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le。 He moved rapidly along the tunnel; keeping low。 This was like no gold mine he had ever heard of。 In fact; it was like no mine at all。
Reaching a junction; he paused to look around。 There was nobody: no sound; no movement。 He licked his lips; wondering what to do next。
Then he paused。 Up ahead; the tunnel widened。 There was an open space ahead; with something very large in it。 He crept to the edge of the open area and shined his light around。 A giant cart。
Timmer approached it cautiously; creeping along the wall。 It was a huge steel flatbed trailer; perhaps a hundred feet long。 Mounted to its underside were big tires: hundreds of them; on gleaming titanium axles。 His eyes traveled slowly upward。 Built on the cart was a plex pyramid of wooden struts and members。 And nestled in that was something Timmer had never seen or imagined before。 Something huge and red。 Something that gleamed with impossible richness in the artificial light of the tunnel。
He looked around again; then approached the cart。 Setting one foot on the closest tire; he pulled himself onto the platform; breathing heavily。 He was quickly overheating in his heavy snowsuit; but he ignored the disfort。 Overhead; a large tarp was stretched tightly across the open roof: the tarp onto which he had stepped。 But Timmer had no interest in this。 His eyes were on the thing resting in the huge cradle。
Very carefully; he climbed the wooden struts toward it。 There was no doubt about it: this; this was what the Americans had e for。 But what was it?
There was no time to waste; there was no time even to hunt for the little mestizo。 andante Vallenar would want to know about this right away。 And yet still Timmer hesitated; balanced on the wooden cradle。
The thing was almost ethereal in its beauty。 It was as if it had no surface; as if he could put his hand forward and thrust it right into its ruby depths。 As he stared; he thought he could see subtle patterns within; shifting and changing; coruscating in the light。 He almost imagined a coldness emanating from it; cooling his overheated face。 It was the most beautiful; otherworldly thing he had ever seen。
Without taking his eyes away; Timmer slipped the knife into a pocket; pulled off his glove; and held his hand forward; slowly; almost reverently; toward the rich and shining surface。
Isla Desolacion;
11:15 P。M。
SAM MCFARLANE jerked awake; heart pounding。 He would have thought it a nightmare; if the sound of the explosion was not still reverberating across the landscape。 He stood bolt upright; the chair falling to the floor behind him。 From the corner of his eye he saw that Glinn; too; was on his feet; listening。 As they met each other's gaze; the lights in the hut winked out。 There was a moment of pitch…blackness; and then an emergency light snapped on over the door; bathing the room in pale orange。
〃What the hell was that?〃 McFarlane said。 His voice was almost drowned out by a loud gust of wind: the window had been blown out; and snow swirled into the hut; mingling with wooden splinters and shards of glass。
Glinn approached the window and gazed out into the stormy darkness。 Then he glanced at Garza。 He; too; was on his feet。 〃Who's got duty?〃
Glinn raised a radio。 〃Hill。 This is Glinn。 Report。〃 He took his thumb from the transmit button and listened。 〃Hill!〃 he called again。 Then he switched frequencies。 〃Forward post? Thompson?〃 He was answered by a loud hiss of static。
He dropped the radio。 〃Radio's out; I'm not getting any responses。〃 He turned back to Garza; who was pulling on his snowsuit。 〃Where are you going?〃
〃To the electrical hut。〃
〃Negative。 We'll go together。〃
Glinn's tone had bee sharper; military。 〃Yes; sir;〃 Garza replied briskly。
There was a clattering outside; then Amira tumbled in from the munications hut; snow clinging to her shoulders。
〃Power's down everywhere;〃 she gasped。 〃All we've got is the reserve。〃
〃Understood;〃 Glinn said。 A small Glock 17 pistol had appeared in his hand。 He checked the magazine; then tucked it into his belt。
McFarlane had turned to reach for his own snowsuit。 As he thrust his arms into the sleeves; he saw Glinn look at him。 〃Don't even say it;〃 McFarlane began。 〃I'm ing with you。〃
Glinn hesitated; and saw his resolve。 He turned to Amira。 〃You stay here。〃
〃But … 〃
〃Rachel; we need you here。 Lock the door after we leave。 We'll have a guard here shortly。〃
Within moments; three of Glinn's men; Thompson; Rocco; and Sanders; appeared at the door; powerful torches in their hands and Ingram M10 submachine guns slung over their shoulders。
〃Everyone accounted for except Hill; sir;〃 Thompson said。
〃Sanders; have guards posted at every hut。 Thompson; Rocco; you e with me。〃 Glinn strapped on snowshoes; grabbed a torch; and led the way out into the swirling dark。
McFarlane struggled with the unfamiliar snowshoes。 Hours of drowsing by the stove had made him forget how cold it was outside; how sharp the snowflakes felt when the wind drove them against his face。
The electrical hut lay only fifty yards away。 Garza unlocked the door and they entered the small space; Thompson and Rocco sweeping it with their torches。 The smell of burnt wiring hung in the air。 Garza knelt to pull open the gray metal cover of the master control cabinet。 As he did so; a cloud of acrid smoke billowed out into the light of the torches。
Garza ran his finger down the panel。 〃Totally fried;〃 he said。
〃Estimated time to repair?〃 Glinn asked。
〃Main switching box; ten minutes; max。 Then we can run diagnostics。〃
〃Do it。 You men; get outside and guard the door。〃
The construction chief worked in silence while McFarlane looked on。 Glinn tried the radio again; finding it was still broadcasting nothing but noise; he replaced it in his pocket。 At length; Garza stepped back and threw a series of switches。 There was a click and a hum; but no lights。 With a grunt of surprise; Garza opened a nearby metal locker; withdrew a palmtop diagnostic puter; plugged it into a jack on the master control cabinet; and switched it on。 A small blue screen flickered into life。
〃We've got multiple burnouts; up and down the line;〃 he said after a moment。
〃What about the surge suppressors?〃
〃Whatever it was; it caused one hell of a spike。 Over a billion volts in under a millisecond; with a current exceeding fifty thousand amps。 No dampeners or surge suppressors could protect against that。〃
〃A billion volts?〃 McFarlane said in disbelief。 〃Not even lightning is that powerful。〃
〃That's right;〃 Garza said; pulling the tool from the panel and dropping it into a pocket of his snowsuit。 〃A burst of this size makes lightning look like static cling。〃
〃Then what was it?〃
Garza shook his head。 〃God knows。〃
Glinn stood still a moment; gazing at the fused ponents。 〃Let's check the rock。〃
They stepped back out into the storm; moved past the huts; and struggled across the staging area。 Even from a distance; McFarlane could see that the tarp had been torn from its tethers。 As they drew nearer; Glinn made a suppressing motion with his hand; then instructed Rocco and Thompson to enter the shack and descend into the tunnel。 Pulling out his pistol; Glinn moved forward carefully; Garza at his side。 McFarlane stepped up to the edge of the trench; the tattered remains of the tarp billowing skyward like ghostly linen。 Glinn angled the beam of the torch downward; into the tunnel。
Dirt; rocks; and charred wood were scattered everywhere。 Part of the cart was twisted and fused; hissing faintly。 sending up clouds of steam。 Globs of foamy metal; now resolidified; spattered the tunnel。 Beneath the cart; several rows of tires had melted together and were now burning; sending up foul clouds of smoke。
Glinn's eyes moved rapidly around the scene; following his torch。 〃Was it a bomb?〃
〃Looks more like a gigantic electrical arc。〃
Lights wavered at the far end of the tunnel; then Thompson and Rocco approached beneath them; waving away the pall of smoke。 They began spraying fire suppressant on the burning tires。
〃See any damage to the meteorite?〃 Glinn called down。
There was a pause as the men below made a visual inspection。 〃Can't see a scratch on it。〃
〃Thompson;〃 Glinn said; pointing down into the trench。 〃Over there。〃
McFarlane followed his arm to a spot beyond the cart。 Something was burning fitfully。 Nearby; ragged clumps of matter and bone glistened in the flickering light。 Thompson shined his torch toward one of them。 There was a hand; a piece of what looked like a flayed human shoulder; a twisted length of grayish entrails。
〃Christ;〃 McFarlane groaned。
〃Looks like we found Hill;〃 said Garza。
〃Here's his gun;〃 Thompson said。
Glinn shouted down into the tunnel。 〃Thompson; I want you to check the rest of the tunnel system。 Report anything you find。 Rocco; roust up a med team。 Let's get those remains gathered up。〃
〃Yes; sir。〃
Glinn looked back toward Garza。 〃Get the perimeter secured。 Gather all surveillance data and get it analyzed right away。 Call back to the ship for a general alert。 I want a new power grid up and running in six hours。〃
〃All munications with the ship are down;〃 said Garza。 〃We're getting nothing