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e; too。
〃Why have you got yourself up so formally?〃 he demanded。 〃No one will dress for dinner tonight; the sea is too rough。〃
〃It is necessary to keep up appearances; especially in times such as these。 Have you forgotten the date?〃
〃Yes;〃 said Emerson; in … I could only suppose … a desperate attempt to forestall my suggestion that he assume evening dress。 Emerson dislikes the confinement of tightly fitting garments; and I would be the first to admit that his impressive form never shows to better advantage than when he is attired in the wrinkled flannels and open…necked shirts he wears on the dig。 I felt obliged to persevere; however。
〃It is December the thirty…first; Emerson。 We must toast the New Year and pray that 1917 will bring better hopes。〃
〃Bah;〃 said Emerson。 〃It is an artificial distinction with no meaning。 The only significance of January the first is that we will be one day closer to Alexandria。 You are fine enough for both of us。 That gown bees you; my love。 Is it new?〃
It was not; and he knew it … at least I think he did … it is difficult to be certain with Emerson; since he remains happily oblivious to things one expects him to notice; and sees things one hopes he will not。
A glance in the mirror gave me little in the way of confirmation of his pliment; for my image was distorted by movement and shadow。 However; I know my own appearance well enough … a form perhaps slightly more rounded than in the distant past; a rather too prominent chin; eyes of steely gray; and black hair that is long and thick but not sleekly shining; despite the hundred strokes of a brush it receives each evening。 (In the pages of my private journal I will confess that its color owes a little something to art rather than to nature。 Emerson is unaware of this small deception and I have seen no reason to enlighten him。) In short; beautiful I am not … except in the eyes of my husband。
Softened by this touching thought; I smiled affectionately at him。 〃No; Emerson; you would be the only person not in evening dress。 On this occasion especially it is necessary to display a stiff upper lip and …〃
〃Damnation!〃 Emerson shouted。
With my assistance and a good deal of grumbling; he did as he was told。 He then offered me his arm; and the remnants of his ill humor vanished as I clung tightly to it。 Emerson likes me to cling to him。 I do not do it often; but I doubt I could have kept my footing that night without his support。
We had not seen much of our fellow passengers; of whom there were far fewer than in the happy past。 The inclement weather had kept most persons in their bunks。 Thanks to the judicious application of whiskey and soda; which is; among other things; an excellent remedy for mal de mer; we had been unaffected; but there was little pleasure in walking the deck in a howling gale。
More people than usual were at dinner that evening。 The celebration of the New Year was no doubt the occasion; but few of them looked as if they were in a mood to celebrate。 The tightly curtained windows of the dining saloon were a silent reminder of war; and the ship kept rolling about in a disconcerting fashion。 Perhaps; I thought hopefully; submarines do not sail in bad weather。 I must remember to ask someone。
The others were already at our table; as we wove a somewhat erratic path toward them; Ramses rose; balancing lightly with a hand on the back of his chair。 I was pleased to see that he was properly attired in black tie and that Nefret looked particularly lovely in the soft shade of blue that matched her eyes and set off her red…gold hair。 The fifth member of the party was tightly wedged between them; in order to prevent her from flying off her chair。 Sennia should have been in her cabin with Basima; her nurserymaid; for the hour was late for a seven…year…old; but Basima did not feel well; and Sennia had wanted to be with Ramses on this special occasion … and she had got her own way; as she often did。
It was not surprising that many people believed my nephew's child to be Ramses's illegitimate daughter; for she had my dark gray eyes and his coloring。 Ramses had always looked more like an Egyptian than an English person: wavy black hair; black eyes and thick lashes; skin several shades darker than is mon in our island。 (I cannot explain this; and I see no reason why I should be obliged to do so。) His looks are very pleasing; and I assure the reader that his fond mother has not been the only female to think so。
He seated himself somewhat hastily and caught Sennia as she slipped sideways。 She let out a high…pitched laugh; which sounded very loud in the subdued air of the saloon。 Several persons looked and smiled; several others frowned disapprovingly; but that peal of childish laughter had unquestionably relieved some of the tension that filled the room。
〃Enjoying this; Little Bird?〃 Emerson inquired fondly。
〃Oh; yes; it's great fun bouncing up and down。 And if I spill soup in my lap Aunt Amelia cannot say it is my fault。〃 She gave me a cheeky grin; and I smiled back at her; glad she was too young to share the uneasiness that affected the rest of us。 We had thought long and hard about exposing her to the perils of the voyage instead of leaving her in the tender care of Walter and Evelyn; but Sennia had not thought about it at all; she had simply assumed she would e along; and any attempt to prevent her would have led to consequences that were loud and unpleasant。 Emerson could not bear to see her cry; and the little witch knew it。 She had e into our lives under circumstances that were painful to recall even now; but what a joy she was to us all! She was quite like a grandchild 。 。 。 the only one 。 。 。 thus far 。 。 。
Nefret caught me staring at her and the color in her face deepened。 〃Yes; Mother?〃 she inquired。 〃Is there a smudge on my nose?〃
〃Why; no; my dear。 I was just thinking how that shade of blue bees you。〃
The subject was one into which no person of sensibility could properly probe; and I felt certain I would be the first to be informed。
After Ramses; of course。
A great deal of soup was spilled; and not only by Sennia。 Most of the diners stuck it out until the end; however; and after Sennia had finished the light meal which was all I allowed her; she began to fidget and look round。 How she had got to know so many of the other passengers I could not imagine; since we had never let her out of our sight; but her waves and smiles were acknowledged by several persons。 One was a tall gray…haired gentleman whom I had seen once or twice on deck; his forbidding face broke into a smile and he waved back。 Sennia received an even more energetic response from a man seated at the captain's table。 He had a round face; as red and wrinkled as a well…preserved winter apple; and he bobbed up and down in his chair; waving; until the young man next to him put a restraining hand on his arm。 He was as stiff as the older man … his father? … was friendly。 Eyeglasses gave him a scholarly look; but he was dressed with foppish elegance; every hair in place。
〃Who are they?〃 I asked Sennia。
〃They are Americans。 Can I have an ice?〃
〃May I have an ice。 Yes; you may。〃
〃Is the lady his wife?〃 Nefret asked。 〃Goodness; look at that frock; and the diamonds; and the rubies。〃
〃Vulgarly large;〃 I said with a sniff。
〃I think they are very beautiful;〃 said Miss Sennia。 〃She let me look at them one day … it was in the saloon … but only because Mr。 Albion told her to。 She is not as nice as he is; and their son is not nice at all。〃 She took firm hold of the bowl and dug her spoon into the pink mound。 〃Mr。 Albion wanted to meet you; but I told him you did not meet people。〃
〃Good girl;〃 said Emerson approvingly。
Between bites Sennia told us about the gray…haired gentleman; who was going out to join a firm in Alexandria; and about several of the other passengers。 The storm began to subside; the howls of the wind were not so loud; the motion not quite so violent; but I believe we were all relieved when the attendants came round with champagne and the captain rose to propose a toast。 It was somewhat long…winded。 I remember only the end。
〃To the health of His gracious Majesty and to victory in 1917!〃
Somehow I was not surprised to hear a familiar voice amend the statement。 〃To peace;〃 said Ramses。 We drank to that。
As it turned out; we reached Alexandria without being torpedoed; and were met by Selim and Daoud。 Selim had replaced his father Abdullah as our reis; or foreman; he and his Uncle Daoud; like Abdullah's other relations; were as close as family; and valued assistants in all our endeavors。 They assisted us in resuscitating poor Basima and Gargery; our butler; who had suffered horribly from seasickness the entire time; and Sennia's cat; who had not been seasick but whose normally bad temper was even more strained by long confinement in a room that was in constant motion。 It would have been impossible to leave the nasty beast behind because Sennia; and; to a lesser degree; Nefret; were the only persons who could control him。 Horus was the only cat with us that year。 Seshat; Ramses's erstwhile panion and guardian; had given up a professional career for domesticity。 Perhaps she felt she could now trust Nefret