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小说: p&c.icelimit 字数: 每页4000字

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 My name is Arthur Gordon Pym。 My father was a respectable trader in sea stores at Nantucket; where I was born。 My maternal grandfather was an attorney in good practice。 He was fortunate in everything; and had speculated very successfully in stocks of the Edgarton New…Bank; as it was formerly called。
 This was a disappointingly dry beginning; and it was with relief that he saw the door open and Glinn enter。 Behind him followed Puppup; ducking and smiling; barely recognizable from the drunk they had brought on board the previous afternoon。 His long gray hair was braided back from his forehead; and the neatly groomed but still wispy mustache drooped from his pendulous lip。
 〃Sorry to have kept you waiting;〃 Glinn said。 〃I've been speaking to Mr。 Puppup。 He seems content to assist us。〃 Puppup grinned and shook hands all around again。 McFarlane found his hand curiously cool and dry。
 〃e to the windows;〃 Glinn said。 McFarlane strolled over and gazed out。 Through the torn and roiling mists he could now make out; to the northeast; a barren island rising from the water; little more than the jagged top of a drowned mountain; white surf clawing and leaping at its base。
 〃That;〃 murmured Glinn; 〃is Isla Barnevelt。 〃
 A distant squall line passed; like the drawing of a curtain from the storm…wracked horizon。 Another island came into view: black; rugged; its mountainous heights whirling with snow and fog。
 〃And that is Isla Deceit。 The easternmost of the Cape Horn islands。〃
 Beyond it; the fresh light exposed another wilderness of drowned mountaintops poking from the sea。 As they watched; the light was extinguished as quickly as it had e。 Midnight seemed to close around the vessel; and another squall struck them full on; its fury battering the windows; hail rattling off the ship like machine gun fire。 McFarlane felt the big ship lean。
 Glinn withdrew a folded piece of paper。 〃I received this message half an hour ago。〃 He handed it to McFarlane。
 McFarlane unfolded it curiously。 It was a brief cable: On no account are you to make landfall on the target island without further instructions from me。 Lloyd。 
 McFarlane handed it back to Glinn; who returned it to his pocket。 〃Lloyd's told me nothing about his plans。 What do you think it means? And why not simply telephone or e…mail?〃
 〃Because he may not be near a telephone。〃 Glinn drew himself up。 〃The view from the bridge is even nicer。 Care to e along?〃
 Somehow; McFarlane did not think the EES head was interested in the view。 He followed。 Glinn was correct; however: from the bridge; the fury of the seas was even more awe…inspiring。 Angry black waves broke and fought among themselves; and the wind worried at their tops and ran deep runnels through their troughs。 As McFarlane watched; the Rolvaag's forecastle nodded downward into a massive sea; then struggled up again; sheets of seawater cascading from its flanks。
 Britton turned toward them; her face spectral in the artificial glow。 〃I see you've brought the pilot;〃 she said; glancing a little dubiously toward Puppup。 〃Once we round the Horn; we'll see what advice he can give us for the approach。〃
 At her side; Victor Howell stirred。 〃There it is now;〃 he said。 Far ahead of the ship; a break in the storm threw a gleam of light upon a fissured crag; taller and darker than the others; rising from the frantic seas。
 〃Cabo de Hornos;〃 said Glinn。 〃Cape Horn。 But I've e about something else。 We should expect a visitor momentarily…〃
 〃Captain!〃 the third officer interrupted; bent over a screen。 〃The Slick 32 is picking up radar。 I've got an air contact; approaching from the northeast。〃
 〃Zero four zero true; ma'am。 Directly for us。〃
 The air on the bridge grew tense。 Victor Howell walked quickly to the third officer and peered over his shoulder at the screen。
 〃Range and speed?〃 Britton asked。
 〃Forty miles; and approaching at about one hundred and seventy knots; ma'am。〃
 〃Reconnaissance aircraft?〃
 Howell straightened up。 〃In this weather?〃
 A wild gust of wind sent rain rattling against the windows。
 〃Well; it sure isn't some hobbyist in a Cessna;〃 Britton murmured。 〃Could it be a mercial aircraft; straying off course?〃
 〃Unlikely。 The only things that fly down here are chartered puddle jumpers。 And they'd never be up in something like this。〃
 Nobody answered。 Except for the howl of the wind and the crash of the sea; the bridge remained pletely silent for the space of a minute。
 〃Bearing?〃 the captain asked again; more quietly。 〃Still dead on; ma'am。〃
 She nodded slowly。 〃Very well。 Sound stations; Mr。 Howell。〃
 Suddenly; the munications officer; Banks; leaned out of the radio room。 〃That bird out there? It's a Lloyd Holdings helicopter。〃
 〃Are you sure?〃 Britton asked。
 〃I've verified the call sign。〃 〃Mr。 Banks; contact that chopper。〃
 Glinn cleared his throat。 As McFarlane watched; he replaced the folded sheet into his jacket。 Throughout the sudden excitement he had shown neither alarm nor surprise。 〃I think;〃 he said quietly; 〃you had better prepare a landing area。〃
 The captain stared at him。 〃In this weather?〃
 Banks stepped back out of the radio room。 〃They're requesting permission to land; ma'am。〃
 〃I don't believe it;〃 Howell cried。 〃We're in the middle of a Force 8 gale。〃
 〃I don't believe you have a choice;〃 Glinn said。
 Over the next ten minutes; there was an explosion of activity as preparations were made for a landing。 When McFarlane arrived at the hatchway leading out onto the fantail; Glinn at his side; a stern…looking crewman wordlessly issued them safety harnesses。 McFarlane tugged the bulky thing on and snapped it into place。 The crewman gave it a quick tug; grunted his approval; then undogged the hatch。
 As McFarlane stepped through; the blast of wind threatened to carry him over the railing。 With an effort; he snapped his harness to the external railing and moved toward the landing pad。 Crewmen were stationed along the deck; their harnesses securely strapped to the metal railings。 Even though the ship had throttled back her engines to just enough power to claw a steerageway through the seas; the deck pitched。 A dozen flares were snapped on and placed around the perimeter; fitful sprays of crimson against the driving sleet and snow。
 〃There it is!〃 somebody cried。
 McFarlane squinted into the storm。 In the distance; the huge form of a Chinook helicopter hung in the air; running lights glowing。 As he watched; the helicopter approached; yawing from left to right as gusts of wind hit it。 An alarm suddenly screamed nearby; and a series of orange warning lights lit up the Rolvaag's superstructure。 McFarlane could hear the beat of the chopper's engines straining against the fury of the storm。 Howell shouted directions through a bullhorn even as he kept the radio plastered to his face。
 Now the chopper was banking into hover position。 McFarlane could see the pilot in the nose; struggling with the controls。 The sleet pelted them with the redoubled blast from the blades。 The chopper's belly bucked from side to side as it gingerly approached the swaying deck。 A violent gust sent it shearing to one side; and the pilot quickly banked away; ing around for a second attempt。 There was a desperate moment where McFarlane felt sure the pilot would lose control; but then its tires settled onto the pad and crewmen rushed to place wooden chocks beneath its wheels。 The cargo door rolled open。 A flurry of men; women; machines; and equipment tumbled out。
 And then McFarlane saw the unmistakable figure of Lloyd drop to the wet surface of the pad; larger than life in foul…weather gear and boots。 He jogged from the underside of the aircraft; the sou'wester on his head whipping back in the storm。 Catching sight of McFarlane and Glinn; he gave an enthusiastic wave。 A crewman raced to secure a safety belt and harness to him; but Lloyd motioned him away。 He walked up; wiping the rain from his face; and grasped McFarlane and Glinn by the hands。
 〃Gentlemen;〃 he boomed over the storm; a huge smile on his face。 〃The coffee's on me。〃
 11:15 A。M。
 GLANCING AT his watch; McFarlane entered the elevator and punched a button for the middle bridge deck。 He'd passed this empty deck many times; wondering why Glinn had always kept it off…limits。 Now; as the elevator rose smoothly; he realized what it had been reserved for。 It was as if Glinn had known all along that Lloyd would be dropping in。
 The elevator doors opened to a scene of frantic activity: the ringing of phones; the whirr of faxes and printers; and the bustle of people。 There were several secretaries at desks ranged along one wall; men and women taking calls; typing at workstations; scuttling about on Lloyd Holdings business。
 A man in a light…colored suit approached him; threading his way through the hubbub。 McFarlane recognized the oversized ears; drooping mouth; and fat pursed lips as belonging to Penfold; Lloyd's personal assistant。 Penfold never seemed to walk toward anything; but instead approached from an angle; as if a direct approach would be too brazen。
 〃Dr。 McFarlane?〃 Penfold said in his high; nervous voice。 〃This way; please。〃
 He led McFarlane through a door; down a c

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