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louch hat that matched the blackness of his cloak。
He was walking toward her car; and on the way; Margo was panting every detail of her adventure。
When they reached the roadster; Margo heard The Shadow's whispered laugh。
It denoted full understanding。
〃Drive back to the Equator;〃 he told her。 〃I shall return later; with the cab。 You will have time to finish your swim…〃
〃Before you arrive?〃
Again; The Shadow laughed; in response to Margo's eager question。 His next words corrected her。
〃You won't find me at the Equator;〃 spoke The Shadow。 〃But I think you will meet your friend; Lamont Cranston; if you look for him。 I believe that he has been looking for you most of the evening。〃
It was afternoon; and Margo Lane was gazing from the roof garden of the Hotel Tropico; in Miami。 She was looking across the wide green strip of Bayfront Park; to the greater breadth of blue that represented Biscayne Bay。
Among the assorted speedboats Margo saw one of somewhat larger build; yet with the trim lines of a racer。
ing up the bay; the boat was tooting for a drawbridge to open; and Margo identified the shrill; whistly blast that carried across the water。
〃There's another;〃 stated Margo。 〃That makes eleven。〃
Lamont Cranston didn't even glance up from his newspaper as he inquired absently:
〃Eleven what?〃
〃Eleven of the mosquito ships;〃 returned Margo; a bit petulantly。 〃I've been counting them; all afternoon; as you asked。 Or didn't you?〃
Cranston's usually immobile lips flickered with a smile。
〃Sorry; Margo;〃 he said。 〃I did ask you to count the mosquito fleet。
Seven; you say?〃
〃Eleven;〃 corrected Margo。 〃There should be one more。 Go back to your reading。 I'll watch for it。〃
Cranston gave the newspaper a flourish。
〃A great deal here about the Durez murder;〃 he declared。 〃The police are quite positive that a former con man named Murk Wessel maneuvered it。 The only trouble is; they can't prove it。〃
Margo nodded; still a trifle annoyed。 She had heard so much talk concerning Murk Wessel。 The police had two reasons for suspecting him to be the master of the murder ring。 First; all the dead crooks found on the battle round at the Equator had been former cronies of Murk。 Again; Murk himself had been seen in Miami the morning before the crime。
There was also talk of a mysterious Mr。 Brown who had reserved a suite at the Hotel Equator; thanks to the connivance of an employee who had been slain while helping crooks get away with Durez's millions。
Very obviously; Mr。 Brown was none other than Murk Wessel; for the mysterious guest had disappeared at the time of the robbery。 At least; the police regarded it as obvious; but that didn't mean it would stand in a court of law。
Murk Wessel would have to be found first。 Once found; whatever alibi he gave would have to be shattered。 Even then; the evidence against him would be largely circumstantial。 So far; the police were still occupied with the preliminary work…that of locating the man they wanted。
〃I've not only heard of Murk Wessel;〃 mused Cranston; 〃I've met him; Margo。 Two or three times; and he was always using an alias。 I don't think the chap liked me。 I knew too much about him。〃
〃Why didn't you have him arrested?〃
Margo put the question tartly; hoping that Cranston would catch the deeper inference。 As The Shadow; Cranston didn't usually meet known criminals three times。 Once was the usual rule; at which time he generally terminated their careers without having to call in the law。
Therefore; Margo's question really veiled another。 She was asking The Shadow why he hadn't been up to his usual form; in Murk's case。
〃Murk was a con man; then;〃 observed Cranston。 〃You know how those fellows usually operate。 They choose dupes who are quite as greedy as themselves。 They show the suckers how to make some easy money; and then trim them。〃
〃Is that why you let Murk go?〃
〃Yes。 As an object lesson to the dupes; whose money I saved。 It would not have been just for Murk to pay a penalty; while they went scot…free。 I had Murk listed; and was waiting for him to try to trim an honest man。〃
〃Meanwhile Murk turned murderer。〃
〃Something that couldn't be anticipated; Margo。 Con men of his type seldom go in for violence。 Besides〃…Cranston's eyes steadied upon Margo…〃I'm not so sure that he would have gone in for murder in this case; had the Durez crowd been an honest lot。〃
MARGO tried to catch the meaning in those eyes: whether or not Cranston might be expressing an actual opinion。 He was certainly basing his statement on Margo's own testimony; regarding Jose Durez; which she had learned through Colin Nayre。
In substance; Nayre had said that Durez planned a new revolution in Centralba; at the cost of many lives。 It might be fortunate; therefore; that Durez and his fellow conspirators had died。
Unless their revolt could have broken the regime of Luis Castenago and restored Francisco Peridor to the presidency of a true republic。 Such a result would seem worthwhile; at any sacrifice!
Debating the question for about the fortieth time; Margo returned her attention to the bay。 She kept watching for another mosquito boat that didn't appear。 Reports said that twelve left Miami; the night before; to scour the coast for Murk Wessel and his batch of murderers。
Capable of sixty miles an hour; those ships would certainly have headed off an average craft。 Their failure to find Murk signified that he must have e ashore and continued the getaway by land。
In fact; the roof…garden radio was introducing a news mentator; who supported that probability。
〃The search for Murk Wessel has bee nation…wide;〃 declared the mentator; 〃but nowhere is it being handled more thoroughly than in New York。
The Manhattan police have heard from several unnamed sources; supposed to be underworld informants; that Murk Wessel was seen in the big city shortly after noon today。
〃How he arrived from Miami; whether by plane; train; or automobile; is not the important question。 The police are trying to learn whether he is hiding out; or trying to create an alibi。 Murk is alleged to have many friends in crimedom。
How far their testimony can be trusted; is doubtful。 If Murk seeks an alibi in this case of wholesale murder; it will have to be a strong one。〃
Margo leaned toward Cranston。
〃Do you think Murk's alibi; whatever it is; could possibly stand?〃
〃It might;〃 returned Cranston; without a smile。 〃The police believe a great deal; Margo。 Last night; I understand; an officer at Miami Beach actually believed a young lady who said she was going for a swim in the Equator pool。〃
The brunette gave her head a slight toss at hearing Cranston's reference to her unusual adventure。 Cranston's eyes were almost smiling; even though his lips weren't。 Margo couldn't keep up the pretense of being angry。
〃I did take a swim; later;〃 she said。 〃What's more; I found out facts you wanted to know。 Perhaps; though; you'd have preferred for me to go to the Isle of Pines。〃
〃Not at all;〃 assured Cranston。 〃If you had; you wouldn't be here to count the mosquito boats for me。 How many were there? Ah; yes; eleven。〃
Before Margo could think of a retort; the announcer's voice came on again; stating that the last of the mosquito fleet had reported in at the Miami Yacht Basin; with no report of a lurking boat along the coast。 This was proof conclusive that Murk Wessel must have continued his flight by land; which; in turn; backed the report that the suspected murderer had reached New York。
〃Yet the Isle of Pines is very pleasant;〃 Cranston remarked。 〃You would have enjoyed it; Margo。 I'd have done better to count those mosquito boats myself。 I don't think I would have missed one。 There were twelve; Margo; not just eleven。〃
THIS time; Margo was angry at herself。 How she'd missed sight of one ship; was a riddle。 They'd all gone through the drawbridge; which had to rise when each approached。
She expected Cranston to chide her further; but he didn't。 His understanding of Margo's real emotions was quite as keen as his recognition of her pretending moods。 His casual way of changing the subject softened Margo's hurt。
〃About Nayre…〃 Cranston reflected。 〃Did he say why he was going back to Centralba?〃
Margo shook her head。
〃They're still looking for him;〃 Cranston continued; 〃although they're trying to find Murk first。 From the standpoint of circumstantial evidence; it looks quite bad for Nayre; having Brady all set to fly him away from Miami。〃
〃But Brady hadn't expected Nayre so soon…〃
〃A good point; Margo; especially because Brady thought you were a friend of Nayre's。 Let's take Nayre at his word。 He wanted to get away from the Durez crowd before they dragged him into business he didn't like。 They were powerful; and he knew it might be troublesome; giving them the slip。 So he had his friend Brady ready。〃
Margo nodded earnestly。 She liked the theory。 However; the most important point remained unexplained。
〃Why should Nayre go back to Centralba?〃 queried Margo