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s rent and the web unraveled; the sudden red of the meteorite filling his field of vision like the opening of a great wound; the rock crisscrossed by tangled ropes and cables; rivets shooting and ricocheting past him。 Still the ship yawed on its side; steeper and steeper。 He scrambled desperately; trying to untie the rope from his waist; but the knot was so tight; so tight。。。
There was a sound beyond all description; as if the heavens and the gulfs below had opened up at once。 The tank tore apart in a terrific shower of sparks; and the meteorite rolled into the darkness … a monstrous shambling like some deliberate beast … taking him with it。 Instantly all was dark; and he felt a rush of chill air。。。
There was the faint tinkle of glasses; the murmur of voices。 L'Ambroisie was busy on this balmy Thursday night; filled with art fanciers and wealthy Parisians。 Beyond the restaurant's discreet front; the smoky autumn moon lent the Marais district a delicate shimmer。 Glinn smiled at Sally Britton; who was seated across the fine white damask。 〃Try this;〃 he said as the waiter uncorked a bottle of Veuve Cliquot and tipped a chilly stream into their glasses。 He grasped his glass and raised it。 She smiled and spoke:
。。。how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash; the forsaken cry;
But for him it was not an important failure
An important failure。。。
As his mood turned to puzzlement; the recitation was drowned by a hideous laugh from Puppup。 And then the scene vaporized in a pure flash of brilliant; beautiful light。
Drake Passage;
7:55 P。M。
MCFARLANE CLUTCHED desperately at the lifeboat's safety loops; riding it through the great peaks and valleys of a confused sea; Rachel clinging tightly to his arm。 The last twenty minutes had passed in a terrifying confusion: Britton's sudden departure from the bridge; Howell's taking mand and ordering them to abandon ship; the muster at the lifeboat stations and the harrowing launching of the boats into the raging seas。 After the tense hours of the chase; the struggle against the storm and the meteorite; this ultimate calamity had happened so quickly that it seemed unreal。 He looked around the inner walls of the lifeboat for the first time。 With its single…piece hull; tiny entrance port; and tinier windows; it looked like an oversize torpedo。 Howell was at the helm; guiding the inboard; Lloyd and some twenty in all were inside; including half a dozen whose own lifeboat had been torn from its davits during launch and who had to be plucked from the freezing waves。
He tightened his grip as the boat dropped in free fall; crashed; and was abruptly driven upward。 Instead of plowing through like the Rolvaag; the sixty…foot craft bobbed like a woodchip。 The staggering falls; the wrenching climbs up the cliffs of water; were exhausting and terrifying。 They were drenched in ice water; and some who had been in the sea; McFarlane could see; were unconscious。 Brambell was there; thank God; attending to them as best he could。
An officer in the bow of the boat was securing the provisions and security gear。 Debris was wallowing and rolling in the water beneath their feet。 They were all sick; and some were retching uncontrollably。 None of the crew spoke; going silently through their duties。 The tightly enclosed hull of the lifeboat sheltered them from the elements。 But McFarlane could feel the terrible seas were battering the boat mercilessly。
Howell finally spoke; his voice hoarse over the sound of wind and water。 He was holding a radio to his mouth; but he spoke so that everyone in the boat could hear。
〃All boats; listen up! Our only chance is to head for an ice island to the southeast; and ride out the storm in its lee。 Maintain a heading of one two zero at ten knots and keep in visual contact at all times。 Keep channel three open。 Activate emergency beacons。〃
It was hard to tell they were going anywhere; but the moon had e back out … and now and then; through the narrow oblong windows; McFarlane caught the faint lights of the other two lifeboats driving down the foam…webbed seas; struggling to keep in sight。 At the heights of the terrible waves; he could still make out the Rolvaag; half a mile back; wallowing back and forth as if in slow motion; its emergency lights winking on and off。 No more boats had been launched since their pack of three started out minutes before。 He could not take his eyes from the sight of the gigantic vessel; held in the death grip of the storm。
A fresh roller tried to raise the tanker; but this time the Rolvaag hung back; almost as if it was tethered from below。 It leaned farther and farther from the face of the wave; and as the crest boiled over the ship it slowly lay down on its side。 McFarlane glanced over at Lloyd。 The man's haggard face was turned away from McFarlane and the Rolvaag both。
Another bob; the seas pletely submerged the lifeboat; then they struggled upward again。 Although he too wanted nothing more than to avert his eyes; McFarlane found his gaze drawn once again to the great ship。 It still hung sideways; motionless。 Even after the crest of the wave had passed over; it sagged; dragged lower and lower by the ineluctable weight。 Its stern began to peer through the retreating wave; dead screws exposed。 A distant shriek; almost feminine; cut through the howl of the storm。 And then; both bow and stern jerked apart and rose from the seas in a boil of white。 There was a deep; intense blue light in the center of the cataclysm; so bright it seemed to light up the sea from underneath; sending an unearthly hue through the water。 A huge gout of steam ripped through the surface and mushroomed upward; blanketing the doomed ship; while lightning flickered within it; breaking out its top in forks that stabbed into the night。 At that moment the lifeboat sank back into a welter of water; obscuring the terrible sight。 When it emerged; the seas were empty and dark。 The ship was gone。
McFarlane sat back; shaking and nauseated。 He did not dare look at Lloyd。 Glinn; Britton; the three dozen crewmen; EES staffers; and Lloyd Industries workers who had gone down with the ship。。。 the meteorite; plunging to the bottom; two miles below。。。 He closed his eyes; tightening his grip on the shivering Rachel。 He had never been so cold; so sick; so frightened in his life。
She murmured something unintelligible and he leaned close。 〃What's that?〃
She was pressing something toward him。 〃Take it;〃 she said。 〃Take it。〃
In her hands was her CD…ROM; containing the test data on the meteorite。
〃Why?〃 he asked。
〃I want you to keep it。 Keep it always。 The answers are there; Sam。 Promise me you'll find them。〃
He slipped the disk into his pocket。 It was all they had left: a few hundred megabytes of data。 The meteorite was forever lost to the world; it had already buried itself deep in the abyssal silt of the ocean floor。
〃Promise;〃 Rachel said again。 Her voice sounded slurred; drugged。
〃I promise。〃 And he hugged her closer to him; feeling the warm trickle of her tears upon his hands。 The meteorite was gone。 So many others were gone。 But the two of them remained; would always remain。
〃We'll find the answers together;〃 he said。
A breaking crest slammed into the lifeboat; driving it sideways。 They were thrown to the deck of the boat。 McFarlane could hear Howell shouting mands as another breaking wave slammed the boat and pushed it sideways; almost flipping it over。 It dropped back with a crash。 〃My arm!〃 a man cried。 〃I've broken my arm!〃
McFarlane helped Rachel back onto the padded seat; helped her arms into the loops。 The seas were roaring all around them; burying them in water; sometimes forcing the entire closed boat beneath the surface。
〃How much farther?〃 someone shouted。
〃Two miles;〃 Howell replied; struggling to keep the boat on course。 〃Give or take。〃
Heavy water rinsed down the portholes; allowing only occasional glimpses of the black night beyond。 McFarlane's elbows; knees; and shoulders grew sore from being battered against the sides and roof of the small vessel。 He felt like a ping…pong ball tumbling inside a washing machine。 It was so cold that he had lost all feeling in his feet。 Reality began to recede。 He remembered a summer spent on a lake in Michigan。 He would sit on the beach for hours; bottom in the sand; feet in the shallows。 But the water had never been this cold。。。 He realized that frigid seawater was rising in the bottom of the boat。 The punishing gale was pulling the lifeboat apart at the seams。
He stared out the little window。 A few hundred yards away; he could see the lights of the other two boats; bucking and bouncing in the sea。 A great wave would descend upon them; and they would struggle through it; corkscrewing wildly as the pilots worked to keep them from rolling over; the propellers whining madly as they rose out of the water。 He stared; stupefied with exhaustion and fear; at the wildly gyrating antennas; the semi…circles of ten…gallon water tanks knocking crazily around the sterns。
And then one of the boats vanished。 One moment it was there; running lights winking; diving into yet another wave; and then it was gone; burie