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小说: rr.armageddonthemusical 字数: 每页4000字

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 upon the carpet。 'What of you?' she asked。 The King shrugged。
   'Back to 1958; I guess。' His voice lacked any enthusiasm。
   'You going to take the draft; then?' Rex posed the question。
   'Can't see that I have a lot of choice。 This was all preordained; wasn't it?' Christeen nodded。
   ''Fraid so chief;' the Time Sprout agreed。
   'The thing that really peeves me;' said Elvis; 'is that I e across real two…dimensional in all this。 No depth of character; d'you know what I mean?' 
   'But you never had any real depth of character; chief。 You're one shallow son of a gun。' 
   'Guess so;' Elvis shrugged。 'Rich and pretty; though。' 
   'So it can't all be bad; can it; chief? And anyway; sprouts can't really travel through time。 I'm just a figment of your imagination。 All this is just an illusion for you。 You won't remember any of it; once you're back in fifty…eight。' 
   'What a bummer。 I gotta do all that bad stuff again and no…one ever gets to know what a hero I really was。' 
   'We know;' said Christeen。
   'Yeah; I guess you do。 Uh; and just a couple of things before I go。' The look of enlightenment was once more upon the King's face。
   'Oh yes?' said Rex; who had seen it before。
   'Right;' said Elvis。 'Now; if that cat Jovil has spent the last fifty years in cold storage; how could he also have been on Phnaargos when they sent him back in time to get me? And if the Dalai had been all those other people through history; how e he never knew who I was? All that SUN baloney。 And I'll have you know that Heartbreak Hotel was recorded on RCA。 So that SUN disc is a phoney; which probably means that all this is a。。。' 
   'e on; chief;' chirruped the sprout。 'We really must be going。。。' And in a flash they were。
   Rex and Christeen were left alone。 Above them the pyramid's pinnacle broke away and roared off into the sky。 'Big boobies;' said Fergus。 'I'm sorry to keep on; but it's something of a fixation。' 
   'To boldly go;' Jovil told him; 'where no Phnaarg has ever gone before。' 
   'If the disc is a fake and Jovil couldn't be in two places at once;' said Rex。 'Doesn't this mean that all this。。。' Christeen smiled up at him。 She was the most beautiful woman who had ever lived。 'Oh; nothing;' said Rex。
   'Kiss me; you fool;' said God's only daughter。
   Planet Earth rolled on in ever decreasing circles about the sun。 But everything was really going to be all right this time; wasn't it?
   'I can't eat this;' came the voice of Deathblade Eric。 'This fellow's got green blood and he smells like stale cabbage。' 
   'So he does;' Rambo agreed。 'Now there's a thing。' 
   'And what about me?' Gloria asked。
   'Buggered if I know dear。' Ms Vrillium admired herself in the mirror。 'I expect we'll find out in the sequel。 All this is really far too good to be true。' 
   And it was。

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