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file line along a well´known route on the floor´an invisible pathway linking six key architectural points within the sanctuary。 Generations of visitors had walked these straight lines察connecting the points察and their countless footsteps had engraved an enormous symbol on the floor。
The Star of David察Langdon thought。 No coincidence there。 Also known as Solomon's Seal察this hexagram had once been the secret symbol of the stargazing priests and was later adopted by the Israelite kings´David and Solomon。
The docent had seen Langdon and Sophie enter察and although it was closing time察offered a pleasant smile and motioned for them to feel free to look around。
Langdon nodded his thanks and began to move deeper into the sanctuary。 Sophie察however察stood riveted in the entryway察a puzzled look on her face。
;What is it拭─Langdon asked。
Sophie stared out at the chapel。 ;I think。。。 I've been here。;
Langdon was surprised。 ;But you said you hadn't even heard of Rosslyn。;
;I hadn't。。。; She scanned the sanctuary察looking uncertain。 ;My grandfather must have brought me here when I was very young。 I don't know。 It feels familiar。; As her eyes scanned the room察she began nodding with more certainty。 ;Yes。; She pointed to the front of the sanctuary。 ;Those two pillars。。。 I've seen them。;
Langdon looked at the pair of intricately sculpted columns at the far end of the sanctuary。 Their white lacework carvings seemed to smolder with a ruddy glow as the last of the day's sunlight streamed in through the west window。 The pillars´positioned where the altar would normally stand´were an oddly matched pair。 The pillar on the left was carved with simple察vertical lines察while the pillar on the right was embellished with an ornate察flowering spiral。
Sophie was already moving toward them。 Langdon hurried after her察and as they reached the pillars察Sophie was nodding with incredulity。 ;Yes察I'm positive I have seen these
;I don't doubt you've seen them察─Langdon said察 but it wasn't necessarily here。;
She turned。 ;What do you mean拭
;These two pillars are the most duplicated architectural structures in history。 Replicas exist all over the world。;
;Replicas of Rosslyn拭─She looked skeptical。
;No。 Of the pillars。 Do you remember earlier that I mentioned Rosslyn itself is a copy of Solomon's Temple拭Those two pillars are exact replicas of the two pillars that stood at the head of Solomon's Temple。; Langdon pointed to the pillar on the left。 ;That's called Boaz´or the Mason's Pillar。 The other is called Jachin´or the Apprentice Pillar。; He paused。 ;In fact察virtually every Masonic temple in the world has two pillars like these。;
Langdon had already explained to her about the Templars' powerful historic ties to the modern Masonic secret societies察whose primary degrees´Apprentice Freemason察Fellowcraft Freemason察and Master Mason´harked back to early Templar days。 Sophie's grandfather's final verse made direct reference to the Master Masons who adorned Rosslyn with their carved artistic offerings。 It also noted Rosslyn's central ceiling察which was covered with carvings of stars and planets。
;I've never been in a Masonic temple察─Sophie said察still eyeing the pillars。 ;I am almost positive I saw these here。; She turned back into the chapel察as if looking for something else to jog her memory。
The rest of the visitors were now leaving察and the young docent made his way across the chapel to them with a pleasant smile。 He was a handsome young man in his late twenties察with a Scottish brogue and strawberry blond hair。 ;I'm about to close up for the day。 May I help you find anything拭
How about the Holy Grail拭Langdon wanted to say。
;The code察─Sophie blurted察in sudden revelation。 ;There's a code here
The docent looked pleased by her enthusiasm。 ;Yes there is察ma'am。;
;It's on the ceiling察─she said察turning to the right´hand wall。 ;Somewhere over。。。 there。;
He smiled。 ;Not your first visit to Rosslyn察I see。;
The code察Langdon thought。 He had forgotten that little bit of lore。 Among Rosslyn's numerous mysteries was a vaulted archway from which hundreds of stone blocks protruded察jutting down to form a bizarre multifaceted surface。 Each block was carved with a symbol察seemingly at random察creating a cipher of unfathomable proportion。 Some people believed the code revealed the entrance to the vault beneath the chapel。
Others believed it told the true Grail legend。 Not that it mattered´cryptographers had been trying for centuries to decipher its meaning。 To this day the Rosslyn Trust offered a generous reward to anyone who could unveil the secret meaning察but the code remained a mystery。 ;I'd be happy to show。。。;
The docent's voice trailed off。
My first code察Sophie thought察moving alone察in a trance察toward the encoded archway。 Having handed the rosewood box to Langdon察she could feel herself momentarily forgetting all about the Holy Grail察the Priory of Sion察and all the mysteries of the past day。 When she arrived beneath the encoded ceiling and saw the symbols above her察the memories came flooding back。 She was recalling her first visit here察and strangely察the memories conjured an unexpected sadness。
She was a little girl。。。 a year or so after her family's death。 Her grandfather had brought her to Scotland on a short vacation。 They had e to see Rosslyn Chapel before going back to Paris。 It was late evening察and the chapel was closed。 But they were still inside。
;Can we go home察Grand´p┬re拭─Sophie begged察feeling tired。
;Soon察dear察very soon。; His voice was melancholy。 ;I have one last thing I need to do here。 How about if you wait in the car拭
;You're doing another big person thing拭
He nodded。 ;I'll be fast。 I promise。;
;Can I do the archway code again拭That was fun。;
;I don't know。 I have to step outside。 You won't be frightened in here alone拭
;Of course not ─she said with a huff。 ;It's not even dark yet
He smiled。 ;Very well then。; He led her over to the elaborate archway he had shown her earlier。
Sophie immediately plopped down on the stone floor察lying on her back and staring up at the collage of puzzle pieces overhead。 ;I'm going to break this code before you get back
;It's a race then。; He bent over察kissed her forehead察and walked to the nearby side door。 ;I'll be right outside。 I'll leave the door open。 If you need me察just call。; He exited into the soft evening light。
Sophie lay there on the floor察gazing up at the code。 Her eyes felt sleepy。 After a few minutes察the symbols got fuzzy。 And then they disappeared。
When Sophie awoke察the floor felt cold。
There was no answer。 Standing up察she brushed herself off。 The side door was still open。 The evening was getting darker。 She walked outside and could see her grandfather standing on the porch of a nearby stone house directly behind the church。 Her grandfather was talking quietly to a person barely visible inside the screened door。
;Grand´p┬re拭─she called。
Her grandfather turned and waved察motioning for her to wait just a moment。 Then察slowly察he said some final words to the person inside and blew a kiss toward the screened door。 He came to her with tearful eyes。
;Why are you crying察Grand´p┬re拭
He picked her up and held her close。 ;Oh察Sophie察you and I have said good´bye to a lot of people this year。 It's hard。;
Sophie thought of the accident察of saying good´bye to her mother and father察her grandmother and baby brother。 ;Were you saying goodbye to another person拭
;To a dear friend whom I love very much察─he replied察his voice heavy with emotion。 ;And I fear I will not see her again for a very long time。;
Standing with the docent察Langdon had been scanning the chapel walls and feeling a rising wariness that a dead end might be looming。 Sophie had wandered off to look at the code and left Langdon holding the rosewood box察which contained a Grail map that now appeared to be no help at all。 Although Sauni┬re's poem clearly indicated Rosslyn察Langdon was not sure what to do now that they had arrived。 The poem made reference to a ;blade and chalice察─which Langdon saw nowhere。
The Holy Grail 'neath ancient Roslin waits。
The blade and chalice guarding o'er Her gates。
Again Langdon sensed there remained some facet of this mystery yet to reveal itself。
;I hate to pry察─the docent said察eyeing the rosewood box in Langdon's hands。 ;But this box。。。 might I ask where you got it拭
Langdon gave a weary laugh。 ;That's an exceptionally long story。;
The young man hesitated察his eyes on the box again。 ;It's the strangest thing´my grandmother has a box exactly like that´a jewelry box。 Identical polished rosewood察same inlaid rose察even the hinges look the same。;
Langdon knew the young man must be mistaken。 If ever a box had been one of a kind察it was this one´the box custom´made for the Priory keystone。 ;The two boxes may be similar but´;
The side door closed loudly察drawing both of their gazes。 Sophie had exited without a word and was now wandering down the bluff toward a fieldstone house nearby。 Langdon stared after her。 Where is she going拭She had been acting strangely ever since they entered the building。 He turned to