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小说: elizabethpeters.thegoldenone 字数: 每页4000字

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ich they had already supplied Ramses and Emerson。
 〃You may as well have something;〃 said my son; who was sitting on a bench pretending he had been there the whole time。 (In fact; he had been watching Yusuf's house; I had caught a glimpse of him ducking back into concealment as I approached。) 〃Selim will be a while; he is changing into proper attire for the luncheon。〃
 〃You weren't long;〃 said Emerson。 〃Wasn't Yusuf there?〃
 〃He was at the mosque。 At least; so I was told。〃
 〃He spends too much time in prayer for a man with nothing on his conscience;〃 said my cynical spouse。
 Selim finally emerged looking very handsome in a striped silk vest and cream…colored robe; and we bade the ladies farewell with thanks for their hospitality。
 Nefret met us at the door of her house。 I thought she looked a trifle fussed; and expected to hear of some minor domestic disaster。 Then the cause of the disaster appeared and flung herself at Ramses。
 〃I couldn't refuse her;〃 Nefret whispered。 〃She wanted so badly to e。〃
 〃It is very difficult to refuse Sennia when she is in one of her moods;〃 I said resignedly as Sennia; beaming and beruffled from neck to hem; hugged Emerson and Selim。 〃I presume this means Horus and the Great Cat of Re are also lunching with us?〃
 〃Not actually at the table;〃 Nefret said; dimpling。 〃At least I hope not。〃
 〃And where is Gargery?〃
 Nefret gestured helplessly。 〃In the kitchen with Fatima。 He insisted on arranging the whole affair and he has been bullying everyone; including me! Shall I ask him to sit down with us?〃
 〃He won't。 He is very firm about keeping us in our place。 He will listen to every word we say; though。〃
 The arrival of the Vandergelts interrupted the conversation。 Everyone went on into the drawing room; but Nefret drew me aside long enough to say in a low voice; 〃I looked in my wardrobe this morning; Mother。 Several things are missing。〃
 〃Ah。 I thought as much。 I will deal with the matter; my dear。 Just leave it to me。〃
 〃I always do; Mother。〃
 The Great Cat of Re; now approximately the size of a melon; had to be removed from Ramses claw by claw before we could proceed to the dining room。 I had not seen the room since the furniture was delivered; and some of the others had not seen it at all。 The effect was extremely attractive … fine old rugs on the floor; a few antique chests; and the table itself; spread with one of the woven cloths Nefret had purchased in Luxor and with the Spode dinnerware that had been a wedding present from Cyrus and Katherine。
 Amid exclamations of admiration we seated ourselves; and Gargery; in full buttling attire; poured the wine。 I might have expected he would jump at the chance to appear at a formal meal; he considered Emerson and me very remiss in carrying out our social duties。 He then stood back; stiffly alert; while the two young Egyptian girls served the food。
 Most people would have been unnerved by his critical stare; not to mention the lecture he had undoubtedly delivered beforehand。 Ghazela; the sturdy fourteen…year…old; was unaffected; except for occasional fits of giggles; but Najia crept about like a ghost; letting Ghazela do most of the work。 The birthmark was not nearly so prominent。 Nefret must have given her some cosmetic that helped to conceal it。
 It is almost impossible to keep conversation at a meaningless social level with our lot; and the interesting events of the previous day were fresh in everyone's mind。 I knew Sennia would introduce the subject if Gargery did not find some means of doing so。
 The child had coolly taken a chair next to Emerson and was cutting up his food for him; over his feeble protests。 〃Tell me again how you hurt your arm;〃 she demanded。 〃You made me go to bed last night before I heard the whole story and it is very important that I know all the facts。〃
 〃And why is that?〃 I inquired; amused at her precise speech。
 〃So that I can help you; of course。〃
 Gargery coughed。 His coughs are very expressive。 This one indicated emphatic agreement。
 Emerson glanced at me。 I shrugged。 Keeping the matter secret was now impossible。
 〃Well; you see 。 。 。〃 he began。
 Gargery had not heard the entire story either。 In his interest he so forgot himself as to edge closer and closer to the table; until he was hovering over Emerson like a vulture。 Emerson turned with a scowl。 〃Gargery; may I beg you to fill the glasses? If it isn't too much trouble。〃
 〃Not at all; sir;〃 said Gargery; backing off。 〃I must say; sir and madam; that I can find no fault in your actions。〃
 〃Good of you to say so;〃 said Emerson; snatching the bottle from him。 Gargery snatched it back。
 〃It might have occurred to you; perhaps;〃 he continued; splashing wine into the glasses; 〃to drop odds and ends along the way; to mark your trail。〃
 〃Like the poor children in the fairy tale;〃 Sennia added approvingly。
 〃We hadn't any odds and ends;〃 I explained; recognizing the start of one of those digressions that can; in our family; go on interminably。 〃Anyhow; it is over and done with。 Thanks to the quick wits of Daoud; and Jumana's excellent memory; we were found in time。〃
 Sennia demanded a detailed account of that; too; which Nefret gave。 Jumana had spoken very little all morning and she did not add to the story; but Sennia's praise of her cleverness brought a smile to her solemn face。 〃I should have remembered before;〃 she said modestly。 〃It was what Daoud said that made me think of it。〃
 〃Memory;〃 I remarked; 〃is capricious and aberrant。 It is not surprising that the import of Jamil's remarks should have escaped you until a dire emergency recalled them to your mind。 Without your assistance we might have perished in the trap he set for us。〃
 I had kept a close if casual eye on Najia; who had bee increasingly clumsy and unfortable。 When she slipped out of the room; observed only by me; I immediately rose。
 〃Nefret; will you e with me? The rest of you stay here。 That includes you; Gargery。〃
 She had gone straight through the kitchen and out into the courtyard; and was; when I caught sight of her; trying to open the back gate。 The unfortunate creature was already in a frightful state of nerves; her shaking hands could not work the latch。 When I called to her to stop; she crumpled to the ground; her hands over her face; her body shaking with sobs。
 We lifted her up and half carried her to a bench; and then Nefret waved me to stand back。
 〃She's afraid of you; Mother。〃
 〃Afraid of me? Good Gad; why?〃
 〃Let me talk to her。〃 Her gentle voice and reassurances finally succeeded in calming the girl。 She raised a face sticky with tears。
 〃I meant no harm。 He told me I was beautiful …〃
 I was trying my best not to appear threatening; but the sight of me set her off again。
 〃I know you meant no harm; Najia;〃 Nefret said。 〃The Sitt Hakim knows that too。 What was the harm in writing a message to his sister; and in borrowing my clothes? What else did you give him?〃
 She had not much to give; and she had given that; gladly and humbly。 He had told her that he loved her; that the disfigurement did not mar her beauty in his eyes。 She had never thought to attract any man; much less one as young and handsome。 When he asked the loan of a few of Nefret's clothes; to play a joke on one of his friends; she had seen nothing wrong。 Not until she heard how he had used that disguise did she realize she had been an unwitting acplice to attempted murder。
 Another pitiful tale of man's perfidy! I determined on the spot that she should not suffer for it。 Seating myself next to her on the bench; I spoke quietly and firmly。
 〃No one else knows of this; Najia; and no one will ever learn the truth from us。 Wipe your eyes 。 。 。〃 I gave her my handkerchief。 〃And go home。 We will tell the others you were taken ill。〃
 〃But when my shame is known 。 。 。〃 She faltered。 〃。 。 。 no man will ever want me。 My father will …〃
 〃He will do nothing and no one will know unless you are fool enough to confess。〃 Distress had weakened her wits; which had never been very strong; I gave over trying to get her to see sense; and asserted the full force of a stronger will。 〃Say nothing to anyone。 That is an order from me; the Sitt Hakim。 We will take care of you … and find you a husband; if that is what you want。 You know we can do what we promise。〃
 〃Yes … yes; it is true。〃 She threw herself at Nefret's feet。 〃How can you forgive me? You were so kind; and I betrayed you。〃
 〃For pity's sake; stop crying;〃 I said impatiently。 My handkerchief was stained; not only with tears but with some brownish substance; the birthmark; wiped clean; stood out strong as ever。 〃Run along and remember that the word of the Sitt Hakim is stronger than another man's oath。〃
 〃That's 'the word of the Father of Curses;' isn't it?〃 Nefret remarked; as the girl scampered off; still swabbing at her face。 〃I don't see how we can keep all of it secret; though。 Someone is bound to suspect it was my clothing Jamil wore。 They'd have been a tight fit; but not as tight as Jumana's。 Especially the boots。 I hope they pinched horribly。〃
 〃He probably cut the toes out or slit the heels;〃 I said absently。 〃Some people must be told some part of the truth; but it is the girl's dishonor; as men ca

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