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Now that her father and King Orden were dead; within a few weeks the chronicles of their deeds would begin to be slowly distributed by the Days; a volume here; a volume there。 Perhaps when the truth came out; Iome's people would think better of Gaborn。
Yet another problem presented itself。 Iome's Maid of Honor; Chemoise; would be heavy with child by the time Iome saw Gaborn again。 If Iome's people disapproved of her match with Orden; how would Gaborn s people feel about her?
Ostensibly; Gaborn had e here seeking a union because the wealth and security of Heredon were to have been a boon to Mystarria。 But Raj Ahten had taken the wealth; made a mockery of Heredon's castles; stolen away the Princess's beauty。
Iome had nothing to offer but her affection。 And she knew that affection es cheaply。
She still hoped that Gaborn might love her。 She feared that she deluded herself in even hoping for a union with him。 It seemed foolish; like the child's fable of the lazy man who planned to get rich someday by discovering that rain had washed dirt off a pot of gold that lay hidden in his fields。
Surely; in the months to e; Gaborn would e to see that she had nothing to offer; would reconsider。 Though he spoke of loving her; surely he'd see that love was not reason enough to unite their kingdoms。
As Iome considered these things; Binnesman nodded kindly; worry on his face; lost in his own private musings。 He studied her from under bushy brows。 〃So you want me to warn Gaborn away。 Do you have any more messages for him?〃
〃None;〃 Iome said。 〃Except。。。there is the matter of Borenson。〃
〃What of him?〃 Binnesman asked。
〃I。。。don't know what to do about him。 He killed my father; a king。 Such a deed cannot go unpunished。 Yet his guilt is almost more than he can bear。 To lay further punishment upon him would be cruel。〃
Binnesman said; 〃There was a time when knights who inadvertently erred were given a second chance。。。〃
Chapter 60
In the House of Understanding; in the Room of the Heart; Gaborn had learned that there are dreams and memories so disturbing the mind cannot hold them。
As Gaborn rode in silence on the road south to Bredsfor Manor; he caught up to Borenson; watched his knight's face; and wondered if the man would break。
Time and time again; Borenson's head would nod; his lips quivering as if he were about to say something unspeakable。 Yet each time he raised his head; his eyes would be a little clearer; a little brighter; his gaze a little steadier。
Gaborn suspected Borenson would forget his deeds; given a week or a month。 He might claim that some other knight had slaughtered Sylvarresta; or that the good king had died in battle or fallen from a horse。
Gaborn hoped Borenson would forget。 They rode in silence。 Gaborn's Days coughed from time to time; as if he were developing a cold。
After twenty long minutes of this; Borenson turned; and on the surface his manners seemed almost carefree; the pain had retreated so deeply。 But it was there; lying far within。 〃Milord; I was up above the Duke's lodge a bit ago; and I saw the tracks of a reaver。 A big female。 May I have your leave to hunt her tonight?〃
It was an obvious jest。 〃Not without me;〃 Gaborn said; musing。 〃Last autumn; I came to the Dunnwood to hunt boars。 This year we shall hunt reavers。 Perhaps Groverman will ride with us。 What think you?〃
〃Hah; not bloody likely;〃 Borenson spat。 〃Not after what I've done!〃
Immediately; Borenson's eyes looked troubled again; and Gaborn sought to turn his thoughts。 〃Tell you what; if we kill a reaver; you get to eat the ears;〃 Gaborn jested。 To eat the ears of the first boar of the hunt was a great honor。 But reavers had no ears; and no part of a reaver was edible。 〃Or at least I'll cut off a patch of hide shaped like an ear。〃
〃Oh; you are too generous; milord;〃 Borenson chortled like some peasant woman in the marketplace; heaping unearned praise on a noble。 〃Oh; you're so gracious。 All you lords are so。。。er; well; lordly; if you catch my meaning。〃
〃Well; uh; thank you; dear lady;〃 Gaborn said; affecting a stodgy accent much like that of the Marquis of Ferecia; a noted poser。 He raised his nose in the air; just as the Marquis would; then used the full powers of his Voice to imitate the Marquis' accent。 〃A blessing on you and your hovel and all your snot…nosed prodigy; dear lady。 And please don't e any nearer; or I think I might sneeze。〃
Borenson laughed deeply at the jest; for the Marquis often sneezed when dirty peasants got too near his person。 His threats of illness kept peasants away; so that the Marquis would not have to tolerate the scent of their poverty。
It was a grim sort of humor; but it was the best Gaborn could manage at the moment; and it eased Borenson's spirits somewhat。 Gaborn almost hoped that someday things between them would be as they had been before。
Two weeks ago; Gaborn had ridden into Heredon with hardly a care。 Now he felt the weight of the whole world landing squarely on his shoulders。 Deep in his heart; he knew nothing could ever be the same。
They crossed the downs for several miles; riding over the rolling hills。
The clouds began to break; and the afternoon sun began melting the snow。 A mile from Longmont; farmhouses still stood along the road; stone cottages whose thatch roofs had not been torched。 All the animals were gone from their pens and the fruit had been harvested; giving the place an eerie sense of emptiness; but the shelters still stood。
Then they crossed a hill and saw Bredsfor Manor nestled in a cozy vale; a long building of gray stone with two wings fanning out。 Behind it lay barns and dovecotes; carriage houses; servants' quarters; and walled gardens。 A circular drive curved among the flower beds and topiaries before the manor; A deep brook cut through the vale; and a white bridge spanned the brook farther down the road。
On the steps of the manor sat a woman in cloud…colored silk; her dark hair cascading over her left shoulder。
Myrrima gazed up at them; stood nervously。 Her beauty had not diminished in the past few days。 Gaborn had almost forgotten how lovely she looked; how inviting。
Borenson spurred his horse and charged downhill; shouting; 〃Howwhat are you doing here?〃
In a moment Borenson leapt from his horse; and Myrrima melted into his arms。
Gaborn halted a hundred yards off。
Myrrima laughed and hugged Borenson; weeping。 〃You didn't make it to Longmont in time。 King Orden told me to wait here for you。 Oh; I was so afraid。 The skies went black; and frightful screams shook the ground。
Raj Ahten's army passed hereright down this road; so I hid; but they were in such a hurrythey never slowed。。。〃
Gaborn turned his horse around; rode back over the hill; followed by his Days; so that the two could have a few moments of privacy。 There he rested beneath an elm tree; where the ground was free of the slushy melting snow。 Part of him felt relieved。 He'd believed; somehow; that Myrrima was important to his future; that she would play a major role in the wars to e; and he felt grateful to find that his father had chosen to save her; to send her out of harm's way。
Yet at the same time; he could not help but feel somewhat jealous of whatever happiness she and Borenson might have。
Iome had been so horribly scarred by her encounter with Raj Ahten; so shattered。 The manner of her father's death was sure to divide them。 Gaborn did not know if she would ever want to speak to him again。
Perhaps it would be better to forget her; he mused。 Yet her happiness mattered to him。 Gaborn still felt numb; his breathing came ragged; and he trembled。
Both of them bore wounds from this war; and these deep cuts were just the beginning。
But we cannot give in to pain; Gaborn thought。 It is a Runelord's duty to place himself between his vassals and danger; to take the enemy's blows; so that fragile people do not have to suffer。
Though Gaborn felt hurt beyond telling; he did not weep; and he did not let himself mourn his loss。 Just as; he vowed; he'd never let himself flinch in the face of danger。
Yet he feared that this day; these deeds; would haunt his dreams。
Gaborn's Days stood behind him; under the elm。 Gaborn said; 〃I missed you; Days。 I'd not have thought it; but I missed your presence。〃
〃As I missed you; Your Lordship。 I see you have had a little adventure。〃
It was the Days' way of asking Gaborn to fill in the blanks in his knowledge。 It occurred to Gaborn that the Days did not really know how many things had happened to him; how he'd given himself to the Earth; or how he'd read the Emir of Tuulistan's book; or how he'd fallen in love。
〃Days; tell me;〃 Gaborn said; 〃in ancient times; the men and women of your order were called the 'Guardians of Dream。' Is that not right?〃
〃Long ago; in the South; yes;〃 the Days answered。
〃Why is that so?〃
〃Let me ask you another question; Your Lordship。 When you dream; do you sometimes find yourself wandering through familiar lands; to places unconnected?〃
〃Yes;〃 Gaborn said。 〃There is a path behind my father's palace in Mystarria; and in my dreams; when I ride my horse behind it; I sometimes find myself in the fields behind the Room of th