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〃Por favor;〃 the official said; pushing a cedar box full of cigarettes at them。 Everyone declined except Glinn; who took two。 He stuck one between his lips and popped the other into his pocket。 〃Mas tarde;〃 he said with a grin。
The man leaned across the table and lit Glinn's cigarette with a gold lighter。 Glinn took a deep drag on the unfiltered cigarette; then leaned over to spit a small piece of tobacco off his tongue。 McFarlane glanced from him to Britton。
〃Wele to Chile;〃 the official said in English; turning the lighter over in his delicate hands before slipping it back in his jacket pocket。 Then he switched back to Spanish。 〃You are from the American mining ship Rolvaag; of course?〃
〃Yes;〃 said Britton; also in Spanish。 With seeming carelessness; she slipped some papers and a wad of passports out of a battered leather portfolio。
〃Looking for iron?〃 the man asked with a smile。
Glinn nodded。
〃And you expect to find this iron on Isla Desolacion?〃 His smile held a touch of cynicism; McFarlane thought。 Or was it suspicion?
〃Of course;〃 Glinn answered quickly; after stifling a wet cough。 〃We are equipped with all the latest mining equipment and a fine ore carrier。 This is a highly professional operation。〃
The slightly amused expression on the official's face indicated that he had already received information about the big rust bucket anchored beyond the channel。 He drew the papers toward him and flipped through them casually。 〃It will take some time to process these;〃 he said。 〃We will probably want to visit your ship。 Where is the captain?〃
〃I am the master of the Rolvaag;〃 said Britton。
At this the official's eyebrows shot up。 There was a shuffling of feet from the back room of the customs house; and two more officials of indistinct rank came through the door。 Heading to the stove; they sat down on a bench beside it。
〃You are the captain;〃 the official said。
The official grunted; looked down at the papers; casually leafed through them; and looked up at her again。 〃And you; senor?〃 he asked; swiveling his gaze to McFarlane。
Glinn spoke。 〃This is Dr。 Widmanstatten; senior scientist。 He speaks no Spanish。 I am the chief engineer; Eli Ishmael。〃
McFarlane felt the official's gaze linger on him。 〃Widmanstatten;〃 the man repeated slowly; as if tasting the name。 The two other officials turned to look at him。
McFarlane's mouth went dry。 His face hadn't been in the Chilean newspapers for at least five years。 And he'd had a beard at the time。 Nothing to worry about; he told himself。 Sweat began to form at his temples。
The Chileans stared at him curiously; as if detecting his agitation with some kind of professional sixth sense。
〃No speak Spanish?〃 the official said to him。 His eyes narrowed as he stared。
There was a brief silence。 Then; involuntarily; McFarlane blurted out the first thing that came to mind: 〃Quiero una puta。〃
There was sudden laughter from the Chilean officials。 〃He speaks well enough;〃 said the man behind the table。 McFarlane sat back and licked his lips; exhaling slowly。
Glinn coughed again; a hideous racking cough。 〃Pardon me;〃 he said; pulling out a grimy handkerchief; wiping his chin; scattering yellow phlegm with a savage shake; and returning it to his pocket。
The official glanced at the handkerchief; then rubbed his delicate hands together。 〃I hope you are not ing down with something in this damp climate of ours。〃
〃It is nothing;〃 said Glinn。 McFarlane looked at him with growing alarm。 The man's eyes were raw and bloodshot: he looked ill。
Britton coughed delicately into her hand。 〃A cold;〃 she said。 〃It's been going around ship。〃
〃A mere cold?〃 asked the official; his eyebrows assuming an uneasy arch。
〃Well。。。〃 Britton paused。 〃Our sick bay is overflowing…〃
〃It's nothing serious;〃 Glinn interrupted; his voice thready with mucus。 〃Perhaps a touch of influenza。 You know what it is like on board ship; everyone confined to small spaces。〃 He let out a laugh that devolved into another cough。 〃Speaking of that; we would be delighted to receive you aboard our vessel today or tomorrow; at your convenience。〃
〃Perhaps that won't be necessary;〃 said the official。 〃Provided these papers are in order。〃 He leafed through them。 〃Where is your mining bond?〃
With a mighty clearing of the throat; Glinn leaned over the desk and pulled an embossed; sealed set of papers from his jacket。 Receiving them with the edges of his fingers; the official scanned the top sheet; then flipped to the next with a jerk of his wrist。 He laid the sheets on the worn tabletop。
〃I am desolated;〃 he said with a sad shake of his head。 〃But this is the wrong form。〃
McFarlane saw the other two officials glance covertly at each other。
〃It is?〃 asked Glinn。
There was a sudden change in the room; an air of tense expectation。
〃You will need to bring the correct form from Punta Arenas;〃 the official said。 〃At that time; I can stamp it approved。 Until then; I will hold your passports for safekeeping。〃
〃It is the correct form;〃 said Britton; her voice taking a hard edge。
〃Let me take care of this。〃 Glinn spoke to her in English。 〃I think they want some money。〃
Britton flared。 〃What; they want a bribe?〃
Glinn made a suppressing motion with one hand。 〃Easy。〃
McFarlane looked at the two; wondering if what he was seeing between them was real; or an act。
Glinn turned back to the customs official; whose face was wreathed in a false smile。 〃Perhaps;〃 Glinn said in Spanish; 〃we could purchase the correct bond here?〃
〃It is a possibility;〃 said the official。 〃They are expensive。〃
With a loud sniff; Glinn hefted his briefcase and laid it on the table。 Despite its dirty; scuffed appearance; the officials glanced at it with ill…concealed anticipation。 Glinn flicked open the latches and raised the top; pretending to hide its contents from the Chileans。 Inside were more papers and a dozen bundles of American twenties; held together by rubber bands。 Glinn removed half of the bundles and laid them on the table。 〃Will that take care of it?〃 he asked。
The official smiled and settled back in his chair; making a tent of his fingers。 〃I'm afraid not; senor。 Mining bonds are expensive。〃 His eyes were fastidiously averted from the open briefcase。
〃How much; then?〃
The official pretended to do a quick mental calculation。 〃Twice that amount should be sufficient。〃
There was a silence。 Then; wordlessly; Glinn reached into the briefcase; removed the rest of the bundles; and placed them on the table。
To McFarlane; it was as if the tense atmosphere had suddenly dissipated。 The official at the table gathered up the money。 Britton looked annoyed but resigned。 The two officials sitting on the bench beside the stove were smiling widely。 The only exception was a new arrival; a striking figure who had slipped in from the back room at some point during the negotiation and was now standing in the doorway。 He was a tall man with a brown face as sharp as a knife; keen black eyes; thick eyebrows; and pointed ears that gave him an intense; almost Mephistophelean aura。 He wore a clean but faded Chilean naval uniform with a bit of gold thread on the shoulders。 McFarlane noted that; while the man's left arm lay at his side with military rigidity; the right was held horizontally across his stomach; its atrophied hand curled into an involuntary brown ma。 The man looked at the officials; at Glinn; at the money on the table; and his lips curled into a faint smile of contempt。
The stacks of money had now been gathered into four piles。 〃What about a receipt?〃 asked Britton。
〃Unfortunately; that is not our way。。。〃 The customs official spread his hands with another smile。 Moving back quickly; he slipped one of the piles of money into his desk; then handed two of the other piles to the men on the bench。 〃For safekeeping;〃 he said to Glinn。 Finally; the official picked up the remaining pile and offered it to the uniformed man。 The man; who had been peering closely at McFarlane; crossed his good hand over the bad but made no gesture for the money。 The official held it there for a moment; and then spoke to him in a rapid undertone。
〃Nada;〃 answered the uniformed man in a loud voice。 Then he stepped forward and turned to the group; his eyes glittering with hatred。 〃You Americans think you can buy everything;〃 he said in clear; uninflected English。 〃You cannot。 I am not like these corrupt officials。 Keep your money。〃
The customs official spoke sharply; waggling the wad of bills at him。 〃You will take it; fool。〃
There was a distinct click as Glinn carefully closed his briefcase。
〃No;〃 said the uniformed man; switching to Spanish。 〃This is a farce; and all of you know it。 We are being robbed。〃 He spat toward the stove。 In the dread silence that followed; McFarlane clearly heard the smack and sizzle as the gobbet hit the hot iron。
〃Robbed?〃 the official asked。 〃How do you mean?〃
〃You think Americans would e down here to mine iron?〃 the man said。 〃Then you are the fool。 They are here for something else。〃
〃Tell me; wise andante; why they are here。〃
〃There is no iron ore on Isla Desolacion。 They can only be here for one thing。 Gold。〃
After a pause; the official