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er the BR signature in any meaningful manner you must give up afterburners for your engines and bury the engines inside the airplane to cool the exhaust gases; the sum total of which is less thrust。 Consequently we are led kicking and screaming into the work! of design promises; which is a handy catchall for mission promises; performance and range and payload promises; bang…and…buck promises。 That's where you e in。〃
Admiral Henry rose from the bench and sauntered along the walk discussing the various methods and techniques that lowered; tittle by tittle; the radar and heat signatures of an aircraft。 He talked about wing and fuselage shape; special materials; paint; engine and inlet duct design and placement; every aspect of aircraft construction。 Stealth; he said; involved them all。 Finally he fell silent and walked along with his shoulders rounded; his hands thrust deep into his pockets。
Jake spoke。 〃If the best the air force could get out of their stealth attack plane was A…7 performance; is it a good idea for the navy to spend billions on one? We can't go buying airplanes to fight just one war; and we need a sufficient quantity of planes to equip the carriers。 Five gee…whiz killing machines a year won't do us any good at all。〃
The admiral stopped dead and scrutinized Jake。 Slowly a grin lifted the corners of his mouth。 〃I knew you were the right guy for this job。〃
He resumed walking; his step firmer; more confident。 〃The first question is what kind of fights are we going to get into in the future。 And the answer; I suspect; is more of the same。 I think the likelihood of an all…out war with the Soviets in Western Europe is pretty small…no way to prevent it from going nuclear and the Russians don't want that any more than we do。 But we must prepare to fight it; prepare to some degree; or we can't deter it。 I'd say it's a lot more likely we'll end up with more limited wars; like Korea or Vietnam or Afghanistan or the Persian Gulf or the Middle East or South Africa。 So the capability to fight those wars is critical。 We need planes that can fly five hundred miles through a high…density electronic environment; deliver a devastating conventional punch; and return to the carrier to fly again; and again and again。 Without that capability our carrier battle groups are an expensive liability and not an asset。 We need that plane by 1995; at the latest。〃
〃You're implying that our plane can't rely on pinpoint missiles for weapons。〃
〃Precisely。 The air force has a lot of concrete to park their specialized planes on; carrier deck space is damn precious。 We can't build planes that can only shoot missiles that cost a million bucks each; then push them into the drink when we run out of missiles。 We have to be able to hit hard in any foreseeable conflict with simple; cheap weapons; like laser…guided bombs。〃
〃So we can do something the air force couldn't with the F…l 17?〃
Henry threw his head back and grinned; obviously enjoying himself。 〃We aren't going to trade away our plane's performance or mission capability。〃
〃But how…〃
〃Better design…we learned a lot from the F…l 17…plus Athena。 Active stealth technology。〃 His mood was gloomy again。 〃I think the fucking Russians have gotten everything there was to get out of the F…l 17 and B…2。 Every single technical breakthrough; they've stolen it。 They don't appear to be using that knowledge and they may not ever be able to do so。 This stuff involves manufacturing capabilities they don't have and costs they can't afford to incur。 But what they can do is figure out defenses to a stealthed…up airplane; and you can bet your left nut they're working their asses off on that right this very minute。〃
He looked carefully around。 〃There's a Russian mole in the Pentagon。〃 His voice was almost a whisper; although the nearest pedestrian was a hundred yards away。 〃He gave them the stealth secrets。 The son of a bitch is buried in there someplace and he's ripping us off。 He's even been given a top secret code name…Minotaur。〃 He scuffed his toe at a pebble on the sidewalk。 〃I'm not supposed to know this。 It goes without saying that if I'm not; you sure as hell aren't。〃
〃Don't ask。 I don't want you to know。 But if I know the Minotaur's there; you can lay money he knows we know he's there。 So the bastard is dug in with his defenses up。 We may never get him。 Probably won't。〃
〃How do we know he gave them stealth?〃
〃We know。 Trust me。 We know。〃
〃So we have a mole in the Kremlin。〃
〃I didn't say that;〃 Henry said fiercely; 〃and you had damn well better not。 No shit; Grafton; don't even whisper that to a living fucking soul。〃
They walked along in silence; each man occupied with his own thoughts。 Finally Jake said; 〃So how are we gonna do it?〃
〃How are we going to build a stealth Intruder and keep the technology in our pocket?〃
〃I haven't figured that one out yet;〃 Henry said slowly。 〃You see; everything the Russians have gotten so far is passive…techniques to minimize the radar cross section and heat signature。 To build a mission…capable airplane like we want we're going to have to use active techniques。 Project Athena。 They haven't stolen Athena yet and we don't want them to get it。〃
〃Active techniques?〃 Jake prompted; unable to contain his curiosity。
〃We're going to cancel the bad guys' radar signal where it reaches our plane。 We'll automatically generate a signal that nullifies the echo; mutes it; cancels it oat。 The plane will then be truly invisible to the enemy。 They'll sew see it on their scope。 They'll never receive the echo。〃 He thought about it。 〃It's the biggest technological breakthrough since the Manhattan Project。 Biggest by a mile。〃
〃I've heard speculation about canceling radar signals for years。 The guys who were supposed to know all laughed。 Can it be done?〃
〃The party line is no。 Impossible。 But there's a crazed genius who wants to be filthy rich that has done it。 That technology is the living; beating heart of the ATA。 Now all we have to do is get an airplane built and keep the Minotaur from stealing the secret。〃
Jake whistled。 〃Can't we put this on all our ships?〃
〃No doubt we will;〃 Henry said sourly; 〃and the Russians will steal it before our first ship gets out of the harbor。 For now let's just see if we can get it in one airplane without someone stealing it。 That'll be plenty for you and Roger Dunedin to chew。〃
〃Existing aircraft? How about retrofitting them?〃
〃Right now; as the technology exists; the best approach is to design the plane for it。 The power output required to hide a stealthy plane would be very small。 The device would be easy enough to put on a ship; when we get the bugs worked out。 As usual there are bugs。 Expensive; though。〃
Admiral Henry glanced at his watch。 〃Our work's cut out for us。 The air force will want this technology when they get wind of it; and right now everything they see winds up in the Kremlin。 It's not their fault; of course; but that's the way it is。 The manufacturer of our plane will see it and from there it may end up in the Minotaur's clutches。 Ditto the ship drivers。 And the politicians who have been trick…fucked on the F…l 17 won't sit still for more stealth hocus…pocus; they're gonna want justification for the four or five billion dollars the ATA will require just to develop; and there it goes again。 So right now I'm sitting on a volcano that's about to erupt and my ass is getting damn warm。 You see why I wanted you on board。〃
〃Not really;〃 Jake said; wondering how far he should push this。 After all; who the hell was Jake Grafton? What could an over…the…hill attack pilot in glasses with four stripes on his sleeve do for a three…star admiral? Bomb the Pentagon? 〃So what's your plan? How are you going to do this?〃
Henry was so nervous he couldn't hold still。 〃I'm going to hold the cards real close to my chest and catch the Minotaur peeking over my shoulder。 Or that's what I'm going to try to do; anyway。〃
〃Admiral; with all respect; sir; what does CNO say about all this?〃 CNO was the Chief of Naval Operations; the senior uniformed naval officer。
Henry squared off in front of Jake。 〃I'm not stupid enough to try to run my own private navy; Captain。 CNO knows exactly what I'm doing。 So does SECNAV and SECDEF。 But you sure as hell didn't get it all in this little conversation。〃
〃Admiral; I'11 lay it on the tine for you。 I'm not going to do anything illegal or tell even one solitary little lie。 I'm not a very good liar。〃
Admiral Henry grinned。 〃You just haven't had the experience it takes。 I've been single for ten years; so I've done a good bit of it。 Seriously; all I want you to do is play it straight。 Do your job for NAVAIR。 Just keep it under your hat that we have an active system we're going to put into this bird。 Roger will tell you the same。〃
〃How many people know about this active system?〃
〃Here in Washington? Eight now。 The Secretary of the Navy; CNO; SECDEF。 NAVAIR; OP…50…which is Rear Admiral Costello…me; you and Helmut Fritsche。 And let's keep it that way for a while。〃
〃Have you tested this system? Does it work?〃
Henry made a face。 〃Fritsche's seen it work on a teat bench。 Your first job; after you look at the prototypes; is to put part