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he was studying。
When she arrived at their Paris home察however察her grandfather was not there。 Disappointed察she knew he had not been expecting her and was probably working at the Louvre。 But it's Saturday afternoon察she realized。 He seldom worked on weekends。 On weekends察he usually´
Grinning察Sophie ran out to the garage。 Sure enough察his car was gone。 It was the weekend。 Jacques Sauni┬re despised city driving and owned a car for one destination only´his vacation chateau in Normandy察north of Paris。 Sophie察after months in the congestion of London察was eager for the smells of nature and to start her vacation right away。 It was still early evening察and she decided to leave immediately and surprise him。 Borrowing a friend's car察Sophie drove north察winding into the deserted moon´swept hills near Creully。 She arrived just after ten o'clock察turning down the long private driveway toward her grandfather's retreat。 The access road was over a mile long察and she was halfway down it before she could start to see the house through the trees´a mammoth察old stone chateau nestled in the woods on the side of a hill。
Sophie had half expected to find her grandfather asleep at this hour and was excited to see the house twinkling with lights。 Her delight turned to surprise察however察when she arrived to find the driveway filled with parked cars´Mercedeses察BMWs察Audis察and a Rolls´Royce。
Sophie stared a moment and then burst out laughing。 My grand´p┬re察the famous recluse Jacques Sauni┬re察it seemed察was far less reclusive than he liked to pretend。 Clearly he was hosting a party while Sophie was away at school察and from the looks of the automobiles察some of Paris's most influential people were in attendance。
Eager to surprise him察she hurried to the front door。 When she got there察though察she found it locked。 She knocked。 Nobody answered。 Puzzled察she walked around and tried the back door。 It too was locked。 No answer。
Confused察she stood a moment and listened。 The only sound she heard was the cool Normandy air letting out a low moan as it swirled through the valley。
No music。
No voices。
In the silence of the woods察Sophie hurried to the side of the house and clambered up on a woodpile察pressing her face to the living room window。 What she saw inside made no sense at all。
;Nobody's here
The entire first floor looked deserted。
Where are all the people
Heart racing察Sophie ran to the woodshed and got the spare key her grandfather kept hidden under the kindling box。 She ran to the front door and let herself in。 As she stepped into the deserted foyer察the control panel for the security system started blinking red´a warning that the entrant had ten seconds to type the proper code before the security alarms went off。
He has the alarm on during a party
Sophie quickly typed the code and deactivated the system。
Entering察she found the entire house uninhabited。 Upstairs too。 As she descended again to the deserted living room察she stood a moment in the silence察wondering what could possibly be happening。
It was then that Sophie heard it。
Muffled voices。 And they seemed to be ing from underneath her。 Sophie could not imagine。 Crouching察she put her ear to the floor and listened。 Yes察the sound was definitely ing from below。 The voices seemed to be singing察or。。。 chanting拭She was frightened。 Almost more eerie than the sound itself was the realization that this house did not even have a basement。
At least none I've ever seen。
Turning now and scanning the living room察Sophie's eyes fell to the only object in the entire house that seemed out of place´her grandfather's favorite antique察a sprawling Aubusson tapestry。 It usually hung on the east wall beside the fireplace察but tonight it had been pulled aside on its brass rod察exposing the wall behind it。
Walking toward the bare wooden wall察Sophie sensed the chanting getting louder。 Hesitant察she leaned her ear against the wood。 The voices were clearer now。 People were definitely chanting。。。 intoning words Sophie could not discern。
The space behind this wall is hollow
Feeling around the edge of the panels察Sophie found a recessed fingerhold。 It was discreetly crafted。 A sliding door。 Heart pounding察she placed her finger in the slot and pulled it。 With noiseless precision察the heavy wall slid sideways。 From out of the darkness beyond察the voices echoed up。
Sophie slipped through the door and found herself on a rough´hewn stone staircase that spiraled downward。 She'd been ing to this house since she was a child and yet had no idea this staircase even existed
As she descended察the air grew cooler。 The voices clearer。 She heard men and women now。 Her line of sight was limited by the spiral of the staircase察but the last step was now rounding into view。 Beyond it察she could see a small patch of the basement floor´stone察illuminated by the flickering orange blaze of firelight。
Holding her breath察Sophie inched down another few steps and crouched down to look。 It took her several seconds to process what she was seeing。
The room was a grotto´a coarse chamber that appeared to have been hollowed from the granite of the hillside。 The only light came from torches on the walls。 In the glow of the flames察thirty or so people stood in a circle in the center of the room。
I'm dreaming察Sophie told herself。 A dream。 What else could this be
Everyone in the room was wearing a mask。 The women were dressed in white gossamer gowns and golden shoes。 Their masks were white察and in their hands they carried golden orbs。 The men wore long black tunics察and their masks were black。 They looked like pieces in a giant chess set。 Everyone in the circle rocked back and forth and chanted in reverence to something on the floor before them。。。 something Sophie could not see。
The chanting grew steady again。 Accelerating。 Thundering now。 Faster。 The participants took a step inward and knelt。 In that instant察Sophie could finally see what they all were witnessing。 Even as she staggered back in horror察she felt the image searing itself into her memory forever。 Overtaken by nausea察Sophie spun察clutching at the stone walls as she clambered back up the stairs。 Pulling the door closed察she fled the deserted house察and drove in a tearful stupor back to Paris。
That night察with her life shattered by disillusionment and betrayal察she packed her belongings and left her home。 On the dining room table察she left a note。
Beside the note察she laid the old spare key from the chateau's woodshed。
;Sophie Langdon's voice intruded。 ;Stop Stop
Emerging from the memory察Sophie slammed on the brakes察skidding to a halt。 ;What拭What happened殖
Langdon pointed down the long street before them。
When she saw it察Sophie's blood went cold。 A hundred yards ahead察the intersection was blocked by a couple of DCPJ police cars察parked askew察their purpose obvious。 They've sealed off Avenue Gabriel
Langdon gave a grim sigh。 ;I take it the embassy is off´limits this evening拭
Down the street察the two DCPJ officers who stood beside their cars were now staring in their direction察apparently curious about the headlights that had halted so abruptly up the street from them。
Okay察Sophie察turn around very slowly。
Putting the SmartCar in reverse察she performed a posed three´point turn and reversed her direction。 As she drove away察she heard the sound of squealing tires behind them。 Sirens blared to life。
Cursing察Sophie slammed down the accelerator。
Sophie's SmartCar tore through the diplomatic quarter察weaving past embassies and consulates察finally racing out a side street and taking a right turn back onto the massive thoroughfare of Champs´Elys└es。
Langdon sat white´knuckled in the passenger seat察twisted backward察scanning behind them for any signs of the police。 He suddenly wished he had not decided to run。 You didn't察he reminded himself。 Sophie had made the decision for him when she threw the GPS dot out the bathroom window。 Now察as they sped away from the embassy察serpentining through sparse traffic on Champs´Elys└es察Langdon felt his options deteriorating。 Although Sophie seemed to have lost the police察at least for the moment察Langdon doubted their luck would hold for long。
Behind the wheel Sophie was fishing in her sweater pocket。 She removed a small metal object and held it out for him。 ;Robert察you'd better have a look at this。 This is what my grandfather left me behind Madonna of the Rocks。;
Feeling a shiver of anticipation察Langdon took the object and examined it。 It was heavy and shaped like a cruciform。 His first instinct was that he was holding a funeral pieu´a miniature version of a memorial spike designed to be stuck into the ground at a gravesite。 But then he noted the shaft protruding from the cruciform was prismatic and triangular。 The shaft was also pockmarked with hundreds of tiny hexagons that appeared to be finely tooled and scattered at random。
;It's a laser´cut key察─Sophie told him。 ;Those hexagons are read by an electric eye。;
A key拭Langdon had never seen anything like it。
;Look at the other side察─she said察changing lanes and sai