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ambers察and walk´in burial niches。 Like the Louvre's Grand Gallery察it had a lone point of entry´the door through which they had just passed´easy to find your way in察but impossible to find your way out。 A literal tourist trap察one of Langdon's befuddled colleagues had called it。 Keeping architectural tradition察the abbey was laid out in the shape of a giant crucifix。 Unlike most churches察however察it had its entrance on the side察rather than the standard rear of the church via the narthex at the bottom of the nave。 Moreover察the abbey had a series of sprawling cloisters attached。 One false step through the wrong archway察and a visitor was lost in a labyrinth of outdoor passageways surrounded by high walls。
;Docents wear crimson robes察─Langdon said察approaching the center of the church。 Peering obliquely across the towering gilded altar to the far end of the south transept察Langdon saw several people crawling on their hands and knees。 This prostrate pilgrimage was a mon occurrence in Poets' Corner察although it was far less holy than it appeared。 Tourists doing grave rubbings。
;I don't see any docents察─Sophie said。 ;Maybe we can find the tomb on our own拭
Without a word察Langdon led her another few steps to the center of the abbey and pointed to the right。
Sophie drew a startled breath as she looked down the length of the abbey's nave察the full magnitude of the building now visible。 ;Aah察─she said。 ;Let's find a docent。;
At that moment察a hundred yards down the nave察out of sight behind the choir screen察the stately tomb of Sir Isaac Newton had a lone visitor。 The Teacher had been scrutinizing the monument for ten minutes now。
Newton's tomb consisted of a massive black´marble sarcophagus on which reclined the sculpted form of Sir Isaac Newton察wearing classical costume察and leaning proudly against a stack of his own books´Divinity察Chronology察Opticks察and Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica。 At Newton's feet stood two winged boys holding a scroll。 Behind Newton's recumbent body rose an austere pyramid。 Although the pyramid itself seemed an oddity察it was the giant shape mounted halfway up the pyramid that most intrigued the Teacher。
An orb。
The Teacher pondered Sauni┬re's beguiling riddle。 You seek the orb that ought be on his tomb。 The massive orb protruding from the face of the pyramid was carved in basso´relievo and depicted all kinds of heavenly bodies´constellations察signs of the zodiac察ets察stars察and planets。 Above it察the image of the Goddess of Astronomy beneath a field of stars。
Countless orbs。
The Teacher had been convinced that once he found the tomb察discerning the missing orb would be easy。 Now he was not so sure。 He was gazing at a plicated map of the heavens。 Was there a missing planet拭Had some astronomical orb been omitted from a constellation拭He had no idea。 Even so察the Teacher could not help but suspect that the solution would be ingeniously clean and simple´;a knight a pope interred。; What orb am I looking for拭Certainly察an advanced knowledge of astrophysics was not a prerequisite for finding the Holy Grail察was it
It speaks of Rosy flesh and seeded womb。
The Teacher's concentration was broken by several approaching tourists。 He slipped the cryptex back in his pocket and watched warily as the visitors went to a nearby table察left a donation in the cup察and restocked on the plimentary grave´rubbing supplies set out by the abbey。 Armed with fresh charcoal pencils and large sheets of heavy paper察they headed off toward the front of the abbey察probably to the popular Poets' Corner to pay their respects to Chaucer察Tennyson察and Dickens by rubbing furiously on their graves。
Alone again察he stepped closer to the tomb察scanning it from bottom to top。 He began with the clawed feet beneath the sarcophagus察moved upward past Newton察past his books on science察past the two boys with their mathematical scroll察up the face of the pyramid to the giant orb with its constellations察and finally up to the niche's star´filled canopy。
What orb ought to be here。。。 and yet is missing拭He touched the cryptex in his pocket as if he could somehow divine the answer from Sauni┬re's crafted marble。 Only five letters separate me from the Grail。
Pacing now near the corner of the choir screen察he took a deep breath and glanced up the long nave toward the main altar in the distance。 His gaze dropped from the gilded altar down to the bright crimson robe of an abbey docent who was being waved over by two very familiar individuals。
Langdon and Neveu。
Calmly察the Teacher moved two steps back behind the choir screen。 That was fast。 He had anticipated Langdon and Sophie would eventually decipher the poem's meaning and e to Newton's tomb察but this was sooner than he had imagined。 Taking a deep breath察the Teacher considered his options。 He had grown accustomed to dealing with surprises。
I am holding the cryptex。
Reaching down to his pocket察he touched the second object that gave him his confidence此the Medusa revolver。 As expected察the abbey's metal detectors had blared as the Teacher passed through with the concealed gun。 Also as expected察the guards had backed off at once when the Teacher glared indignantly and flashed his identification card。 Official rank always manded the proper respect。
Although initially the Teacher had hoped to solve the cryptex alone and avoid any further plications察he now sensed that the arrival of Langdon and Neveu was actually a wele development。 Considering the lack of success he was having with the ;orb; reference察he might be able to use their expertise。 After all察if Langdon had deciphered the poem to find the tomb察there was a reasonable chance he also knew something about the orb。 And if Langdon knew the password察then it was just a matter of applying the right pressure。
Not here察of course。
Somewhere private。
The Teacher recalled a small announcement sign he had seen on his way into the abbey。 Immediately he knew the perfect place to lure them。
The only question now。。。 what to use as bait。
Langdon and Sophie moved slowly down the north aisle察keeping to the shadows behind the ample pillars that separated it from the open nave。 Despite having traveled more than halfway down the nave察they still had no clear view of Newton's tomb。 The sarcophagus was recessed in a niche察obscured from this oblique angle。
;At least there's nobody over there察─Sophie whispered。
Langdon nodded察relieved。 The entire section of the nave near Newton's tomb was deserted。 ;I'll go over察─he whispered。 ;You should stay hidden just in case someone´;
Sophie had already stepped from the shadows and was headed across the open floor。
;´is watching察─Langdon sighed察hurrying to join her。
Crossing the massive nave on a diagonal察Langdon and Sophie remained silent as the elaborate sepulchre revealed itself in tantalizing increments。。。 a black´marble sarcophagus。。。 a reclining statue of Newton。。。 two winged boys。。。 a huge pyramid。。。 and。。。 an enormous orb。
;Did you know about that拭─Sophie said察sounding startled。
Langdon shook his head察also surprised。
;Those look like constellations carved on it察─Sophie said。
As they approached the niche察Langdon felt a slow sinking sensation。 Newton's tomb was covered with orbs´stars察ets察planets。 You seek the orb that ought be on his tomb拭It could turn out to be like trying to find a missing blade of grass on a golf course。
;Astronomical bodies察─Sophie said察looking concerned。 ;And a lot of them。;
Langdon frowned。 The only link between the planets and the Grail that Langdon could imagine was the pentacle of Venus察and he had already tried the password ;Venus; en route to the Temple Church。
Sophie moved directly to the sarcophagus察but Langdon hung back a few feet察keeping an eye on the abbey around them。
;Divinity察─Sophie said察tilting her head and reading the titles of the books on which Newton was leaning。 ;Chronology。 Opticks。 Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica拭─She turned to him。 ;Ring any bells拭
Langdon stepped closer察considering it。 ;Principia Mathematica察as I remember察has something to do with the gravitation pull of planets。。。 which admittedly are orbs察but it seems a little far´fetched。;
;How about the signs of the zodiac拭─Sophie asked察pointing to the constellations on the orb。 ;You were talking about Pisces and Aquarius earlier察weren't you拭
The End of Days察Langdon thought。 ;The end of Pisces and the beginning of Aquarius was allegedly the historical marker at which the Priory planned to release the Sangreal documents to the world。; But the millennium came and went without incident察leaving historians uncertain when the truth was ing。
;It seems possible察─Sophie said察 that the Priory's plans to reveal the truth might be related to the last line of the poem。;
It speaks of Rosy flesh and seeded womb。 Langdon felt a shiver of potential。 He had not considered the line that way before。
;You told me earlier察─she said察 that the timing of the Priory's plans to unveil the truth about 'the Rose' and her fertile womb was linked directly to the position of planets´orbs。;
Langdon nodded察feeling the first faint wisps