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小说: gns.theplutopact 字数: 每页4000字

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  Richard leapt to his feet; fists clenched and raised。 Coyle realised his tactlessness。 His feelings had e to the boil。 Now it was going to be tough。 Well; he would just have to prove that he was the tougher of the two…physically; if necessary。
  'Don't you talk to me like that in my own house。 I merely came in here to ask you a civil question。'
  'Well; it doesn't seem that bloody way to me。 If I don't want to go to work; I won't。 Don't worry; I won't be sponging for cash。'
  'You haven't been to work because you were laid off。 Sent home。'
  'If you know all the answers; why bother asking me?'
  'I want to know why you were laid off。'
  'Ah; I get it。 Using me; eh? You need a spy inside Oxide Reprocessing。 Well; you do your own dirty work。 Ask Dyne? Maybe he'll tell you。 Or see if you can get one of my workmates to part with the information for a tenner。 Me; I don't take bribes。'
  Coyle could contain himself no longer。 Every nerve in his body shook; his vision was momentarily blurred。 A split…second memory crossed his brain; from three years ago。 His son's fist smashing into his jaw。 This same room。 The posters 。。。 all this same teenage crap spinning around him。
  His reaction; his provocation; powered the blow almost before he realised it。 Knuckles met unresisting bone and flesh; just below the right eye。 For perhaps a fraction of a second Richard was airborne; his calves catching on the side of the bed and propelling him backwards in a half…somersault。 A soft landing except for the jarring of the back of his skull as it struck the headboard。
  Coyle fell forward; checked himself; and retained his balance。 Remorse threatened to swamp his anger。 Forcefully he rejected it。 It was too late to turn back now。 He had waited three years to strike that blow; a father's revenge against a son。 The score was even now。 All he wanted were some answers to his questions; and he had been forced to fight for them。
  'You bastard!'
  Richard rubbed his face just below his eye。 He wondered if the cheekbone was broken。 Already the swelling was beginning。 'You bastard!'
  'Yes; I'm a bastard;' Coyle tried to hide his regret in a flood of bitterness。 'Remember the time you did that to me?'
  An uneasy silence。 Heavy breathing。 Coyle heard hesitant footsteps on the stairs。 They receded。 Jane or Sarah; whichever of them it was; had decided not to intervene。
  'Why were you laid off? There's plenty of work up there。'
  'How the hell should I know?'
  'Every worker in any industry is informed why he's been laid off。 The bloody unions see to that。 Maybe this time they're content to hush it up。'
  'Just a technical hitch。' There was a faint note of concession in Richard's voice。 His eye was swelling up; and already the bruise was fully evident。
  'What sort of technical hitch? A breakdown in machinery? There's certainly no shortage of waste being brought in for disposal。'
  'How the hell should I know? They told us it might be a couple of days; even a week or a fortnight。 Report back Monday。'
  'You went through the decontamination chamber before leaving?'
  'Everybody does; every day。 It's a rule。 Your protective clothing is removed; and you're given a new suit the next day。'
  Go…operation…and it had taken a straight left to bring it about。 Coyle knew that his son would be unable to tell him any more; even had he wished to。
  'I'm 。 。 。 sorry 。 。 。 about that;' the newspaperman turned back to the door; his eyes resting on the floor。
  'Just leave me be。'
  The apology had been rejected。 That made him feel a thousand times worse。 Slowly he descended the stairs。 Jane and Sarah were standing together in the living…room with strained expressions; their eyes boring into him。 Explanations would be futile。 They had undoubtedly heard it all。
  Sarah was obviously on the point of going out。 She was wearing a brand…new sheepskin coat。 Brandon; the best quality; with leather…lined trims。 Coyle hated it。 He hated Houston。 Maybe one day he'd hit him; too; only when that happened he would have no regrets。
  'You bloody bully。'
  Coyle winced at his daughter's words; but did not reply。 There was nothing more to be said。 He was relieved when she turned her back abruptly on him; and went out; banging the front door behind her。
  'Did you have to hit him?' A mother's instinct to protect her son。 'Sarah hates you for it。 She's hated you for some time now。'
  'I know。'
  Bob Coyle attempted to take her in his arms; but she pushed him away。
  'Just look at what you've done to this household。 Just when things were beginning to e right between us。'
  That made him think of Anne。 Sooner or later he would have to tell his wife。 Maybe this new family rift would make it all the easier。 He threw himself on to the settee; and picked up the Sun。 Some guy owning a pack of vicious dogs had refused to have them destroyed。 It had made the headlines。 Oxide reprocessing had virtually disappeared from the papers these days。 Even his own…but that wasn't his fault。 He turned the pages。 A bird with boobs which reminded him of Anne。 He couldn't concentrate。 Tomorrow there would be an awful lot to do。 Somehow; something had to be brought to a head。 But how?
  He regretted that he wasn't seeing Anne that night。 She would have understood。 Jane had promised her support that night she had taken him; but it had not materialised…not that he was aware of; anyway。 His whole family was opposed to him。 That resulted from a culmination of events totally beyond his control。 Perhaps he had got it all wrong 。 。 。 perhaps he was under the illusion that he was the only soldier in the whole regiment who was marching in step。 It was a possibility…but he didn't think so。
  He made a mental note of tomorrow's phone…calls in order of priority。 Dyne; a rebuff; even if he succeeded in getting through to him。 Eric Stafford; local representative of British Nuclear Fuels; honest but unsure of himself; he relied too much on Dyne。 Tyler; of Britain's Hazardous Materials Group; a man with a conscience。 Possibly he could be persuaded to give some hint; but not over the phone。 Kent。 The thought of speaking to his former colleague made him feel a lot better。 Kent was a born 'stirrer'; a sensationalist; who overdid it at times; cost his paper a packet on one occasion; an article concerning a cabinet minister。 They hadn't sacked Kent; though; simply because they knew it had been true。 Just lack of conclusive evidence; or rather; too many falsely substantiated lies from those in power。 That was how it went。 Coyle wished that he had Kent there with him now。 The short fair…haired man was an army in himself; a terrier that could not be dislodged once he had a hold。
  The door slammed loudly and they heard Richard's footsteps heading upstairs。 Tonight he would not be going anywhere except to bed。 Maybe he had decided to sleep his humiliation off。
  Jane came back into the room and switched on the television。 That was the best thing that had happened all evening。。
  The sound of voices stirred Richard Coyle from a deep slumber; angry voices; chanting; boots scraping on hard ground; the tinkle of breaking glass。 A slow emergence from sleep into a shocked awakening; sitting up in bed; throwing back the bedclothes; aware that it was still dark outside except for the orange glow of streetlamps。
  He ran to the window; snagged the curtains back; and stared with disbelief at what he saw in the street below: a crowd of some fifty people; maybe more; pushing and shoving across the width of two pavements。 Looking up at the window; seeing him; yelling obscenities。 。 'e on down; Coyle。 We want you!'
  Fear had his pyjama…clad figure trembling violently。 Disbelief。 He tried to make his confused brain work。 The townspeople…and probably some of his own workmates。 A frenzied mob; incensed because his father was fighting to get the recycling plant closed down…something that would cost them their jobs and throw them back into the dole queues。 Their rage was understandable 。 。 。 except that Richard was one of them; on their side。
  'It's not me you want;' he shouted into the din through the partly open window。 'It's my father。'
  'We want you; Richard Coyle!'
  He stepped back as a jagged half…brick bounced off the window…sill。 And in that instant his terror rose to a climax。 This was no ordinary group of protesting workers。 And the light which reflected the ugly scene did not e from electric standards 。 。 。 The eerie; flickering orange glow came from a dozen or more burning torches held aloft; now revealing the uplifted faces in detail。 Squat; almost inhuman features; grimed with filth and caked with dried blood。 Mouths wide; with animal…like fangs。 Clothing that was crude and ill…fitting…hand…sewn garments of some thick unfamiliar material。 They were people who had no right to exist in this modern day and age!
  And where were all the other houses? Just a stre

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