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arly that this was the only thing in the world Trevor wanted to be doing。
He also saw the trajectory of the hammer此next stop察Zach's own beloved pineal gland察the spot where his third eye would be。 Zach slid off the other side of the mattress察scrambled around the bed察and tried to get to the door察but Trevor followed and blocked him。 The hammer crashed into the wall察tore through a drawing。 Brittle fragments of paper sifted to the floor。
;WHAT ARE YOU DOING拭─Zach yelled。
;I'm finding out what it feels like。;
;Because I'm an artist察─Trevor said through gritted teeth。 ;I need to know。; He caught Zach's right arm and forced him back against the wall。 Trevor was only slightly bigger and stronger察but he seemed to have the mother of all adrenaline rushes pumping through his veins。 He raised the hammer again。
;Trevor´please察I love you´;
;I love you too察Zach。; He heard genuine truth in Trevor's voice察saw the hammer descending and flung himself sideways。 The blow glanced off his shoulder察and the muscle sang with pain。
Trevor pulled the hammer back。 Zach got his left arm up察grabbed Trevor's wrist察locked his elbow and held Trevor's arm away with all his strength。 It was slippery with sweat and blood察hard to hang on to。 He stared deep into Trevor's eyes。
;Listen to me察Trev。; His heart felt like a ripe tomato in a blender。 He gasped for breath。 Trevor strained against him。 ;Why do you need to know how it feels to kill somebody拭You have an imagination察don't you拭
Trevor blinked察but did not stop shoving his body against Zach's。
;Your imagination is better than Bobby's。 He might've had to do it to find out how it felt。 You don't。;
Trevor hesitated。 His grip on Zach's arm eased the slightest bit察and Zach saw his chance。 Fight back for once his mind screamed。 Don't think about what he'll do to you if you fuck up You'll be dead for sure if you don't try察and so will he。 Just DO IT
Zach let out a long wordless howl and drove his knee straight up into Trevor's crotch。 At the same time he shoved Trevor's arm backward as hard as he could。 The angle of the knee thrust was bad察but it caught Trevor by surprise and threw him off balance。 Zach twisted Trevor's wrist brutally察and Trevor lost his grip on the hammer。 It sailed across the room察hit the opposite wall with a loud crack察thudded to the floor。
If Trevor went after it察Zach decided察he would make a break for the door and try to get out of the house。 Maybe Trevor would follow him。 Maybe things would be saner outside。
Trevor's eyes were very wide察very pale。 He stared at Zach with something like admiration察something like love。 His gaze was hypnotic察Zach could not make himself move。
;Fine then察─Trevor said softly。 ;I always imagined doing it with nothing but my hands。;
He lunged。
Zach dodged aside and managed to get to the door察then through it。 Trevor was right behind him察blocking the way out察driving him down the hall。 He tried for the studio察thinking he could go out a window。 Trevor caught a handful of his hair and yanked him off his feet。 Zach's neck snapped back。 He stumbled heavily against Trevor察and Trevor pinned his arms。
;I just want to know how you're made察─Trevor breathed in his ear。 ;I love you so much察Zach。 I want to climb inside you。 I want to taste your brain。 I want to feel your heart beating in my hands。;
;It can only beat in your hands for a few seconds察Trev。 Then I'll be dead and you won't have me anymore。;
;Yes I will。 You'll be right here。 This place preserves its dead。; Like hitting a SAVE key察Zach thought察and that reminded him of loops again。 Had some kind of homicidal loop been set in motion in Trevor's head
And if it had察how could he interrupt it
He felt Trevor's sharp hipbones pressing into his buttocks察Trevor's arms wrapped tightly around his chest。 For a moment the contact was nearly erotic。 He thought Trevor felt it too察his penis was stirring against the back of Zach's leg察growing half´hard。
Then Trevor lowered his head and sank his teeth deep into the ridge of muscle between Zach's neck and shoulder。
The pain was immediate察huge察hot。 Zach felt fresh blood trickling over his collarbone and down his chest察felt muscle fibers twist and rip察heard himself screaming察then sobbing。 He tried to drive his elbow back into Trevor's chest察but Trevor had his arms clamped tightly to his sides。 He tried to kick察and Trevor lifted him off his feet and dragged him into the bathroom。
He's taking me to his hell察Zach thought察and he's going to eat me there察he's going to rip me apart looking for the magic inside me察and he won't find it。 Then he'll fulfill the condition of the loop察he'll kill himself。 What a stupid program。
Trevor kicked the door shut。 The tiny room was dark but for the fragments of mirror in the tub察which seemed to suck in light察infect it with noisome colors and send it swirling back over the leprous walls and ceiling。 The sink was stained black with blood。 Zach wondered if the e was there too察dried to a translucent scale。
The pain in his shoulder ebbed a little。 Zach stopped struggling。 He felt dizzy察remote。 Trevor's hold on him was shoving his ribs up and crushing them inward察making it difficult to breathe。 He was going to die right now。 These sensations of pain and disconnection were the last he would ever feel察these fleeting察panicky thoughts the last he would ever have。
Stupid fucking program 。 。 。
Then Trevor slammed him into the wall face first察and Zach grayed out pletely。
Yielding flesh in his hands察hot with fear察sticky with sweat and blood and already smelling of heaven。 Helpless bones his to crack察helpless skin his to rip open察sweet red river his to drink from。 He had to do it。 He had to know。 With his eyes and his hands察with all his body察he had to see。
Trevor shoved Zach into the space between the toilet and the sink察his space。 He clawed at Zach's chest with his fingernails察ripped furrows in that smooth white skin。 Blood sparkled on his hands察sprayed across his face。 He pushed his mouth into the spray察lapped at it察then tore at the skin with his teeth。 It was easy。 It was right。 It was beautiful。
Zach's hands came up and tried to push Trevor's head away察but there was no strength left in them。 Trevor slid him farther back into the corner察into the cobwebs察felt tiny multi´legged things skittering away。 He ran his tongue over the long shallow wounds his fingernails had made on Zach's chest。 They tasted of salt and copper察of life and knowledge。
He stroked the concavity of Zach's stomach。 All the body's bountiful secrets察cradled between the pelvis and the spine。 He would sink his hands in to the wrists察to the elbows。 He would reach up under the rib cage and make the heart beat with his fingers。 He would find the source of life and swallow it whole。
;Trev拭─said Zach。 His voice was weak察paper´thin察barely there。 ;Trevor拭I can't fight you。 But if you're gonna kill me察please tell me why。;
Trevor closed his teeth on Zach's earlobe and pulled at it察wondered how the soft little mass of flesh would feel going down his throat。 ;Why what拭
;Why pain is better than love。 Why you'd rather kill me for the thrill of it than try to have a life with me。 I thought you were brave察but this is some pretty cowardly shit。;
Tears were trickling down the side of Zach's face察into the fine hair at his temples。 Trevor traced their salty path to the corner of Zach's eye察flicked his tongue over the lid察then sucked softly at the eyeball。 It would burst in his mouth like a bonbon。 He wondered if that amazing green would taste of mint。
;To see everything察─Zach whispered察 you have to be alive。 If you do this to me察you're gonna die too。 Tell me you're not。;
Maybe he was。 Of course he was。 But hadn't he always known this would be the last panel察the crucifixion and conflagration察the way his life was supposed to end拭And wouldn't it be worth it
But suddenly Trevor remembered something Bobby had said to him in the other room察in the other house。 Birdland is a machine oiled with the blood of artists。
He looked down at Zach。 Blood had run down over Zach's face in thick black rivulets from a wound in his scalp。 Blood leaked from his nostrils and his torn mouth。 He had a lurid purple knot on one shoulder察an encrusted bite mark on the other。 His chest was crisscrossed with furious red scratches。 Where it wasn't cut or bruised察his skin was absolutely white。 His eyes held Trevor's。 His expression hovered somewhere between terrified and serene。
;Whatever you want察─said Zach。 ;It's up to you。;
The words jarred Trevor pletely from his dream of rending flesh察of crawling inside the body to find its secrets。 Because it wasn't just a body察he realized。 It wasn't a puzzle or an anatomy lesson or a source of mystical knowledge察it was Zach。 The beautiful boy he had watched strutting and moaning onstage tonight察smartass and criminal anarchist and generous soul察his best friend察his first lover。 Not a box of toys to tear apart察not a rare delicacy to rip open and devour still steaming。
And Zach was right。 Whatever