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g。 Just a storage closet。
  He went back to the desk; opened the register; and leafed through it。 Even the pages were warm; as if the book had been baked。 In a way; he supposed it had been。 If the High Street layout had been different; he might have expected a large number of religious offenses to be recorded; but he wasn't surprised to find none here…if the Jesus…Man church had coexisted with a couple of saloons; the churchfolk must have been fairly reasonable。
  What Roland found was the usual petty offenses; and a few not so petty…a murder; a horse…thieving; the Distressal of a Lady (which probably meant rape)。 The murderer had been removed to a place called Lexingworth to be hanged。 Roland had never heard of it。 One note toward the end read Green folk sent hence。 It meant nothing to Roland。 The most recent entry was this:
  12/Fe/99。 Chas。 Freeborn; cattle…theef to be tryed。
  Roland wasn't familiar with the notation 12/Fe/99; but as this was a long stretch from February; he supposed Fe might stand for Full Earth。 In any case; the ink looked about as fresh as the blood on the bunk in the cell; and the gunslinger had a good idea that Chas。 Freeborn; cattle…theef; had reached the clearing at the end of his path。
  He went out into the heat and the lacy sound of bells。 Topsy looked at Roland dully; then lowered his head again; as if there were something in the dust of the High Street which could be cropped。 As if he would ever want to crop again; for that matter。
  The gunslinger gathered up the reins; slapped the dust off them against the faded no…color of his jeans; and continued on up the street。 The wooden knocking sound grew steadily louder as he walked (he had not holstered his gun when leaving LAW; nor cared to holster it now); and as he neared the town square; which must have housed the Eluria market in more normal times; Roland at last saw movement。
  On the far side of the square was a long watering trough; made of ironwood from the look (what some called 'seequoiah' out here); apparently fed in happier times from a rusty steel pipe which now jutted waterless above the trough's south end。 Lolling over one side of this municipal oasis; about halfway down its length; was a leg clad in faded gray pants and terminating in a well…chewed cowboy boot。
  The chewer was a large dog; perhaps two shades grayer than the corduroy pants。 Under other circumstances; Roland supposed; the mutt would have had the boot off long since; but perhaps the foot and lower calf inside it had swelled。 In any case; the dog was well on its way to simply chewing the obstacle away。 It would seize the boot and shake it back and forth。 Every now and then the boot's heel would collide with the wooden side of the trough; producing another hollow knock。 The gunslinger hadn't been so wrong to think of coffintops after all; it seemed。
  Why doesn't it just back off a few steps; jump into the trough; and have at him? Roland wondered。 No water ing out of the pipe; so it can't be afraid of drowning。
  Topsy uttered another of his hollow; tired sneezes; and when the dog lurched around in response; Roland understood why it was doing things the hard way。 One of its front legs had been badly broken and crookedly mended。 Walking would be a chore for it; jumping out of the question。 On its chest was a patch of dirty white fur。 Growing out of this patch was black fur in a roughly cruciform shape。 A Jesus…dog; mayhap; hoping for a spot of afternoon munion。
  There was nothing very religious about the snarl which began to wind out of its chest; however; or the roll of its rheumy eyes。 It lifted its upper lip in a trembling sneer; revealing a goodish set of teeth。
  'Light out;' Roland said。 'While you can。'
  The dog backed up until its hindquarters were pressed against the chewed boot。 It regarded the oning man fearfully; but clearly meant to stand its ground。 The revolver in Roland's hand held no significance for it。 The gunslinger wasn't surprised…he guessed the dog had never seen one; had no idea it was anything other than a club of some kind; which could only be thrown once。
  'Hie on with you; now;' Roland said; but still the dog wouldn't move。
  He should have shot it…it was no good to itself; and a dog that had acquired a taste for human flesh could be no good to anyone else…but he somehow didn't like to。 Killing the only thing still living in this town (other than the singing bugs; that was) seemed like an invitation to bad luck。
  He fired into the dust near the dog's good forepaw; the sound crashing into the hot day and temporarily silencing the insects。 The dog could run; it seemed; although at a lurching trot that hurt Roland's eyes 。 。 。 and his heart; a little; too。 It stopped at the far side of the square; by an overturned flatbed wagon (there looked to be more dried blood splashed on the freighter's side); and glanced back。 It uttered a forlorn howl that raised the hairs on the nape of Roland's neck even further。 Then it turned; skirted the wrecked wagon; and limped down a lane which opened between two of the stalls。 This way toward Eluria's back gate; Roland guessed。
  Still leading his dying horse; the gunslinger crossed the square to the ironwood trough and looked in。
  The owner of the chewed boot wasn't a man but a boy who had just been beginning to get his man's growth…and that would have been quite a large growth; indeed; Roland judged; even setting aside the bloating effects which had resulted from being immersed for some unknown length of time in nine inches of water simmering under a summer sun。
  The boy's eyes; now just milky balls; stared blindly up at the gunslinger like the eyes of a statue。 His hair appeared to be the white of old age; although that was the effect of the water; he had likely been a towhead。 His clothes were those of a cowboy; although he couldn't have been much more than fourteen or sixteen。 Around his neck; gleaming blearily in water that was slowly turning into a skin stew under the summer sun; was a gold medallion。
  Roland reached into the water; not liking to but feeling a certain obligation。 He wrapped his fingers around the medallion and pulled。 The chain parted; and he lifted the thing; dripping; into the air。
  He rather expected a Jesus…Man sigul…what was called the crucifix or the rood…but a small rectangle hung from the chain; instead。 The object looked like pure gold。 Engraved into it was this legend:
  Loved of family。 Loved of GOD
  Roland; who had been almost too revolted to reach into the polluted water (as a younger man; he could never have brought himself to that); was now glad he'd done it。 He might never run into any of those who had loved this boy; but he knew enough of ka to think it might be so。 In any case; it was the right thing。 So was giving the kid a decent burial 。 。 。 assuming; that was; he could get the body out of the trough without having it break apart inside the clothes。
  Roland was considering this; trying to balance what might be his duty in this circumstance against his growing desire to get out of this town; when Topsy finally fell dead。
  The roan went over with a creak of gear and a last whuffling groan as it hit the ground。 Roland turned and saw eight people in the street; walking toward him in a line; like beaters who hope to flush out birds or drive small game。 Their skin was waxy green。 Folk wearing such skin would likely glow in the dark like ghosts。 It was hard to tell their sex; and what could it matter…to them or anyone else? They were slow mutants; walking with the hunched deliberation of corpses reanimated by some arcane magic。
  The dust had muffled their feet like carpet。 With the dog banished; they might well have gotten within attacking distance if Topsy hadn't done Roland the favor of dying at such an opportune moment。 No guns that Roland could see; they were armed with clubs。 These were chair legs and table legs; for the most part; but Roland saw one that looked made rather than seized…it had a bristle of rusty nails sticking out of it; and he suspected it had once been the property of a saloon bouncer; possibly the one who kept school in The Bustling Pig。
  Roland raised his pistol; aiming at the fellow in the center of the line。 Now he could hear the shuffle of their feet; and the wet snuffle of their breathing。 As if they all had bad chest colds。
  Came out of the mines; most likely; Roland thought。 There are radium mines somewhere about。 That would account for the skin。 I wonder that the sun doesn't kill them。
  Then; as he watched; the one on the end…a creature with a face like melted candle wax…did die 。 。 。 or collapsed; at any rate。 He (Roland was quite sure it was a male) went to his knees with a low; gobbling cry; groping for the hand of the thing walking next to it…something with a lumpy bald head and red sores sizzling on its neck。 This creature took no notice of its fallen panion; but kept its dim eyes on Roland; lurching along in rough step with its remaining panions。
  'Stop where you are!' Roland said。 ''Ware me; if you'd live to see day's end! 'Ware me very well!'
  He spoke mostly to the one in the center; who wore ancient

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