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小说: sk.thetalisman 字数: 每页4000字

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  That's where the Alhambra is; he thought; and then the gull shrieked at him。 He turned toward it and was alarmed to see it was now less than six feet away。 Its beak opened again; showing that dirty pink lining; making him think of yesterday; the gull that had dropped the clam on the rock and then fixed him with a horrid stare exactly like this one。 The gull was grinning at him…he was sure of it。 As it hopped closer; Jack could smell a low and noisome stink hanging about it…dead fish and rotted seaweed。
  The gull hissed at him and flurried its wings again。 
  'Get out of here;' Jack said loudly。 His heart was pumping quick blood and his mouth had gone dry; but he did not want to be scared off by a seagull; even a big one。 'Get out!' 
  The gull opened its beak again 。 。 。 and then; in a terrible; open…throated series of pulses; it spoke…or seemed to。
  'Other's iyyyin Ack 。 。 。 other's iyyyyyyyyyyin…'
  Mother's dying; Jack 。 。 。
  The gull took another clumsy hop toward him; scaly feet clutching at the grassy tangles; beak opening and closing; black eyes fixed on Jack's。 Hardly aware of what he was doing; Jack raised the green bottle and drank。
  Again that horrible taste made him wince his eyes shut…and when he opened them he was looking stupidly at a yellow sign which showed the black silhouettes of two running kids; a little boy and a little girl。 SLOW CHILDREN; this sign read。 A seagull…this one of perfectly normal size…flew up from it with a squawk; no doubt startled by Jack's sudden appearance。
  He looked around; and was walloped by disorientation。 His stomach; full of blackberries and Speedy's pustulant 'magic juice;' rolled over; groaning。 The muscles in his legs began to flutter unpleasantly; and all at once he sat down on the curb at the base of the sign with a bang that travelled up his spine and made his teeth click together。
  He suddenly leaned over between his splayed knees and opened his mouth wide; sure he was just going to yark up the whole works。 Instead he hiccuped twice; half…gagged; and then felt his stomach slowly relax。
  It was the berries; he thought。 If it hadn't been for the berries; I would have puked for sure。
  He looked up and felt the unreality wash over him again。 He had walked no more than sixty paces down the cart…track in the Territories world。 He was sure of that。 Say his stride was two feet…no; say two and a half feet; just to be on the safe side。 That meant he had e a paltry hundred and fifty feet。 But…He looked behind him and saw the arch; with its big red letters: ARCADIA FUNWORLD。 Although his vision was 20/20; the sign was now so far away he could barely read it。 To his right was the rambling; many…winged Alhambra Inn; with the formal gardens before it and the ocean beyond it。
  In the Territories world he had e a hundred and fifty feet。
  Over here he had somehow e half a mile。
  'Jesus Christ;' Jack Sawyer whispered; and covered his eyes with his hands。
  'Jack! Jack; boy! Travellin Jack!'
  Speedy's voice rose over the washing…machine roar of an old flathead…six engine。 Jack looked up…his head felt impossibly heavy; his limbs leaden with weariness…and saw a very old International Harvester truck rolling slowly toward him。 Homemade stake sides had been added to the back of the truck; and they rocked back and forth like loose teeth as the truck moved up the street toward him。 The body was painted a hideous turquoise。 Speedy was behind the wheel。
  He pulled up at the curb; gunned the engine (Whup! Whup! Whup…whup…whup!); and then killed it (Hahhhhhhhhhh 。 。 。)。 He climbed down quickly。
  'You all right; Jack?'
  Jack held the bottle out for Speedy to take。 'Your magic juice really sucks; Speedy;' he said wanly。
  Speedy looked hurt 。 。 。 then he smiled。 'Whoever tole you medicine supposed to taste good; Travellin Jack?'
  'Nobody; I guess;' Jack said。 He felt some of his strength ing back…slowly…as that thick feeling of disorientation ebbed。
  'You believe now; Jack?' 
  Jack nodded。
  'No;' Speedy said。 'That don't git it。 Say it out loud。'
  'The Territories;' Jack said。 'They're there。 Real。 I saw a bird…' He stopped and shuddered。
  'What kind of a bird?' Speedy asked sharply。
  'Seagull。 Biggest damn seagull…' Jack shook his head。 'You wouldn't believe it。' He thought and then said; 'No; I guess you would。 Nobody else; maybe; but you would。'
  'Did it talk? Lots of birds over there do。 Talk foolishness; mostly。 And there's some that talks a kind of sense 。 。 。 but it's a evil kind of sense; and mostly it's lies。' 
  Jack was nodding。 Just hearing Speedy talk of these things; as if it were utterly rational and utterly lucid to do so; made him feel better。
  'I think it did talk。 But it was like…' He thought hard。 'There was a kid at the school Richard and I went to in L。A。 Brandon Lewis。 He had a speech impediment; and when he talked you could hardly understand him。 The bird was like that。 But I knew what it said。 It said my mother was dying。' 
  Speedy put an arm around Jack's shoulders and they sat quietly together on the curb for a time。 The desk clerk from the Alhambra; looking pale and narrow and suspicious of every living thing in the universe; came out with a large stack of mail。 Speedy and Jack watched him go down to the corner of Arcadia and Beach Drive and dump the inn's correspondence into the mailbox。 He turned back; marked Jack and Speedy with his thin gaze; and then turned up the Alhambra's main walk。 The top of his head could barely be descried over the tops of the thick box hedges。
  The sound of the big front door opening and closing was clearly audible; and Jack was struck by a terrible sense of this place's autumn desolation。 Wide; deserted streets。 The long beach with its empty dunes of sugar…sand。 The empty amusement park; with the roller…coaster cars standing on a siding under canvas tarps and all the booths padlocked。 It came to him that his mother had brought him to a place very like the end of the world。
  Speedy had cocked his head back and sang in his true and mellow voice; 'Well I've laid around 。 。 。 and played around 。 。 。 this old town too long 。 。 。 summer's almost gone; yes; and winter's ing on 。 。 。 winter's ing on; and I feel like 。 。 。 I got to travel on…'
  He broke off and looked at Jack。
  'You feel like you got to travel; ole Travellin Jack?' 
  Flagging terror stole through his bones。
  'I guess so;' he said。 'If it will help。 Help her。 Can I help her; Speedy?'
  'You can;' Speedy said gravely。
  'Oh; there's a whole string of buts;' Speedy said。 'Whole trainload of buts; Travellin Jack。 I don't promise you no cakewalk。 I don't promise you success。 Don't promise that you'll e back alive; or if you do; that you'll e back with your mind still bolted together。
  'You gonna have to do a lot of your ramblin in the Territories; because the Territories is a whole lot smaller。 You notice that?'
  'Figured you would。 Because you sure did get a whole mess down the road; didn't you?' 
  Now an earlier question recurred to Jack; and although it was off the subject; he had to know。 'Did I disappear; Speedy? Did you see me disappear?'
  'You went;' Speedy said; and clapped his hands once; sharply; 'just like that。' Jack felt a slow; unwilling grin stretch his mouth 。 。 。 and Speedy grinned back。 
  'I'd like to do it sometime in Mr。 Balgo's puter class;' Jack said; and Speedy cackled like a child。 Jack joined him…and the laughter felt good; almost as good as those blackberries had tasted。
  After a few moments Speedy sobered and said; 'There's a reason you got to be in the Territories; Jack。 There's somethin you got to git。 It's a mighty powerful somethin。'
  'And it's over there?'
  'It can help my mother?'
  'Her 。 。 。 and the other。'
  'The Queen?'
  Speedy nodded。
  'What is it? Where is it? When do I…'
  'Hold it! Stop!' Speedy held up a hand。 His lips were smiling; but his eyes were grave; almost sorrowing。 'One thing at a time。 And; Jack; I can't tell you what I don't know 。 。 。 or what I'm not allowed to tell。'
  'Not allowed?' Jack asked; bewildered。 'Who…'
  'There you go again;' Speedy said。 'Now listen; Travellin Jack。 You got to leave as soon as you can; before that man Bloat can show up an bottle you up…'
  'Yeah; him。 You got to get out before he es。'
  'But he'll bug my mother;' Jack said; wondering why he was saying it…because it was true; or because it was an excuse to avoid the trip that Speedy was setting before him; like a meal that might be poisoned。 'You don't know him! He…'
  'I know him;' Speedy said quietly。 'I know him of old; Travellin Jack。 And he knows me。 He's got my marks on him。 They're hidden…but they're on him。 Your momma can take care of herself。 At least; she's gonna have to; for a while。 Because you got to go。'
  'West;' Speedy said。 'From this ocean to the other。'
  'What?' Jack cried; appalled by the thought of such distance。 And then he thought of an ad he'd seen on TV not three nights ago…a man picking up goodies at a deli buffet some thirty…five thousand fee

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