the ice island。
 Before him stretched a tableland of turquoise ice; cut with rivulets that deepened into canyons as they snaked off to the edges of the island。 A red line; like a streak of blood; tinted the eastern horizon; dribbling color across the heaving seas。 In the distance; the horizon was dotted with blue and green icebergs: hundreds of them; like jewels; stationary in the swell; their tops glistening in the morning light。 It was an unending landscape of water and ice。
 He felt terribly sleepy。 Odd that he was no longer cold。 He struggled to bring himself awake。 Now; slowly; it came back to him: the landing; climbing a crevasse to the top in the blackness; the wretched attempts to light a fire; the slow slide into lethargy。 There was the time before; too … before all this … but he did not want to think of that right now。 Right now; his world had shrunk to the edges of this strange island。
 Here; on its top; there was no feeling of motion。 It was as solid as land。 The great procession of rollers continued eastward; smoother now。 After the black of the night and the gray of the storm; everything seemed tinted in pastels; the blue ice; the pink sea; the red…and…peach sky。 It was beautiful; strange; otherworldly。
 He tried to stand; but his legs ignored the mand and he only rose to one knee before falling back。 He felt an exhaustion so profound it took a supreme effort of will not to sink back to the ground。 A dim part of his mind realized it was more than exhaustion … it was hypothermia。
 They had to get up; move。 He had to rouse them。
 He turned to Rachel and shook her roughly。 Her lidded eyes swiveled around to him。 Her lips were blue and ice clung to her black hair。
 〃Rachel;〃 he croaked。 〃Rachel; get up; please。〃
 Her lips moved and spoke; but it was a hiss of air; without sound。
 〃Rachel?〃 He bent down。 He could hear her words now; sibilant; ghostly。
 〃The meteorite。。。〃 she murmured。
 〃It went to the bottom;〃 McFarlane said。 〃Don't think about it now。 It's over。〃
 She shook her head faintly。 〃No。。。 not what you think。。。〃
 She closed her eyes; and he shook her again。 〃So sleepy。。。〃
 〃Rachel。 Don't go to sleep。 What were you saying?〃 She was rambling; delusional; but he realized it was important to keep her talking and awake。 He shook her again。 〃The meteorite; Rachel。 What about it?〃 Her eyes half opened; and she glanced downward。 McFarlane followed her gaze; there was nothing。 Her hand stirred slightly。
 〃There。。。〃 she said; looking down。
 McFarlane took her hand。 He pulled off the sodden; halffrozen gloves。 Her hand was freezing; her fingertips white。 Now he understood: her fingers were frostbitten。 He tried to massage the fingers and the hand relaxed。 She was holding a peanut。
 〃Are you hungry?〃 McFarlane asked as the nut rolled away into the snow。 Rachel closed her eyes again。 He tried to rouse her and could not。 He pressed himself against her; and her body was heavy and cold。 He turned for help and found Lloyd; lying on the ice beside them。
 〃Lloyd?〃 he whispered。
 〃Yes;〃 came the faint; gravelly voice。
 〃We've got to move。〃 McFarlane found himself growing short of breath。
 〃Not interested。〃
 McFarlane turned back to shake Rachel again; but he could hardly move his own arm now; let alone apply force to her。 She was inert。 The loss seemed more than he could fathom。 He looked out over the huddled; unmoving shapes; glistening under their thin coatings of ice。 There was Brambell; the doctor; with a book crooked incongruously under his arm。 There was Garza; the white of his bandaged head rimed in frost。 There was Howell。 Two; maybe three dozen others。 No one was moving。 Suddenly he found he cared; cared very much。 He wanted to yell; to get up and start kicking and punching people to their feet; but he couldn't even find the energy to speak。 There were too many of them; he couldn't warm them all。 He couldn't even warm himself。
 His head swam as a strange; inky sensation overcame him。 Apathy came creeping。 We're all going to die here; he thought; but it's okay。 He looked over at Rachel; trying to shake the inkiness off。 Her eyes were half open now; rolled up; just the whites showing。 Her face was gray。 He would go where she had gone。 It was okay。 A single snowflake drifted out of the sky and touched her lips。 It took a long time to melt。
 The inkiness returned; and this time it was good; like sleeping in his mother's arms once again; and he gave in to it。 As he drifted off into delicious sleep; Rachel's voice kept going through his mind: Not what you think。 Not what you think。 
 And then the voice changed: louder; more metallic。 〃South Georgia Bravo。。。 In sight。。。 Approaching for a high…line pickup。。。〃
 A light appeared overhead。 There was a clattering; a rhythmic beating。 Voices; a radio。 He struggled against it all。 No; no; let me sleep! Leave me be! 
 And then the pain began。
 South Georgia Island;
 July 29; 12:20 P。M。
 PALMER LLOYD lay in a plywood bunk bed in the infirmary hut of the British scientific station。 He stared at the plywood ceiling: endless loops of dark and light wood; patterns his eyes had traced a thousand times over the recent days。 He smelled the stale food that had been sitting by his bed since lunchtime。 He heard the sound of wind outside the tiny window that peeked out over the blue snowfields; blue mountains; and blue glaciers of the island。
 It had been three days since their rescue。 So many had died; on the ship; in the lifeboats; on the ice island。 But one man of her crew alive; what put to sea with seventy…five。。。 The old sea…ditty from Treasure Island ran through his head; as it had run; over and over and over; since he had first regained consciousness here in this bed。
 He had survived。 Tomorrow; a helicopter would take him to the Falklands。 From there he would return to New York。 Distantly; he wondered how the media was going to report this one。 He found that he didn't care。 So little seemed important anymore。 He was finished: finished with the museum; finished with business; finished with science。 All his dreams … they seemed so ancient now … had gone to the bottom with the rock。 All he wanted to do was go to his farm in upstate New York; mix a stiff martini; sit in the rocking chair on the porch; and watch the deer eat apples in his orchard。
 An orderly came in; removed the tray; and began to put down another。
 Lloyd shook his head。
 〃It's my job; mate;〃 the orderly said。
 〃Very well。〃
 At that moment there was a knock on the door。 McFarlane came in。 His left hand and part

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