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Teabing shook his head。 〃No you won't; Inspector。 This is private property and until you have a search warrant; you will stay off my plane。 I am offering you a reasonable option here。 Mr。 Edwards can perform the inspection。〃
〃No deal。〃
Teabing's demeanor turned frosty。 〃Inspector; I'm afraid I don't have time to indulge in your games。 I'm late; and I'm leaving。 If it is that important to you to stop me; you'll just have to shoot me。〃 With that; Teabing and Rémy walked around the chief inspector and headed across the hangar toward the parked limousine。
The Kent chief inspector felt only distaste for Leigh Teabing as the man hobbled around him in defiance。 Men of privilege always felt like they were above the law。
They are not。 The chief inspector turned and aimed at Teabing's back。 〃Stop! I will fire!〃
〃Go ahead;〃 Teabing said without breaking stride or glancing back。 〃My lawyers will fricassee your testicles for breakfast。 And if you dare board my plane without a warrant; your spleen will follow。〃
No stranger to power plays; the chief inspector was unimpressed。 Technically; Teabing was correct and the police needed a warrant to board his jet; but because the flight had originated in France; and because the powerful Bezu Fache had given his authority; the Kent chief inspector felt certain his career would be far better served by finding out what it was on this plane that Teabing seemed so intent on hiding。
〃Stop them;〃 the inspector ordered。 〃I'm searching the plane。〃
His men raced over; guns leveled; and physically blocked Teabing and his servant from reaching the limousine。
Now Teabing turned。 〃Inspector; this is your last warning。 Do not even think of boarding that plane。 You will regret it。〃
Ignoring the threat; the chief inspector gripped his sidearm and marched up the plane's gangway。 Arriving at the hatch; he peered inside。 After a moment; he stepped into the cabin。 What the devil?
With the exception of the frightened…looking pilot in the cockpit; the aircraft was empty。 Entirely devoid of human life。 Quickly checking the bathroom; the chairs; and the luggage areas; the inspector found no traces of anyone hiding。。。 much less multiple individuals。
What the hell was Bezu Fache thinking? It seemed Leigh Teabing had been telling the truth。
The Kent chief inspector stood alone in the deserted cabin and swallowed hard。 Shit。 His face flushed; he stepped back onto the gangway; gazing across the hangar at Leigh Teabing and his servant; who were now under gunpoint near the limousine。 〃Let them go;〃 the inspector ordered。 〃We received a bad tip。〃
Teabing's eyes were menacing even across the hangar。 〃You can expect a call from my lawyers。 And for future reference; the French police cannot be trusted。〃
With that; Teabing's manservant opened the door at the rear of the stretch limousine and helped his crippled master into the back seat。 Then the servant walked the length of the car; climbed in behind the wheel; and gunned the engine。 Policemen scattered as the Jaguar peeled out of the hangar。
〃Well played; my good man;〃 Teabing chimed from the rear seat as the limousine accelerated out of the airport。 He turned his eyes now to the dimly lit front recesses of the spacious interior。 〃Everyone fy?〃
Langdon gave a weak nod。 He and Sophie were still crouched on the floor beside the bound and gagged albino。
Moments earlier; as the Hawker taxied into the deserted hangar; Rémy had popped the hatch as the plane jolted to a stop halfway through its turn。 With the police closing in fast; Langdon and Sophie dragged the monk down the gangway to ground level and out of sight behind the limousine。 Then the jet engines had roared again; rotating the plane and pleting its turn as the police cars came skidding into the hangar。
Now; as the limousine raced toward Kent; Langdon and Sophie clambered toward the rear of the limo's long interior; leaving the monk bound on the floor。 They settled onto the long seat facing Teabing。 The Brit gave them both a roguish smile and opened the cabinet on the limo's bar。 〃Could I offer you a drink? Some nibblies? Crisps? Nuts? Seltzer?〃
Sophie and Langdon both shook their heads。
Teabing grinned and closed the bar。 〃So then; about this knight's tomb。。。〃
〃Fleet Street?〃 Langdon asked; eyeing Teabing in the back of the limo。 There's a crypt on Fleet Street? So far; Leigh was being playfully cagey about where he thought they would find the 〃knight's tomb;〃 which; according to the poem; would provide the password for opening the smaller cryptex。
Teabing grinned and turned to Sophie。 〃Miss Neveu; give the Harvard boy one more shot at the verse; will you?〃
Sophie fished in her pocket and pulled out the black cryptex; which was wrapped in the vellum。 Everyone had decided to leave the rosewood box and larger cryptex behind in the plane's strongbox; carrying with them only what they needed; the far more portable and discreet black cryptex。 Sophie unwrapped the vellum and handed the sheet to Langdon。
Although Langdon had read the poem several times onboard the jet; he had been unable to extract any specific location。 Now; as he read the words again; he processed them slowly and carefully; hoping the pentametric rhythms would reveal a clearer meaning now that he was on the ground。
In London lies a knight a Pope interred。
His labor's fruit a Holy wrath incurred。
You seek the orb that ought be on his tomb。
It speaks of Rosy flesh and seeded womb。
The language seemed simple enough。 There was a knight buried in London。 A knight who labored at something that angered the Church。 A knight whose tomb was missing an orb that should be present。 The poem's final reference…Rosy flesh and seeded womb…was a clear allusion to Mary Magdalene; the Rose who bore the seed of Jesus。
Despite the apparent straightforwardness of the verse; Langdon still had no idea who this knight was or where he was buried。 Moreover; once they located the tomb; it sounded as if they would be searching for something that was absent。 The orb that ought be on his tomb?
〃No thoughts?〃 Teabing clucked in disappointment; although Langdon sensed the Royal Historian was enjoying being one up。 〃Miss Neveu?〃
She shook her head。
〃What would you two do without me?〃 Teabing said。 〃Very well; I will walk you through it。 It's quite simple really。 The first line is the key。 Would you read it please?〃
Langdon read aloud。 〃 'In London lies a knight a Pope interred。' 〃
〃Precisely。 A knight a Pope interred。〃 He eyed Langdon。 〃What does that mean to you?〃
Langdon shrugged。 〃A knight buried by a Pope? A knight whose funeral was presided over by a Pope?〃
Teabing laughed loudly。 〃Oh; that's rich。 Always the optimist; Robert。 Look at the second line。 This knight obviously did something that incurred the Holy wrath of the Church。 Think again。 Consider the dynamic between the Church and the Knights Templar。 A knight a Pope interred?〃
〃A knight a Pope killed?〃 Sophie asked。
Teabing smiled and patted her knee。 〃Well done; my dear。 A knight a Pope buried。 Or killed。〃
Langdon thought of the notorious Templar round…up in 1307…unlucky Friday the thirteenth…when Pope Clement killed and interred hundreds of Knights Templar。 〃But there must be endless graves of 'knights killed by Popes。' 〃
〃Aha; not so! 〃Teabing said。 〃Many of them were burned at the stake and tossed unceremoniously into the Tiber River。 But this poem refers to a tomb。 A tomb in London。 And there are few knights buried in London。〃 He paused; eyeing Langdon as if waiting for light to dawn。 Finally he huffed。 〃Robert; for heaven's sake! The church built in London by the Priory's military arm…the Knights Templar themselves!〃
〃The Temple Church?〃 Langdon drew a startled breath。 〃It has a crypt?〃
〃Ten of the most frightening tombs you will ever see。〃
Langdon had never actually visited the Temple Church; although he'd e across numerous references in his Priory research。 Once the epicenter of all Templar/Priory activities in the United Kingdom; the Temple Church had been so named in honor of Solomon's Temple; from which the Knights Templar had extracted their own title; as well as the Sangreal documents that gave them all their influence in Rome。 Tales abounded of knights performing strange; secretive rituals within the Temple Church's unusual sanctuary。 〃The Temple Church is on Fleet Street?〃
〃Actually; it's just off Fleet Street on Inner Temple Lane。〃 Teabing looked mischievous。 〃I wanted to see you sweat a little more before I gave it away。〃
〃Neither of you has ever been there?〃
Sophie and Langdon shook their heads。
〃I'm not surprised;〃 Teabing said。 〃The church is hidden now behind much larger buildings。 Few people even know it's there。 Eerie old place。 The architecture is pagan to the core。〃
Sophie looked surprised。 〃Pagan?〃
〃Pantheonically pagan!〃 Teabing exclaimed。 〃The church is round。 The Templars ignored the traditional Christian cruciform layout and built a perfectly circular church in honor of the sun。〃 His eyebrows did a devilish dance。 〃A not so subtle howdy…do to the boys in Rome。 They might as well have resurrected Stonehenge in downtow