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Vittoria turned察incredulous。 ;Into the Vatican拭─
Langdon told her about the Samaritan察and how it was a ploy。 The Illuminati leader察a man named Janus察was actually ing himself to brand the camerlegno。 A final Illuminati act of domination。
;Nobody in Vatican City knows察─Langdon said。 ;I have no way to contact them察and this guy is arriving any minute。 I have to warn the guards before they let him in。;
;But you'll never get through the crowd
Langdon's voice was confident。 ;There's a way。 Trust me。;
Vittoria sensed once again that the historian knew something she did not。 ;I'm ing。;
;No。 Why risk both´;
;I have to find a way to get those people out of there They're in incredible dange´;
Just then察the balcony they were standing on began to shake。 A deafening rumble shook the whole castle。 Then a white light from the direction of St。 Peter's blinded them。 Vittoria had only one thought。 Oh my God The antimatter annihilated early
But instead of an explosion察a huge cheer went up from the crowd。 Vittoria squinted into the light。 It was a barrage of media lights from the square察now trained察it seemed察on them Everyone was turned their way察hollering and pointing。 The rumble grew louder。 The air in the square seemed suddenly joyous。
Langdon looked baffled。 ;What the devil´;
The sky overhead roared。
Emerging from behind the tower察without warning察came the papal helicopter。 It thundered fifty feet above them察on a beeline for Vatican City。 As it passed overhead察radiant in the media lights察the castle trembled。 The lights followed the helicopter as it passed by察and Langdon and Vittoria were suddenly again in the dark。
Vittoria had the uneasy feeling they were too late as they watched the mammoth machine slow to a stop over St。 Peter's Square。 Kicking up a cloud of dust察the chopper dropped onto the open portion of the square between the crowd and the basilica察touching down at the bottom of the basilica's staircase。
;Talk about an entrance察─Vittoria said。 Against the white marble察she could see a tiny speck of a person emerge from the Vatican and move toward the chopper。 She would never have recognized the figure except for the bright red beret on his head。 ;Red carpet greeting。 That's Rocher。;
Langdon pounded his fist on the banister。 ;Somebody's got to warn them ─He turned to go。
Vittoria caught his arm。 ;Wait ─She had just seen something else察something her eyes refused to believe。 Fingers trembling察she pointed toward the chopper。 Even from this distance察there was no mistaking。 Descending the gangplank was another figure 。 。 。 a figure who moved so uniquely that it could only be one man。 Although the figure was seated察he accelerated across the open square with effortless control and startling speed。
A king on an electric throne。
It was Maximilian Kohler。
Kohler was sickened by the opulence of the Hallway of the Belvedere。 The gold leaf in the ceiling alone probably could have funded a year's worth of cancer research。 Rocher led Kohler up a handicapped ramp on a circuitous route into the Apostolic Palace。
;No elevator拭─Kohler demanded。
;No power。; Rocher motioned to the candles burning around them in the darkened building。 ;Part of our search tactic。;
;Tactics which no doubt failed。;
Rocher nodded。
Kohler broke into another coughing fit and knew it might be one of his last。 It was not an entirely unwele thought。
When they reached the top floor and started down the hallway toward the Pope's office察four Swiss Guards ran toward them察looking troubled。 ;Captain察what are you doing up here拭I thought this man had information that´;
;He will only speak to the camerlegno。;
The guards recoiled察looking suspicious。
;Tell the camerlegno察─Rocher said forcefully察 that the director of CERN察Maximilian Kohler察is here to see him。 Immediately。;
;Yes察sir ─One of the guards ran off in the direction of the camerlegno's office。 The others stood their ground。 They studied Rocher察looking uneasy。 ;Just one moment察captain。 We will announce your guest。;
Kohler察however察did not stop。 He turned sharply and maneuvered his chair around the sentinels。
The guards spun and broke into a jog beside him。 ;Fermati Sir Stop
Kohler felt repugnance for them。 Not even the most elite security force in the world was immune to the pity everyone felt for cripples。 Had Kohler been a healthy man察the guards would have tackled him。 Cripples are powerless察Kohler thought。 Or so the world believes。
Kohler knew he had very little time to acplish what he had e for。 He also knew he might die here tonight。 He was surprised how little he cared。 Death was a price he was ready to pay。 He had endured too much in his life to have his work destroyed by someone like Camerlegno Ventresca。
;Signore ─the guards shouted察running ahead and forming a line across the hallway。 ;You must stop ─One of them pulled a sidearm and aimed it at Kohler。
Kohler stopped。
Rocher stepped in察looking contrite。 ;Mr。 Kohler察please。 It will only be a moment。 No one enters the Office of the Pope unannounced。;
Kohler could see in Rocher's eyes that he had no choice but to wait。 Fine察Kohler thought。 We wait。
The guards察cruelly it seemed察had stopped Kohler next to a full´length gilded mirror。 The sight of his own twisted form repulsed Kohler。 The ancient rage brimmed yet again to the surface。 It empowered him。 He was among the enemy now。 These were the people who had robbed him of his dignity。 These were the people。 Because of them he had never felt the touch of a woman 。 。 。 had never stood tall to accept an award。 What truth do these people possess拭What proof察damn it A book of ancient fables拭Promises of miracles to e拭Science creates miracles every day
Kohler stared a moment into his own stony eyes。 Tonight I may die at the hands of religion察he thought。 But it will not be the first time。
For a moment察he was eleven years old again察lying in his bed in his parents' Frankfurt mansion。 The sheets beneath him were Europe's finest linen察but they were soaked with sweat。 Young Max felt like he was on fire察the pain wracking his body unimaginable。 Kneeling beside his bed察where they had been for two days察were his mother and father。 They were praying。
In the shadows stood three of Frankfurt's best doctors。
;I urge you to reconsider ─one of the doctors said。 ;Look at the boy His fever is increasing。 He is in terrible pain。 And danger
But Max knew his mother's reply before she even said it。 ;Gott wird ihn beschuetzen。;
Yes察Max thought。 God will protect me。 The conviction in his mother's voice gave him strength。 God will protect me。
An hour later察Max felt like his whole body was being crushed beneath a car。 He could not even breathe to cry。
;Your son is in great suffering察─another doctor said。 ;Let me at least ease his pain。 I have in my bag a simple injection of´;
;Ruhe察bitte ─Max's father silenced the doctor without ever opening his eyes。 He simply kept praying。
;Father察please ─Max wanted to scream。 ;Let them stop the pain ─But his words were lost in a spasm of coughing。
An hour later察the pain had worsened。
;Your son could bee paralyzed察─one of the doctors scolded。 ;Or even die We have medicines that will help ─
Frau and Herr Kohler would not allow it。 They did not believe in medicine。 Who were they to interfere with God's master plan拭They prayed harder。 After all察God had blessed them with this boy察why would God take the child away拭His mother whispered to Max to be strong。 She explained that God was testing him 。 。 。 like the Bible story of Abraham 。 。 。 a test of his faith。
Max tried to have faith察but the pain was excruciating。
;I cannot watch this ─one of the doctors finally said察running from the room。
By dawn察Max was barely conscious。 Every muscle in his body spasmed in agony。 Where is Jesus拭he wondered。 Doesn't he love me拭Max felt the life slipping from his body。
His mother had fallen asleep at the bedside察her hands still clasped over him。 Max's father stood across the room at the window staring out at the dawn。 He seemed to be in a trance。 Max could hear the low mumble of his ceaseless prayers for mercy。
It was then that Max sensed the figure hovering over him。 An angel拭Max could barely see。 His eyes were swollen shut。 The figure whispered in his ear察but it was not the voice of an angel。 Max recognized it as one of the doctors 。 。 。 the one who had sat in the corner for two days察never leaving察begging Max's parents to let him administer some new drug from England。
;I will never forgive myself察─the doctor whispered察 if I do not do this。; Then the doctor gently took Max's frail arm。 ;I wish I had done it sooner。;
Max felt a tiny prick in his arm´barely discernible through the pain。
Then the doctor quietly packed his things。 Before he left察he put a hand on Max's forehead。 ;This will save your life。 I have great faith in the power of medicine。;
Within minutes察Max felt as if some sort of magic spirit were flowing through his veins。 The warmth spread through his body numbing his pain。 Finally察for the first time in days察Max slept。
When the fever broke察h