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Dodgers was finally silenced by mutual consent and shown the door。 After a ten…minute recess; it was Jake's turn。 Gazing upward at the legislators on the dais; he immediately understood the psychological advantage the raised platform conferred on his interrogators。
〃Do you have a statement to make?〃 Duquesne asked him when the preliminaries were pleted。
〃No; sir。〃
A chuckle swept the room。 That's a good start; Jake thought。
A mittee staffer passed out copies of Jake's report and led him through it; page by page; conclusion by conclusion。 It took the rest of the morning。 When Duquesne announced a lunch break; Jake was surprised at how much time had passed。
He and Knight walked back to the bagel place for a tuna salad sandwich。
〃How am I doing?〃
〃They haven't even started on you yet。 Ask me at five o'clock。〃
〃Are we going to be here that long?〃
〃Maybe。 Depends on Duquesne。〃
After lunch the senator resumed his questioning。 〃Tell me; Captain; just what were your orders when you were given your present assignment?〃
〃I was told to evaluate the two prototypes and prepare a remendation as to which one I believed the navy should select for production as the A…12 medium attack bomber。〃
〃Did Vice Admiral Henry or Secretary Ludlow tell you…let me rephrase that…did either of them suggest which prototype you should remend?〃
〃No。 They didn't。〃
〃They didn't even hint at which one they wanted?〃
〃They discussed the navy's requirements for a new medium attack bomber on numerous occasions with me; sir; and they did make it clear to me that the plane had to be able to meet the needs of the navy。 But they did not tell me which plane they thought would best meet those needs。 Determining that was the whole purpose of the fly…off。〃
〃So the conclusions stated in this report and the remendations made are yours?〃
〃Yessir。 And the admirals wrote endorsements; and the Secretary of the Navy wrote one when he forwarded the report to SECDEF。〃
〃Did you tell your superiors what the substance of your report would be before you wrote it?〃
〃Yessir。 I kept them fully informed about my activities and my opinions as I reached them。〃
〃Did they suggest changes to the draft document。〃
〃Yessir。 That is normal practice。 We were under a time crunch; and I circulated a summary of the report and they mented upon it and I made certain changes to the report that I felt were necessary based on their ments。 But this is my report。 I could have refused to make a suggested change and they could have mented on the matter in their endorsement。 That; too; would be normal practice。〃
〃Did you refuse to make any changes?〃
〃No; sir。〃
〃So this report is now the way your superiors in the chain of mand want it to be?〃
〃I believe the endorsements speak for themselves; sir。〃
〃You remended the navy purchase the TRX plane in spite of the fact that the prototype crashed during evaluation and you failed to plete all the tests you had planned?〃
〃That is correct。〃
〃Senator; I think the report addresses that point much better than I could orally。 I felt that the TRX plane had fewer technical problems than the Consolidated prototype and was a better promise of mission capability and stealthiness。 I also felt it was better suited to carrier operations。 I thought that it would require less preproduction modifications to achieve the performance goals。 All this is in the report。 In short; I thought this plane gave the navy the most bang for its bucks。〃
〃Did you personally fly either plane?〃
〃No; sir。 A test pilot did。〃
〃How much experience did this test pilot have?〃
〃I believe she has about sixteen hundred hours total flight time。〃
〃That isn't much; is it?〃
〃Everything is relative。〃
〃How much flight time do you have; Captain?〃
〃About forty…five hundred hours。〃
〃Do you have any previous experience testing prototypes?〃
〃No; sir。〃
〃Did your test pilot have any previous prototype testing experience?〃
〃No; sir。〃
〃Yet you used her anyway。 Why is that?〃
〃She had an outstanding record at the Test Pilot School at Patuxent River。 She finished first in her class。 My predecessor was on the staff at TPS and picked her for this project。 I saw no reason to fire her and get someone else。〃
〃Yet she crashed the TRX prototype?〃
〃It crashed while she was flying it。 The E…PROM chips in the fly…by…wire system were defective。〃
〃Would the plane have crashed with a more experienced pilot at the controls?〃
〃Well; that's impossible to say; really。〃
〃You; for instance?〃
〃Senator; any answer I gave to that question would be pure speculation。 I feel Lieutenant Moravia did a fine job handling that plane before and after it went out of control。 There may be a pilot somewhere on this planet who could have saved it; but I don't know。〃
Duquesne led him into the buy…rate and cost projections for the A…12。 〃I see here that you remend a total buy of three hundred sixty planes: a dozen the first year; twenty…four the second; then forty…eight each year subsequently。〃
〃That's correct。〃 Jake went into the cost equations。 Before he could get very deep into the subject; Duquesne moved on。
Finally Duquesne got down to it。
〃Captain; you have also been in charge of the Athena program; have you not?〃
〃Yes; sir。〃
〃This morning Dr。 Dodgers testified that this device would be cheap to build〃…he gave the figures…〃could be in production in a year or fifteen months and could protect any object it was placed upon。 In view of that; why does the navy want a stealth attack plane?〃
〃Athena can be made to work; with enough research; time and money。 But it's not going to be easy。 Right now the only way to determine the radar…reflective characteristics of an object is to test the entire object on a specially constructed range。 And these characteristics change based on the frequency of the radar doing the looking。 So every frequency must be tested。 Consequently the data base that the Athena puter must use is very; very large。 That's why we need a superconductive puter to perform all the calculations required in a minimum amount of time。 Still; it is impossible to build a system that could effectively counter every conceivable frequency。 Athena will counter every frequency the Soviets are known to use。 Yet if they shift frequencies quickly enough; with a semi…stealthy aircraft design we would not lose all our airplanes before Athena could be modified。
〃Secondly; Athena will not be ready for the fleet in a year。 More like three or four。 Third; new technology may be developed to counter Athena。 Ws believe; based on what we know now; that we need an attack plane with at least A…6 performance and payload capabilities; state…of…the…art avionics; and stealthy characteristics。 That's the A…12。 The TRX plane is the best that American industry can give us now; and now is the time when we need to put this airplane into production。〃
〃Why not kill the A…12 program and build a conventional attack plane that uses Athena to hide?〃
〃As I mentioned; Athena is added protection for our aircraft。 but not the sole source; due to the limitations inherent in the technology。 Quick change is the rule in electronic warfare; not the exception。 The Israelis almost lost their 1973 war with Egypt due to advances in electronic warfare made by the Soviets and supplied to Egypt of which the West was not aware。 The United States cannot afford to lose a war with the Soviets; Senator。〃
Jake reached for his briefcase。 Knight had it ready。 〃My staff has done some calculations。 To kill this program now and start all over again on another one; writing off all the development money spent to date and adding the inevitable inflationary factor; I figure it will cost just about the same per plane。 Assuming Athena works well enough to bee operational。 If it doesn't; we'll have a brand…new; obsolete airplane。 Regardless; in the interim we'll have to make do with the A…6; which is not aging gracefully。 We may even need to fund the A…6G program; just to keep the A…6s in the air until the follow…on airplane arrives。〃
An aide passed a copy of Jake's figures to every member。 Jake spent the next hour defending the methodology and the numbers。
Duquesne opened the floor to questions from other members; who had a variety of concerns。 One of them asked; 〃I understand you were awarded the Medal of Honor by this Congress; Captain?〃
〃That's correct; sir。〃
〃Why aren't you wearing it now?〃
〃It's a little gaudy; don't you think?〃
Another congressman asked; 〃Why is the navy going to name the A…12 the Avenger?〃 The propeller…driven Grumman TBF Avenger was the plane the President flew during World War II。
〃In a survey of A…6 flight crews conducted navy…wide; that was the most popular suggestion。 The people in the navy are very proud of the navy's tradition and history。〃
〃The choice of that name looks a little like bootlicking; don't you think?〃
〃Sir; I happen to like that name。 The Avenger torpedo…bomber was a fine airplane in its day; with a proud name and a great bat record。 We've named other jets after prop planes…Phantom and Corsair are two…so it's a choice popular with the people in naval aviation。 Should Avenger get derailed s