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tz.cobra strike-第5节

小说: tz.cobra strike 字数: 每页4000字

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 Pyre gave the edge of the forest a careful scan。 〃I think so;〃 he said; stepping forward to help her up。 〃Thanks for the warning。〃
 〃No problem。〃 She waved off his assistance; brushing off dead leaves as she got to her feet。 〃I'd heard reports from other areas that the spine leopards were occasionally hunting in pairs these days; but I didn't think it'd started here yet。 Survival pressure's supposed to be lighter in the major forests。〃
 〃It's strong enough;〃 Pyre told her grimly。 〃And as
 I was saying; unless you biologists can e up with
 a way to counteract it; these hunts are going to have
 to continue。〃
 〃I'm hardly on the forefront of biological research
 these days…〃
 She broke off as Pyre held up his hand。 〃Report;〃 he said quietly into his wire…mike。 〃。。。 yes。 Need any help? 。。。 all right。 Return here when you're done。〃
 Telek was watching him。 〃They found the den site;〃 he told her。 〃Ten cubs in it。〃
 Her mouth pressed into a tight line。 〃Ten。 Twenty years ago a spine leopard litter never exceeded two or three。 Never;〃
 Pyre shrugged unfortably; running a hand through his thinning hair。 Pony…seven years old; and chasing through the forests like a newly…missioned kid。 He might have been bitter if the duty wasn't so vital。 〃We've cleared out too many of their territories;〃 he said with a shake of his head。 〃However it is they sense these things; they know there's room on Aventine for a whole lot more spine leopards。 Theoretically。〃
 Telek snorted gently。 〃Theoretically; indeed。 Spine leopards in the streets of Capitalia。〃 She shook her head in turn。 〃If you only knew。 Pyre; how often biologists have yearned for a truly self…healing planetary ecology。 And now we've got two 。 。。 and they're a damn bloody nuisance。〃
 〃Nuisance〃 is hardly a word I'd apply to Caelian; Governor;〃 Pyre murmured。
 〃True。〃 Something in her tone made him glance over; and he found her gazing tight…lipped into the forest。 〃Well 。 。。 maybe there's something we can do about it。〃
 〃About all we could do about Caelian is abandon it;〃 he retorted。
 〃That's exactly what I had in mind;〃 she nodded。 〃Tell me; would you be available for some consultation before the Council meeting the day after tomorrow? I need some expert advice from an experienced Cobra team leader。〃
 〃I suppose so;〃 he said reluctantly。 〃But only if we're finished pletely out here。〃
 〃Fine;〃 she agreed。 〃I think you'll find my proposal very interesting。〃
 / doubt it; he told himself morosely; turning his attention back to the forest。 Another political mind with another political solution。 Once…just once…I'd like to hear something else。 Anything else。 Unbidden; the face of Tors Challinor rose before him: Challinor; who had tried years ago to take military control of Aventine。 Well; all right; he told the memory with a shudder。 I'd like almost anything else。
 Chapter 4
 〃This meeting is officially e to order;〃 Governor…General Stiggur announced; bringing his hand down in a dramatic gesture to start the sealed recorder。
 Somehow; Corwin thought; the whole thing lost a lot of effect when translated to a room the size of a large office and an audience of six。 〃I've called you here;〃 Stiggur continued; 〃to discuss the issue raised at the Council meeting two weeks ago: namely; whether to undertake the job the Tlos demesne has offered us。〃
 Corwin glanced surreptitiously around the table at the five governors; feeling as he never had at Council meetings the sheer weight of political authority assembled around him。 An oppressive; almost suffocating presence…
 Until Governor Lizabet Telek spoke up and broke the bubble。 〃I realize; Brom; that you're speaking for posterity here;〃 she said to Stiggur; 〃but can we try to do without the heavy historical phrasings?〃
 Stiggur tried to glare at her; but his heart clearly wasn't in it。 None of them had e to Aventine all those years ago with any political aspirations; and while they'd stepped into these positions with reasonable success; they were all still non…politicians beneath the trappings。
 〃All right…point taken;〃 Stiggur sighed。 〃Fine。 So who's got anything to report?〃
 〃I'd like to know first of all where Governor Emeritus Moreau is;〃 Caelian's Governor Howie Vartanson spoke up。 〃It seems to me this issue should take priority over therapy sessions or whatever。〃
 〃My father's in the hospital at the moment;〃 Corwin said; resisting the urge to say something nasty about the other's unthinking callousness。 He knew Jonny was a first…generation Cobra; after all。 〃Immune system trouble; the doctors think。〃
 〃How serious is it?〃 Stiggur asked; frowning。
 〃Apparently not very。 It came on rather suddenly last night; though。〃
 〃You should have let someone know;〃 Jor Hemner said; one frail hand playing restlessly with his wispy beard。 〃We could have postponed this meeting。〃
 〃Not if we want to have a remendation for the full Council meeting this afternoon;〃 Corwin said; glancing at Hemner before returning his gaze to Stiggur。 〃I know my father's thoughts on this matter; sir; and have his authority to act for him。 I presume you'll accept my council proxy in this session?〃
 〃Well; the strict legality…〃
 〃Oh; for heaven's sake; Brom; let him sit in and be done with it;〃 Telek put in。 〃We've got a lot of ground to cover this morning; and I want to get to it。〃
 〃Fine。〃 Stiggur raised his eyebrows at the others。 〃Any objections? All right。 Anyone managed to find out anything from the Trofts about this Qasama?〃
 Olor Roi of Palatine cleared his throat。 〃I tried playing the old independent…planets routine on Speaker One; but I think it's starting to wear thin。 They're finally tumbling to the fact that we're a political unit even though we can all make our own trade agreements。 Still; I think he was being honest when he said he'd already given us all he had。〃
 〃Maybe he was just holding out in hopes we'd outbid you;〃 suggested Dylan Fairleigh; the thirdAventine governor。 It was a rather naive ment; Corwin thought; betraying the lack of experience with Troft trade that almost automatically came with the other's Far West Region jurisdiction。
 Vartanson; predictably; didn't bother to take that into account。 〃Don't be ridiculous;〃 he snorted。 〃Trofts don't hold out without making it known that they have something for sale。 Where've you been the past 14 years; anyway?〃
 Fairleigh's forehead darkened; but before he could speak Telek cut in。 〃Okay…so it's established the Tlossies haven't got anything。 Next step is obviously to get to someone who does。 I see two choices: the Baliu demesne or Qasama itself。〃
 〃Just a second;〃 Corwin spoke up。 〃Isn't the next step to see whether we're going to need this information?〃
 Telek frowned at him。 〃Of course we need it。 How else can we make a rational decision?〃
 〃The most rational decision would be to give the Tlossies a simple no sale right now;〃 Corwin answered。 〃If we do…〃
 〃Since when is hiding from reality a rational decision?〃 Telek interrupted tartly。
 〃Saying no now is a statement of principle;〃 Corwin told her; feeling sweat break out on his forehead。 Jonny had warned him this view was unlikely to be well received; but Corwin hadn't been prepared for so strong a negative reaction。 〃It says we're not interested in being mercenaries for…〃
 〃What about our own interests?〃 Vartanson put in。 〃If Qasama is a threat to the Trofts it's probably a threat to us; too。〃
 〃Yes; but 。。。〃 Corwin stopped as words and logic suddenly tangled into a knotted mess。 Relax; he ordered himself。 No one here's anyone to be afraid of。
 But even as he fought his sudden shyness Stiggur came to his rescue。 〃I think the point Corwin's trying to make is that we can still send expeditions to Qasama or wherever once we've turned down the Baliu demesne's deal;〃 he said。 〃At that point we're not constrained by what the Trofts want done; but are free to take action as we see fit。〃
 〃Sounds very noble;〃 Telek nodded。 〃Unfortunately; it runs very quickly into one important practical detail。 Namely; who pays for this if the Trofts don't?〃
 Fairleigh shifted in his seat。 〃I was under the impression the Trofts were offering only those five planets; not payment of costs too。〃
 〃No deal's been officially struck…we could demand costs as part of the package;〃 Roi pointed out thoughtfully。 〃But it would still take a lot of Cobras out of circulation for up to several years。 How fast can the academy replace them?〃
 〃Surgery and training together take three months;〃 Corwin spoke up; feeling better on balance。 〃Candidate screening adds another two weeks。〃
 〃But the whole process can be shrunk to less than seven weeks;〃 Telek said; brandishing a magcard for a moment before dropping it into her reader。 〃In the past few days I've spoken with two authorities on Cobra matters: Cally Halloran; who was Jenny's old teammate in the Troft War; and Almo Pyre; currently head of Cobra operations in Syzra District。 Together they've provided the data necessary for a cost analysis of both the initial scouting expedition and the three most likely types of military operation。〃
 Corwin stared at the figures that appeared on his display; the two names she'd dropped so casually into the d

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