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atic nodules。〃 Again he held out the tissue for the resident to see。
 He had turned his attention to the second lung when a door behind him opened。
 〃You busy; Dr。 Pearson?〃
 Pearson turned around irritably。 The voice was that of Carl Bannister; senior lab technician in the pathology department。 Bannister had his head around the door tentatively; and there was another figure behind him in the corridor。
 〃Of course I'm busy。 What do you want?〃 It was the tone; half snarling; half bantering; Pearson habitually used to Bannister。 Over the years the two of them had bee accustomed to it; anything more cordial would probably have confused both。
 Bannister was unperturbed。 He beckoned to the figure behind him。 〃e inside。〃 Then to Pearson he said; 〃This is John Alexander。 You remember…our new lab technician。 You hired him a week ago。 He starts work today。〃
 〃Oh yes。 I'd forgotten this was the day。 e in。〃 Pearson sounded more cordial than he had been with Bannister。 McNeil thought: Maybe he doesn't want to scare a new employee first day out。
 McNeil looked curiously at the newer。 Twenty…two; he figured; later he was to learn he was exactly right。 He knew from what he had heard that Alexander was fresh from college with a degree in medical technology。 Well; they could do with someone like that around the place。 Bannister; for sure; wasn't any Louis Pasteur。
 McNeil turned his eyes to the senior technician。 As usual; Bannister's appearance made him something of a minor league Pearson。 His short; paunchy body was partially covered by a stained lab coat。 The coat was not buttoned and the clothes beneath it appeared shabby and unpressed。 Bannister was mostly bald; and such hair as was left looked as if it were permanently ignored。
 McNeil knew something of Bannister's history。 He had e to Three Counties a year or two after Pearson's arrival。 He had a high…school education; and Pearson had hired him for odd jobs…stock clerk; messenger; washing glassware。 Gradually; as the years passed; Bannister had learned a lot of practical things around the lab; being more and more a right hand to Pearson。
 Officially Bannister's work was in serology and biochemistry。 But he had been in the department so long that he could fill La if necessary; and often did; for technicians in other sections of the lab。 Because of this Pearson had pushed a good deal of administrative lab work onto Bannister; leaving him; in effect; in charge of all pathology technicians。
 McNeil thought it likely that in Bannister's heyday he had been a good technician who; with more education; might have risen to better things。 As it was now; McNeil considered Bannister long on experience and short on theory。 From observation the resident knew that much of Bannister's work in the lab was from rote rather than reasoning。 He could do serologic and chemical tests but without any real understanding of the science behind them。 McNeil had often thought that one day this might prove dangerous。
 Alexander; of course; was a different proposition。 He had e the way of most lab technicians nowadays; with three years of college behind him; the last year in an approved school for medical technologists。 The word 〃technologist〃 was sometimes a sore point with people like Bannister who only rated the styling 〃technician。〃
 Pearson waved his cigar at the remaining stool around the table。 〃Sit down; John。〃
 〃Thank you; Doctor;〃 Alexander answered politely。 In his spotless lab coat; with a recent crew cut; pressed pants; and shined shoes; he presented a contrast to Pearson as well as Bannister。
 〃Do you think you'll like it here?〃 Pearson looked down at the lungs he was holding; continuing the examination while he talked。
 〃I'm sure I will; Doctor。〃
 Nice kid; this; McNeil thought。 He sounds as if he means it。
 〃Well; John;〃 Pearson was saying; 〃you'll discover we have certain ways of doing things。 They may not always be the ways you've been used to; but we find they work pretty well for us。〃
 〃I understand; Doctor。〃
 Do you? McNeil thought Do you understand what the old man is really telling you?…that he doesn't want any changes around the place; that there's to be no nonsense with ideas you may have picked up in school; that nothing in the department…no matter how trifling…is to be amended without his blessing。
 〃Some people might say we're old…fashioned;〃 Pearson continued。 He was being friendly enough in his way。 〃But we believe in tried and tested methods。 Eh; Carl?〃
 Called on for endorsement; Bannister was quick to answer。 〃That's right; Doctor。〃
 Pearson had finished with the lungs now and; dipping into the pail; somewhat like drawing a lottery; had e up with a stomach。 He grunted; then held out an open section to McNeil。 〃See that?〃
 The resident nodded。 〃I saw it before。 We have it listed。〃
 〃All right。〃 Pearson motioned to the clip board; then he dictated; 〃There is a peptic ulcer lying just below the pyloric ring in the duodenum。〃
 Alexander had shifted slightly to get a better look。 Pearson saw his movement and slid the organ across。 〃Are you interested in dissection; John?〃
 Alexander answered respectfully; 〃I've always been interested in anatomy; Doctor。〃
 〃As well as lab work; eh?〃 McNeil sensed that Pearson was pleased。 Pathological anatomy was the old man's first love。
 〃Yes; sir。〃
 〃Well; these are the organs of a fifty…five…year…old woman。〃 Pearson turned over the case…history pages in front of him。 Alexander was raptly attentive。 〃Interesting history; this case。 The patient was a widow; and the immediate cause of death was cancer of the breast。 For two years before she died her children knew she had trouble but they couldn't persuade her to see a physician。 It seems she had a prejudice against them。〃
 〃Some people do。〃 It was Bannister。 He gave a high…pitched giggle which dried up as he caught Pearson's eye。
 〃Just cut out the snide remarks。 I'm giving John here some information。 Might not do you any harm either。〃 Anyone but Bannister would have been crushed by Pearson's rejoinder。 As it was; the technician merely grinned。
 〃What happened; Doctor?〃 Alexander asked。
 〃It says here: 'Daughter states that for the past two years the family has been noticing drainage from the mother's left breast area。 Fourteen months before admission bleeding was noticed from the same area。 Otherwise she appeared in normal health。' 〃
 Pearson turned a page。 〃It seems this woman went to a faith healer。〃 He chuckled grimly。 〃Guess she didn't have enough faith; though; because she finally collapsed and they brought her to this hospital。〃
 〃By then; I suppose; it was too late。〃
 This isn't politeness; McNeil thought。 This guy Alexander is really interested。
 〃Yeah;〃 Pearson answered。 〃But if she had gone to a doctor at the beginning she could have had a radical mastectomy…that's removal of the breast。〃
 〃Yes; sir。 I know。〃
 〃If she'd had that she might still be alive。〃 Pearson tossed the stomach neatly through the hole。
 Something was troubling Alexander。 He asked; 〃Didn't you just say; though; she had a peptic ulcer?〃
 Good for you; McNeil thought。 Pearson; it seemed; had the same reaction; for he turned to Bannister。 〃There you are; Carl。 Here's a boy who keeps his ears open。 You watch out or he'll be showing you up。〃
 Bannister was grinning; but McNeil suspected a little sourness。 What had been said might prove unfortably true。 〃Well; John〃…Pearson was really expansive now…〃she might have had trouble with that。 Then again she might not。〃
 〃You mean she'd never have known about it?〃
 McNeil thought it was time he said something himself。 〃It's surprising;〃 he told Alexander; 〃what people have wrong with them besides the things they die of。 Things they never know about。 You see a lot of that here。〃
 〃That's right。〃 Pearson nodded agreement。 〃You know; John; the remarkable thing about the human body is not what kills us but what we can have wrong inside and still go on living。〃 He paused; then abruptly changed the subject。 〃Are you married?〃
 〃Yes; sir。 I am。〃
 〃Your wife here with you?〃
 〃Not yet。 She's ing next week。 I thought I'd find us a place to live first。〃
 McNeil remembered that Alexander had been one of the out…of…town applicants for the job at Three Counties。 He seemed to recall that Chicago had been mentioned。
 Alexander hesitated; then he added; 〃There was something I wanted to ask you; Dr。 Pearson。〃
 〃What's that?〃 The old man sounded wary。
 〃My wife is pregnant; Doctor; and ing into a new town; we don't know anyone。〃 Alexander paused。 〃This baby is pretty important to us。 You see; we lost our first child。 A month after she was born。〃
 〃I see。〃 Pearson had stopped work now and was listening carefully。
 〃I was wondering; Doctor; if you could remend an obstetrician my wife could go to。〃
 〃That's easy。〃 Pearson sounded relieved。 Plainly he had wondered what was ing。 〃Dr。 Dornberger's a good man。 He has an office right here in the hospital。 Would you like me to call him?〃
 〃If it's not too much trouble。〃
 Pearson motioned to Bannister。 〃See if he's in。〃
 Bannister picked up the telephone behind them and asked for an extension。 After a pause he said; 〃He's in;〃 and offered the instrument to Pearson

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