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〃What will happen to the ring?〃 Glinn asked。
〃It'll stay with me into the grave。〃
〃No children?〃 Glinn already knew that Puppup was the last of the Yaghan; but he wanted to gauge the answer。
Puppup shook his head。
Glinn nodded; still holding the hand。 〃Are there no others left at all?〃
〃A few mestizos; but I'm the last one to speak the lingo。〃
〃That must make you sad。〃
〃There's an ancient Yaghan legend; and the older I get the more I think it was meant for me。〃
〃What is that?〃
〃When the time es for the last Yaghan to die; Hanuxa himself will draw him down into the earth。 From his bones; a new race will grow。〃
Glinn let go of Puppup's hand。 〃And how would Hanuxa take the last Yaghan?〃
Puppup shook his head。 〃It's a bloody superstition; isn't it then? I don't remember the details。〃
Glinn didn't push。 This was the old Puppup talking again。 He realized there was no way to know if he had been successful in reaching him。 〃John; I need your help with andante Emiliano Vallenar。 His presence here is a threat to our mission。 What can you tell me about him?〃
Puppup shook another cigarette out of the pack。 〃andante Emiliano came down here twenty…five years ago。 After the Pinochet coup。〃
〃His father fell out of a helicopter while being questioned。 An Allende man。 So was the son。 He was posted down here to keep him at arm's length; like。〃
Glinn nodded。 That explained a great deal。 Not only his disgrace in the Chilean navy; but his hatred of the Americans; possibly even his self…loathing as a Chilean。 〃Why is he still manding a destroyer?〃
〃He knows certain things about certain people; don't he? He's a good officer。 And andante Emiliano is very stubborn。 And very careful。〃
〃I see;〃 said Glinn; noting the shrewdness of Puppup's insights。 〃Is there anything else about him that I should know? Is he married?〃
Puppup licked the end of a new cigarette and placed it between his lips。 〃The andante is a double murderer。〃
Glinn stifled his surprise by lighting the cigarette。
〃He brought his wife to Puerto Williams。 It's a bad place for a woman。 There's nothing to do; no dances; no fiestas。 During the Falklands War; the andante was put on a long tour of duty in the Estrecho de Magallanes; keeping the Argentinian fleet pinned down for the British。 When he came back; he discovered his wife had taken a lover。〃 Puppup took a deep drag。 〃The andante was clever。 He waited until he could walk in on them; doing it; like。 He cut her throat。 As I heard it; he did something even worse to the man。 He bled to death on the way to the hospital in Punta Arenas。〃
〃Why wasn't he put in prison?〃
〃Down here; you don't just tell your rival to sod off。 Chileans have old notions of honor; don't they?〃 Puppup spoke very clearly; very matter…of…factly。 〃If he had killed them outside the bedroom; it would have been different。 But。。。〃 He shrugged。 〃Everyone understood why a man who saw his wife like that would do what he did。 And that's another reason why the andante kept his mand so long。〃
〃Why is that?〃
〃He's a man who might do anything。〃
Glinn paused a moment; looking out across the channel at the destroyer。 It hung there; motionless; dark。 〃There's something else I must ask you;〃 he said; his eyes still on the warship。 〃That merchant in Punta Arenas; the one you sold the prospector's equipment to。 Would he remember you? Would he be able to identify you; if asked?〃
Puppup seemed to think for a minute。 〃Can't say;〃 he answered at last。 〃It was a big shop。 Then again; there aren't many Yaghan Indians in Punta Arenas。 And we had quite a bargaining session。〃
〃I see;〃 said Glinn。 〃Thank you; John。 You've been very helpful。〃
〃Speak nothing of it; guv'nor;〃 said Puppup。 He looked sidelong at Glinn; eyes sparkling with shrewdness and amusement。
Glinn thought quickly。 Sometimes it was best to confess a lie immediately。 If done properly; it could breed a perverse kind of trust。
〃I'm afraid I haven't been entirely honest with you;〃 he said。 〃I know a lot about Captain Fitzroy。 But he isn't actually my ancestor。〃
Puppup cackled unpleasantly。 〃Of course not。 No more than Fuegia Basket was mine。〃
A gust of bitter Wind tore at Glinn's collar。 He glanced over at Puppup。 〃How did you get the ring then?〃
〃With us Yaghans; so many died that the last one left inherited the lot。 That's how I got the bonnet and the ring; and just about everything else。〃 Puppup continued gazing at Glinn in a bemused way。
〃What happened to it all?〃
〃Sold most of it。 Drank the proceeds。〃
Glinn; startled again at the directness of the response; realized he hadn't even begun to understand the Yaghan。 〃When this is over;〃 the old man added; 〃you'll have to take me with you; wherever you're going。 I can't go back home again。〃
〃Why not?〃 But even as he asked the question; Glinn realized he already knew the answer。
11:20 P。M。
MCFARLANE WALKED down the blue…carpeted corridor of the lower bridge deck。 He was bone tired; yet he could not sleep。 Too much had happened for one day: the long string of bizarre discoveries; the deaths of Rochefort and Evans; the reappearance of the destroyer。 Having given up on sleep; he found himself roaming the decks of the Rolvaag like a restless apparition。
Now he paused before a stateroom door。 His feet; unbidden; had brought him to Amira's cabin。 He realized; with surprise; that he wanted her pany。 Her cynical laugh might be just the bracing tonic he needed。 Time spent with her would be mercifully free of chitchat or exhaustive explanations。 He wondered if she'd be interested in a cup of coffee in the wardroom; or a game of pool。
He knocked on the door。 〃Rachel?〃
There was no response。 She couldn't be sleeping … Amira claimed she had never gone to bed before 3 A。M。 in the last ten years。
He knocked again。 The unlatched door eased open under the pressure of his knuckles。
〃Rachel? It's Sam。〃 He stepped inside; curious despite himself; he had never been inside Amira's cabin。 Instead of the disarray; the confused riot of sheets and cigar ash and clothes he expected; the place looked fastidiously clean。 The sofa and chairs were neatly arranged; the shelves of scientific manuals carefully ordered。 For a moment he wondered if she was even living there; until he saw a litter of broken peanut shells; lying in a semicircle underneath the puter table。
He smiled fondly as he stepped toward the table。 His eyes strayed to the screen and were arrested by the sight of his own last name。
A two…page document stood in the nearby printer。 Snatching the top page; he began to read。
From: R。 Amira
To: E。 Glinn
Subject: S。 McFarlane
Since the last report; the subject has bee increasingly engrossed with the meteorite and its inprehensibility。 He is still ambivelent about the project; and about Lloyd himself; he has also been drawn in; almost against his will; by the problems the meteorite poses。 There is little talk between us of anything else … at least; until what happened at the site this morning。 I am not sure he is being pletely forthright with me; but I'm not fortable pressing the issue any farther。
After the meteorite was first uncovered; I initiated a conversation about his earlier theory about the existence of interstellar meteorites。 While reluctant at first; he soon became enthusiastic; explaining how the theory fits the Desolacion meteorite。 However; he felt a need for secrecy and asked me not to share his suspicions with anyone。 As you must know from this morning's discussion; his belief in its interstellar nature is; if anything; growing。
There was a closing of a door; the sharp intake of breath。 McFarlane turned。 Amira stood with her back to the cabin door。 She was still dressed for dinner in a knee…length black dress; but she had thrown her parka over her shoulders for the trip to the missary。 She was in the act of pulling a newly purchased bag of peanuts from one of the pockets。 She glanced at him; then at the paper in his hand; and became still。
For a moment; they simply looked at each other。 Slowly; as if by its own accord; the bag of peanuts dropped back into the pocket of the parka。
More than anything else; McFarlane felt a bleakness spread through him。 It was as if; after all the recent shocks; he could find no more reserves of emotion to draw on。
〃Well;〃 he said finally。 〃Looks like I'm not the only Judas on this boat。〃
Amira returned his gaze; her face pale。 〃You always break into other people's rooms and read their private papers?〃
McFarlane smiled coldly。 He flipped the paper onto the desk。 〃Sorry; but this work is unsatisfactory。 ‘Ambivalent' is misspelled。 Eli's not going to paste a star by your name today。〃 He stepped toward the door that was still blocked by her body。 〃Please step aside。〃
Amira faltered; dropped her eyes; but she did not step away。 〃Wait;〃 she said。
〃I said; step aside。〃
She nodded toward the printer。 〃Not until you read the rest。〃
A flush of rage coursed through him at this; and he raised his hand to brush her aside。 Then; mastering himself; he willed his hand back down。 〃I've read quite enough; thanks。 Now get the hell out of my way。〃