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ves; strangely disconnected from the nearby explosions。 There was another crash; a shudder; and she flinched as white…hot metal screamed up past the bridge windows。
 〃Glancing shot; maindeck;〃 Howell said。 He looked over at her。 〃The fire's being contained。 But damage to both turbines was severe。 The explosion knocked out the high… and low…pressure turbines。 We're losing power; fast。〃
 She dropped her eyes and watched as the digital readout blinked the ship's speed back at them。 It dropped to fourteen knots; then thirteen。 With the drop in speed; the motion of the ship became worse。 Britton could feel the storm taking over; clutching her ship in its anarchistic grip。 Ten knots。 The bigger waves were shoving it hard; sideways; up; down; in a weird and sickening ballet。 Never had she believed a ship this big could be so bullied by the sea。 She focused on the console。
 The engine warning lights were on。 They didn't tell her anything she didn't already know: beneath her feet she felt the distant thrum of the wrecked engines; strained; stuttering; intermittent。 And then the lights flickered again as the power failed and the backup systems engaged。
 No one spoke as the great vessel plowed through the seas。 Its great inertia continued to carry it forward; but every breaking wave robbed another knot or two from its forward motion。 Ramirez gained on them ever more quickly。
 Britton looked around at her officers on the bridge。 Every one of them looked back with pale; steady faces。 The chase was over。
 Lloyd broke the silence。 Blood from his wounded forehead trickled into his right eye; and he blinked it away absently。 〃I guess this is it;〃 he said。
 Britton nodded。
 Lloyd turned to McFarlane。 〃You know; Sam; I wish I was down in the hold right now。 I'd kind of like to say goodbye to it。 I suppose that sounds crazy。 Does that sound crazy to you?〃
 〃No;〃 he replied。 〃No; it doesn't。〃
 Out of the corner of her eye; Britton saw Glinn turn toward them at these words。 But the man remained silent as the dark shadows of the ice islands slipped ever closer。
 Almirante Ramirez;
 5:15 P。M。
 CEASE FIRING;〃 Vallenar said to the tactical action officer。 He raised his binoculars and examined the wounded ship。 Plumes of black smoke; thick and low; were pouring from the stern of the tanker and barreling across the moonlit seas。 At least two confirmed hits; including what looked like a shell directly into the engine room and extensive damage to their munications masts。 It was brilliant shooting in seas such as this: enough to leave the ship dead in the water; exactly as he had hoped。 He could already see they were losing headway … really losing headway。 This time; there was no feint。
 The American ship was still aiming for the ice islands。 They would prove a pathetic; temporary shelter from his guns。 But the female captain had shown great courage。 She would not surrender her ship until all courses of action had been tried。 He could understand such a captain。 Hiding behind the island was a noble; if futile; gesture。 And; of course; for them there would be no surrender。 Only death。
 He glanced at his watch。 In twenty minutes; he would pull through the gap and draw up to the Rolvaag。 The slack water in the lee of the ice islands would give him a steady platform for precise firing。
 He began to visualize the kill。 There could be no error; no possibility of reversal。 He would position the Ramirez at least a mile away; to prevent more underwater excursions。 He would illuminate the entire area with phosphorus flares。 There would be no haste: the operation would be executed with care。 But he wouldn't tease it out; make things unduly slow; he was no sadist; and the female captain in particular deserved a respectful death。
 It would be best to hull her aft; he decided; at the waterline; so she would go down by the stern。 It was most important that none escaped to provide an eyewitness account of what happened here。 He would turn the 40…millimeter guns on the first lifeboats; that would keep the rest on board until the end。 As the ship went down; the survivors would crowd into the forecastle; where he could better see them。 He wanted most particularly to make sure the smooth one; the lying cabron; would die。 This man was behind everything。 If anyone had ordered his son executed; it was him。
 The tanker; now slowed to five knots; was drawing between the ice islands; passing close to the larger one。 Very close; in fact; perhaps the rudder was damaged。 The islands were so tall; so sheer; that the tanker appeared to be slipping into some monstrous hangar of gleaming azure。 As the Rolvaag disappeared from view between them; he saw the ship begin a turn to port。 That would take it behind the larger of the two islands and into its lee; temporarily out of the reach of his guns。 It was a sad; hopeless effort。
 〃Sonar?〃 he called out; dropping the binoculars at last。
 〃Clear; sir。〃
 That was it … there was no unexpected underwater ice; it was a clean drop from the top to the root of the ice island。 Time to finish the job。
 〃Steady through the gap。 Follow their course。〃
 He turned to the tactical action officer。 〃Await my orders to engage with the guns。〃
 〃Aye; sir。〃
 Vallenar swiveled back to the windows; raising the binoculars once again。
 5:20 P。M。
 THE ROLVAAG passed between the ice islands; gliding into a tranquil; twilit world。 The wind dropped; no longer gusting through the broken windows into the bridge。 Suddenly the ship was released from the evil grip of the storm。 Britton found the sudden silence in the midst of the storm unsettling。 She stared up at the cliffs that rose up on either side; sheer as if cleaved with an ax。 Below; at the waterline; the pounding surf on the windward side had formed an undercut of fantastic…looking caves。 In the moonlight; the ice shone a pure; rich blue so deep she thought it one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen。 Funny; she thought; how the nearness of death could heighten one's sense of beauty。
 Glinn; who had disappeared onto the port bridge wing; now returned; closing the door carefully behind him。 He approached her; wiping flecks of spray from his shoulders。
 〃Steady as she goes;〃 he said quietly。 〃Keep the tanker's head at this angle。〃
 She did not bother relaying the useless and cryptic direction to Howell。
 The ship had lost even more headway making a ninety…degree turn behind the ice island。 Now they were gliding parallel to the ice at about a knot; still slowing。 Once they stopped; they'd never start again。
 She glanced at his profile; at the unreadable face。 She almost asked whether he really thought they were going to successfully hide their almost…quarter…mile ship from the destroyer。 But she kept silent。 Glinn had made a supreme effort。 There was nothing more he could do。 In a few minutes; the Ramirez would round the ice island and that would be it。 She tried not to think of her daughter。 That was going to be hardest of all; letting go of her daughter。
 In the lee of the island; everything seemed strangely quiet。 There was a terrible silence on the bridge: there were no longer any orders to give or receive。 The wind was gone; and the swell warping around the island was smooth and low。 The wall of ice was only a quarter mile distant。 Here and there; long fissures ran down from its top; deep runnels worn by icemelt and rain。 She could see small waterfalls feathering into the moonlit sea; and hear the distant cracking and pinging of the ice。 Beyond that came a distant keening sound of wind; raking the top of the ice island。 It was an ethereal; otherworldly place。 She watched an iceberg; recently calved off the island; drift away to the west。 She wanted to be there when it slowly melted and disappeared into the sea。 She wanted to be anywhere but here。
 〃It isn't over; Sally;〃 Glinn said quietly; so that only she could hear。 He was regarding her intently。
 〃Yes; it is。 The destroyer killed all our power。〃
 〃You'll see your daughter again。〃
 〃Please don't say that。〃 She brushed away a tear。 
 To her surprise; Glinn took her hand。
 〃If we get through this;〃 he began; with a hesitation foreign to him; 〃I would like to see you again。 May I do that? I would like to learn more about poetry。 Perhaps you could teach me。〃
 〃Please; Eli。 It's easier if we don't talk。〃 She gave his hand a gentle pressure。
 And then she saw the prow of the Ramirez nosing past the ice。
 It was less than two miles away; slinking close to the blue wall of the ice island following their own wake; approaching like a shark closing on its disabled prey。 The gun turrets were tracking them with a cool deliberation。
 As Britton stared out the rearward bridge windows at those guns; waiting for the final deadly fire to erupt from their barrels; time slowed。 The space between her heartbeats seemed to grow longer。 She took in the scene around her: Lloyd; McFarlane; Howell; the watch officers; silently waiting。 Waiting for death in the dark cold water。
 There was a popping sound from the destroyer; and an array of Willey Peters soared into the air; exploding into a crooked line of brilliance。 Britton shielded her eyes as the surface of the water; the deck

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