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〃Allez…vous…en。 Nous partons! Vite!〃 shouted the second man; gesturing for the other two on the brick steps to precede him down to the van。 They did so; the man in the raincoat joining the guard at' the rear doors; the woman acpanying the one who gave the orders。 。。。 The Jackal? Was it Carlos? Was it?
Bourne desperately wanted to believe that it was…therefore; it was! The sound of the vehicle's curbside door slamming shut was followed rapidly by the gunning of the vehicle's powerful engine; both were a signal。 The three other guards raced from their posts to the rear doors of the van。 One by one they climbed up inside after the man in the black raincoat; their legs stretched; arms bracing shoulders; curved hands gripping the two metal frames that with instant muscular strain propelled them inside as their weapons were thrown in front of them。 Then a pair of hands reached out for the interior door handles…
Now! Bourne pulled the pin of the grenade and lurched to his feet; running as he had never run in his life toward the swinging rear doors of the van。 He dived; twisting his body in flight; landing on his back as he gripped the left panel and threw the grenade inside; the bomb's release in his hand。 Six seconds and it would detonate。 Jason got to his knees; arms extended; and crashed the doors shut。 A fusillade of gunfire erupted。 But it was an unintended miracle…as the Jackal's van was bulletproof; it was also impervious to bullets shot from within! There were no penetrations of the steel; only thuds and the screaming whistles of ricochets 。。。 and the screams of the wounded inside。
The glistening vehicle shot forward on the boulevard Lefebvre as Bourne sprang to a crouch and raced toward the deserted storefronts on the east side of the street。 He was nearly across the wide avenue when the impossible happened。 The impossible!
The Jackal's van blew up; the explosion firing the dark Paris sky; and the moment it happened a brown limousine screeched around the nearest corner; the windows open; men in the black spaces; weapons in their grips; spraying the entire area with thunderous; indiscriminate fire。 Jason lunged into the nearest recess; curling up into a fetal position in the shadows; accepting the fact…not in fear but in fury…that it might well be his last moments of life。 He had failed。 Failed Marie and his children! 。。。 But not this way。 He spun off the concrete; the weapon in his hand。 He would kill; kill! That was the way of Jason Bourne。
Then the incredible happened。 The incredible。 A siren? The police? The brown limousine shot forward; skirting the flaming wreck of the Jackal's van and disappeared into the dark streets as a patrol car raced out of the opposing darkness; its siren screaming; the tires screeching as it skidded to a stop only yards from the flames of the demolished vehicle。 Nothing made sense! thought Jason。 Where before there had been five patrol cars; only one had returned。 Why? And even that question was superfluous。 Carlos had mounted a strategy employing not one but seven; conceivably eight; decoys; all expendable; all led to their terrible death by the consummate self…protector。 The Jackal had sprung himself from the trap that had been reversed by his hated quarry; Delta; the product of Medusa; a creation of American intelligence。 Once again; the assassin had outthought him; but he had not killed him。 There would be another day; another night。
〃Bernardine!〃 screamed the Deuxième official who less than thirty minutes ago had officially disowned his colleague。 Leaping out of the patrol car; the man shouted again。 〃Bernardine! Where are you? 。。。 My God; where are you? I came back; old friend; for I could not leave you! My God; you were right; I see that now for myself! Oh; Christ; tell me you're alive! Answer me!〃
〃Another is dead;〃 came the reply from Bernardine as his gaunt figure walked slowly; with difficulty; out of the storefront two hundred feet north of Bourne。 〃I tried to tell you but you would not listen…〃
〃I was perhaps too hasty!〃 roared the official; running to the old man and embracing him as the others in the patrol car; their arms crossed in front of their faces; surrounded the burning van but at a considerable distance。 〃I've radioed for our people to return!〃 added the official。 〃You must believe me; old friend; I came back because I couldn't leave you in anger; not my old rade。 。。。 I had no idea that pig from the newspaper actually assaulted you; struck you。 He told me and I threw him out! 。。。 I came back for you; you see that; don't you? But; my God; I never expected anything like this!〃
〃It's horrible;〃 said the Deuxième veteran; while cautiously; his eyes straying rapidly up and down the boulevard; he surveyed the area。 He specifically noted the many frightened; intense faces in the windows of the three stone buildings。 The scenario had blown apart with the van's explosion and the disappearance of the brown limousine。 The minions were without their leader and filled with anxiety。 〃It's not entirely your error alone…my old rade;〃 he continued; a note of apology in his voice。 〃I had the wrong building。〃
〃Ah ha;〃 cried the Deuxième associate; relishing a minor triumph of self…vindication。 〃The wrong building? That is indeed a mistake of consequence; eh; Fran?ois?〃
〃The consequences might have been far less tragic had you not abandoned me so hastily; as you so aptly phrased it。 Instead of listening to a man with my vast experience; you ordered me out of your car only to have me witness the horror moments after you fled。〃
〃We followed your orders! We searched the building…the wrong building!〃
〃Had you remained; if only for a brief conference; this might have been avoided and a friend might be alive。 I shall have to include that judgment in my report…〃
〃Please; old friend;〃 broke in the associate。 〃Let us reason together for the good of the Bureau…〃 The interruption now came with the shrill appearance of a fire truck。 Bernardine held up his hand and led his protesting former rade across the boulevard; ostensibly to get out of the way of the firemen; more purposefully to be within earshot of Jason Bourne。 〃When our people arrive;〃 went on the associate of the Deuxième; his voice rising with authority; 〃we shall empty the buildings and detain every resident for thorough interrogation!〃
〃My God;〃 exclaimed Bernardine; 〃don't add asininity to inpetence!〃
〃The limousine; the brown limousine…surely you saw it。〃
〃Yes; of course。 The driver said it raced away。〃
〃That's all he told you?〃
〃Well; the truck was in flames and there was so much confusion radioing for personnel…〃
〃Look at the shattered glass!〃 manded Fran?ois; pointing at the storefronts away from the recess where Bourne was hiding。 〃Look at the pits on the pavement and in the street。 Gun fire; my old rade。 Those involved escaped believing they had killed me! 。。。 Say nothing; do nothing。 Leave these people alone。〃
〃You are inprehensible…〃
〃And you are a fool。 If for any reason whatsoever there is the slightest possibility that even one of those killers is ordered to return here; there can be no impediments。〃
〃Now you are inscrutable。〃
〃Not at all;〃 protested Bernardine as the firemen hosed down the flames of the van; their efforts augmented by giant extinguishers。 〃Send your people into each building; inquiring if everything is all right; explaining that the authorities have determined the terrible events on the boulevard were criminally oriented。 The crisis has passed; there is no further alarm。〃
〃But is that true?〃
〃It's what we want them to believe。〃 An ambulance stormed into the street followed by two additional patrol cars; all the sirens at maximum volume。 From the rue d'Alésia; apartment dwellers had gathered at both corners; many in hastily pulled…on street attire…trousers and undershirts…while others were in night clothes…frayed bathrobes and worn slippers。 Noting that the Jackal's van was now a smoldering mass of twisted steel and shattered glass; Bernardine continued: 〃Give the crowds time to satisfy their morbid viewing; then send men to disperse them。 In an hour or so; when the rubble is under control and the bodies carted away; proclaim loudly to your police detachment that the emergency is over; ordering all but one man back to the precinct。 That man is to remain here on duty until the debris is cleared from the boulevard。 He is also to be instructed not to interfere with anyone leaving the buildings; is that clear?〃
〃Not for a moment。 You said that someone might be hiding…〃
〃I know what I said;〃 pressed the former Deuxième consultant。 〃It changes nothing。〃
〃You will stay here; then?〃
〃Yes。 I will move slowly; inconspicuously; around the area。〃
〃I see。 。。。 What about the police report? And my report?〃
〃Use some of the truth; not all of it; of course。 Word was passed to you…informer's name withheld…that an act of violence related to the Bureau's narcotics division was to take place on the boulevard Lefebvre at precisely this hour。 You mandeered a police contingent and found nothing; but shortly thereafter your highly professional instincts sent you back beyond the time span; unfortunately too late to stop the carnage。〃