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小说: p&c.icelimit 字数: 每页4000字

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 And even stranger that his greatest achievement should be launched from here; where his own roots lay。 Even as a boy he had loved collecting。 Having no money; he had to build up his natural history collection by finding his own specimens。 He picked up arrowheads out of eroded embankments; shells from the grimy shoreline; rocks and minerals from abandoned mines; he dug fossils from the Jurassic deposits of nearby Hackensack and caught butterflies by the dozen from these very marshes。 He collected frogs; lizards; snakes; and all manner of animal life; preserving them in gin swiped from his father。 He had amassed a fine collection … until his house burned down on his fifteenth birthday; taking all his treasures with it。 It was the most painful loss of his life。 After that; he never collected another specimen。 He'd gone to college; then into business; piling success upon success。 And then one day; it dawned on him that he could now afford to buy the very best the world could offer。 He could; in an odd way; erase that early loss。 What started as a hobby became a passion … and his vision for the Lloyd Museum was born。 And now here he was; back at the Jersey docks; about to set off to claim the greatest treasure of all。
 He took a deep breath and gripped the handle of the door; a tingle of anticipation coursing through him。 Glinn's thin folder had been a masterpiece … well worth the million he had paid for it。 The plan it outlined was brilliant。 Every contingency had been accounted for; every difficulty anticipated。 Before he'd finished reading; his shock and anger at the price tag had been replaced by eagerness。 And now; after ten days of impatient waiting; he would see the first stage of the plan nearing pletion。 The heaviest object ever moved by mankind。 He turned the handle and stepped inside。
 The building's facade; large as it was; only hinted at the vastness of its interior。 Seeing such a large space without internal floors or walls; pletely open to its high ceiling; temporarily defeated the eye's ability to judge distances; but it seemed at least a quarter mile in length。 A network of catwalks stretched through the dusty air like metal spiderwebbing。 A cacophony of noise rolled through the cavernous space toward him: the chatter of riveting; the clang of steel; the crackle of welding。
 And there; at the center of furious activity; it lay: a stupendous vessel; propped up in dry dock by great steel buttresses; its bulbous bow towering above him。 As oil tankers go; it was not the biggest; but out of the water it was just about the most gigantic thing Lloyd had ever seen。 The name Rolvaag was stenciled in white paint along the port side。 Men and machines were crawling around it like a colony of ants。 A smile broke out on Lloyd's face as he inhaled the heady aroma of burnt metal; solvents; and diesel fumes。 A part of him enjoyed watching the flagrant expenditure of money … even his own。
 Glinn appeared; rolled…up blueprints in one hand; an EES hard hat on his head。 Lloyd looked at him; still smiling; and shook his head wordlessly in admiration。
 Glinn handed him a spare hard hat。 〃The view from the catwalks is even better;〃 he said。 〃We'll meet Captain Britton up there。〃
 Lloyd fitted the hard hat to his head and followed Glinn onto a small lift。 They ascended about a hundred feet; then stepped out onto a catwalk that ran around all four walls of the dry dock。 As he moved; Lloyd found himself unable to take his gaze off the immense ship that stretched away below him。 It was incredible。 And it was his。 
 〃It was built in Stavanger; Norway; six months ago。〃 Glinn's dry voice was almost lost in the din of construction that rose up to meet them。 〃Given everything we're doing to it; we couldn't opt for a spot charter。 So we had to buy it outright。〃
 〃Double overage;〃 Lloyd murmured。
 〃We'll be able to sell it later and recoup almost all the expense; of course。 And I think you'll find the Rolvaag worth it。 It's state of the art; double…hulled and deep drafted for rough seas。 It displaces a hundred and fifty thousand tons…smallish when you consider that VLCCs displace up to half a million。〃
 〃It's remarkable。 If there was only some way of running my affairs remotely; I'd give anything to be able to go along。〃
 〃We'll document everything; of course。 There will be daily conferences via satellite uplink。 I think you'll share everything but the seasickness。〃
 As they continued along the catwalk; the entire port side of the vessel became visible。 Lloyd stopped。
 〃What is it?〃 Glinn asked。
 〃I。。。〃 Lloyd paused; temporarily at a loss for words。 〃I just never thought it would look so credible。〃 
 Amusement gleamed briefly in Glinn's eyes。 〃Industrial Light and Magic is doing a fine job; don't you think?〃
 〃The Hollywood firm?〃
 Glinn nodded。 〃Why reinvent the wheel? They've got the best visual effects designers in the world。 And they're discreet。〃
 Lloyd did not reply。 He simply stood at the railing; gazing down。 Before his very eyes; the sleek; state…of…the…art oil tanker was being transformed into a shabby ore carrier bound for its graveyard voyage。 The forward half of the great ship presented beautiful; clean expanses of painted metal; welds and plates in crisp geometrical perfection: all the sparkling newness of a six…month…old vessel。 From amidships to the stern; however; the contrast could not have been more outrageous。 The rear section of the ship looked like a wreck。 The aft superstructure seemed to have been coated in twenty layers of paint; each flaking off at a different rate。 One of the bridge wings; a queer…looking structure to begin with; had been apparently crushed; then welded back together。 Great rivers of rust cascaded down the dented hull。 The railings were warped; and missing sections had been crudely patched with welded pipe; rebar; and angle iron。
 〃It's a perfect disguise;〃 said Lloyd。 〃Just like the mining operation。〃
 〃I'm especially pleased with the radar mast;〃 said Glinn; pointing aft。
 Even from this distance; Lloyd could see the paint was largely stripped off; and bits of metal dangled from old wires。 A few antennae had been broken; crudely spliced; then broken again。 Everything was streaked with stack soot。
 〃Inside that wreck of a mast;〃 Glinn went on; 〃you'll find the very latest equipment: P…Code and differential GPS; Spizz…64; FLIR; LN…66; Slick 32; passive ESM; and other specialized radar equipment; Tigershark Loran C; INMARSAT; and Sperry GMDSS munications stations。 If we run into any; ah; special situations; there are some mast electronics that can be raised at the push of a button。〃
 As Lloyd watched; a crane holding a huge wrecking ball swiveled toward the hull; with exquisite care the ball was brought in contact with the port side of the ship once; twice; then three times; adding fresh indignities。 Painters with thick hoses swarmed over the ship's midsection; turning the spotless deck into a storm of simulated tar; oil; and grit。
 〃The real job will be cleaning all this up;〃 Glinn said 〃Once we unload the meteorite and are ready to resell the ship。〃
 Lloyd tore his gaze away。 Once we unload the meteorite。。。 In less than two weeks; the ship would be heading to sea。 And when it returned … when; at last; his prize could be unveiled … the whole world would be talking about what had been acplished。
 〃Of course; we're not doing much to the interior;〃 Glinn said as they started along the catwalk again。 〃The quarters are quite luxurious … large staterooms; wood paneling; puter…controlled lighting; lounges; exercise rooms; and so forth。〃
 Lloyd stopped once again as he noticed activity around a hole cut into the forward hull。 A line of bulldozers; D…cats; front…end loaders; skidders with house…size tires; and other heavy mining equipment snaked away from the hole; a heavyweight traffic jam; waiting to be loaded onto the ship。 There was a roar of diesel engines and the grinding of gears as; one by one; the equipment drove in and disappeared from view。
 〃An industrial…age Noah's ark;〃 said Lloyd。
 〃It was cheaper and faster to make our own door than to position all the heavy equipment with a crane;〃 Glinn said。 〃The Rolvaag is designed like a typical tanker。 The cargo…oil spaces occupy three quarters of the hull。 The rest is taken up with general holds; partments; machinery spaces; and the like。 We've built special bays to hold the equipment and raw material we'll need for the job。 We've already loaded a thousand tons of the best Mannsheim high…tensile steel; a quarter million board feet of laminated timbers; and everything from aircraft tires to generators。〃
 Lloyd pointed。 〃And those boxcars on the deck?〃
 〃They're designed to look like the Rolvaag is making some extra bucks on the side piggybacking containers。 Inside are some very sophisticated labs。〃
 〃Tell me about them。〃
 〃The gray one closest to the bow is a hydro lab。 Next to it is a clean room。 And then we have a high…speed CAD workstation; a darkroom; tech stores; a scientific freezer; electron microscope and X…ray crystallography labs; a diver's locker; and an isotope and radiation chamber。 Belowdecks are medical and surgical spaces; a biohazard lab; and two machine shops。 No windows for any of them;

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