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The modem had paid for itself several hundred times over察and he had only had this one for six months。 He had an OKI 900 cellular phone and a laptop puter as well察with a built´in modem to keep him mobile in case of emergencies。
Zach hunched himself up on his elbows察stuck the joint in his mouth察and raked a hand through his thick black hair。 Some French Quarter deathrockers spent hours before the mirror trying to achieve the precise bination of unnatural´looking blue´ebony hair and bloomless translucence of skin that had been visited upon Zach by simple genetics。
It came from his mother's side of the family。 They looked as though they'd grown up in basements察not that most of them had ever been anywhere near a basement察since they'd been in Louisiana for five generations or more。 His mother's maiden name was Rigaud察and she hailed from a muddy little village down in the bayou country where the most exciting thing that ever happened was the annual Crawfish Festival。 The hair and dark almond´shaped eyes察he guessed察came from her Cajun blood。 The pallor was anyone's guess。 Perhaps it came from all the time she had spent in various mental hospitals察in gloomy dayrooms and harsh fluorescent corridors察as if such a thing could be inherited。
She was probably in some lockup now察if she was still alive。 His father察a renegade Bosch who claimed a lineage back to Hieronymus but whose visions had all been seen through the bottom of a whiskey bottle察had long since disappeared into some steamy orifice of the city's night´side。 Zach had just turned nineteen察and though he had lived in New Orleans all his life察he had seen neither of his parents for nearly five years。
Which was fine。 All he wanted of them was what he carried with him此his mother's weird coloring察his father's devious intelligence察a tolerance for hard liquor that exceeded either of theirs。 Drinking never made him mean察never made him bitter察never made him want to punch someone young and small and defenseless察to bruise tender flesh察to steep his hands in blood。 He supposed that was the main difference between him and his parents。
Zach had a habit of pulling his hair and snarling it around his fingers while he was reading or staring at the puter screen between keystrokes。 As a result察it grew into a kind of mutant pompadour that cast the sharp planes and hollows of his face into shadow察exaggerated his pointed chin and thin peaky eyebrows and the gray smudges of puter strain around his eyes。
Last year a ten´year´old kid on Bourbon Street had run after him calling Hey察Edward Scissorhands He hadn't known what it meant at the time察but when Eddy showed him an ad for the movie of that name察Zach was as close to shocked as he ever got。 The resemblance was scary。 He held the picture next to his face and stared in the mirror for a long time。 At last he took fort in the fact that he never wore black lipstick and Edward Scissorhands never wore big察round察geeky black´rimmed glasses like Zach's。
The movie bothered him察though察when Eddy took him to see it。 He always enjoyed watching Tim Burton's films ´ they were eye candy察for one thing´but they left him feeling vaguely pissed off。 They all seemed to have an agenda of relentless normalcy hiding behind a thin veil of weirdness。 He'd loved Beetlejuice until the last scene察which sent him storming from the theater and left him kicking things all day。 The sight of Winona Ryder's character察formerly strange and beautiful in her ratted hairdo and smudged eyeliner察now bed out and squeaky clean察clad in a preppy skirt and kneesocks and a big shit´eating sickeningly normal grin 。。。 it was entirely too much to bear。
But that察Zach supposed察was Hollywood。
He took one more drag on the joint and snuffed it out in the ashtray。 It was excellent pot察bright green and sticky with resin that smelled like Christmas trees察quick to set the brain buzzing and humming。 He hoped somebody at the Market would have more。 Zach felt around on the floor again察found his glasses察and put them on。 The world stayed blurry at the edges察but that was just the drugs。
Something nudged his hip beneath the sheet。 The remote control for the TV and VCR。 He aimed it at the screen and smiled as he thumbed the ON button。
He found himself watching an Italian splatter movie called The Gates of Hell。 Good old Lucio Fulci察his plots were brain´numbing nonsense察every character dumber than a bag of rusty nails察but he gave great gore。 And nothing normal ever happened in his movies。
A girl began to bleed from the eyeballs´Fulci loved eyeballs´then proceeded to vomit out her entire digestive tract over the course of maybe a minute。 She'd been parking with her boyfriend察such were the wages of sin。 Zach pressed the reverse button and watched the actress suck up her intestines like a plate of spaghetti in marinara sauce。 Tasty。
A moment later he realized that the movie was making him hungry察which meant it was seriously time for some food。 The remains of a muffuletta from the Central Grocery were wrapped up in his little dorm´style refrigerator。 Zach kicked the sheet off察swung his legs over the edge of the mattress察rode the ensuing headrush for a minute察then stood and picked an expert path through the debris to the fridge。
The savory smells of ham and Italian spices察oiled bread and olive salad wafted up as he unwrapped the greasy pink butcher paper。 The big round sandwiches were expensive but delectable察and they made two or three meals if you weren't a big eater察which Zach was not。
It wasn't as if he couldn't afford a muffuletta anytime he wanted one。 Money was free察or nearly so察all he could need was at his fingertips every time he sat down at his desk and switched his puter on。 But he had never quite gotten used to having enough to eat。 His parents' kitchen cabinets never had much in them but booze。
The movie raged on。 A priest had hung himself in the town of Dunwich´original name察that´which flung wide the gates of hell察or something。 Zombies with bad skin conditions seemed to be able to beam themselves around like refugees from the Starship Enterprise。 Zach thought of the only priest he had ever known察Father Russo察who said the masses his mother used to drag him to every few months when she was ing off a bad binge。 Twelve´year´old Zach had gone to confession alone one day察ducked into the booth and leaned his aching head against the screen and whispered察Bless me察Father察for I have been sinned against。 Hot tears squeezed out of his eyes as his lips formed the words。
That is not how the Confession begins察the priest replied察and some of Zach's hope ebbed。 But he persisted此My mother kicked me in the stomach and made me throw up。 My father slammed my head against the wall。 Can't you help me
Bad boy察telling lies about your parents。 Don't you know you must obey them拭If they punish you察it is because you have sinned。 The Lord says honor thy father and thy mother。
WHAT ABOUT THEM HONORING ME拭he shrieked察slamming his hand against the flimsy wall of the confessional察a hot spike of pain shooting up his already´sprained arm。 Raking the curtain back察bursting into the priest's side of the booth察yanking his shirt up to display the technicolor bruises and belt stripes across his skinny ribs。 WHAT ABOUT THIS察MOTHERFUCKER察WHAT DOES GOD SAY TO THIS拭Staring into the priest's startled face察seeing the tracework of broken veins deepen from red to purple察the weak watery eyes flare with pious anger察and knowing sickly that there was no help here察that the priest was not really seeing him察that the priest was as drunk as his parents had been last night。
He had been hauled from the church and told not to e back察as if he ever would察he collapsed on the stone steps and sobbed there for an hour。 Then he got up察hawked an enormous goober on the steps察and left with a silent pain that went deeper than his bruises and abrasions察all the way down to the wounded soul that the Catholic church would never touch again。
It would be nice to see Father Russo hanging and burning and bleeding from the eyeballs。 Maybe the priest was dead now察maybe he had the starring role in some hellish Lucio Fulci film。 Zach hoped so。
He chewed the last bite of muffuletta察licked the grease off his lips察and went diving for clothes。 He came up with a pair of army pants cut off at the knees and a T´shirt that pictured JFK grinning toothily as his brains exploded in vivid silkscreen color。 Faded red Converse hightops without socks pleted the ensemble。
It was time to go snag his two daily stashes。 Then he could e back here and get some work done。
June察as far as Zach was concerned察was the last tolerable month in New Orleans until mid´autumn。 The days were already hot察but not as mired in sodden swelter as they would be through July察August察and most of September。 During these obscene months he slept all morning and afternoon察his dreams punctuated by the rattle and drip of his laboring air conditioner。 He spent his nights cramming his head with information察words and images and the subtle semiotics they triggered in his brain察or hacking paths through the infinite mazes of forbidden puter syste