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 is a puzzle of flesh and blood and bone 。 。 。 you understand拭
  Trevor nodded。 He thought of the times he had wanted to keep biting Zach察to keep pulling and tearing at Zach's flesh just to see what was under there。 Then he thought of fighting at the Boys' Home察of slamming the older kid's head against the tiles of the shower stall。 Of tendrils of blood swirling through warm water。
  ;And when you kill the people you love察you watch what your hands are doing察you feel the blood hitting your face察but all the time you're thinking Why am I doing this拭And then you get it。 It's because you love them察because you want all their secrets察not just the ones they decide to show you。 And after you take them apart察you know everything。;
  ;Then why 。 。 。; Trevor could hardly speak。 It was true what he had suspected all along此Bobby hadn't loved him enough to kill him。
  ;Why did I leave you out拭Because I had to。 Because I sat here watching you sleep察thinking all that。 And then you came in察just now。
  ;And I can't do it察Trev。 If I have any talent察any gift left at all察it's in you now。 I can kill them察I can kill myself察but I can't kill that。;
  He picked up the hammer again察stood察and walked toward Trevor。
  ;Wait ─Trevor put out his hands察tried to touch Bobby。 Bobby stopped just out of reach察and his hands closed on air。 ;Are you seeing 。。。 Is this 。 。 。; He didn't know how to articulate what he wanted to ask。 ;What about Birdland拭What happened to it for you拭
  ;Birdland is a machine oiled with the blood of artists察─Bobby said dreamily。 His tone was as detached as if he were giving a lecture。 He came closer察held out the dripping hammer。 ;Birdland is a mirror that reflects our deaths。 Birdland never existed。;
  ;But it's right outside that window ─Trevor yelled。 ;It's where I just came from 
  ;Yes察─said Bobby察 but I stay in here。;
  He pressed the hammer into Trevor's hand。 Then he spread his arms wide and wrapped Trevor in an embrace that felt like warm damp fog。 His outlines were blurring。 His flesh was softening察melting into Trevor's。
  ;You don't really want to know why察─he heard Bobby's voice say。 ;You just want to know what it felt like。;
  Trevor felt the viscous fog seeping into his bones察curling up in his skull察blotting out his vision。 He felt blood running down the hammer handle察coursing warm and sticky over his fingers察mingling with the blood from his own scars。 From the corner of his eye he saw his drawings fluttering on the wall like trapped wings。
  ;Tell me察─he whispered。
  You're an artist察the voice whispered back。 It was deep inside his head now。 Go find out for yourself
  Then the world blinked out like a blown bulb。
   Chapter Twenty Two
  Zach was plummeting through cyberspace。 Imagine察he thought dazedly察I never needed a puter at all察you can get here just by drinking a cup of coffee and having someone hit you in the head hard enough to knock your eyeballs out。
  He was going faster and faster察at the speed of light察of information察of thought。 Beyond that there was no consciousness察no identity。 There were no federal spooks察no United States察no New Orleans or Missing Mile察no one named Zachary Bosch。 There was no such thing as a crime察no such thing as death。 He felt himself dissolving into the vast web of synapses察numbers察bits。 It was plex but unemotional察easy to understand。 It was forting。
  It was so cold 。 。 。
  Zach struggled against the web in sudden panic。 No He didn't want to stay here and be assimilated into cyberspace察or Birdland察or the void´whatever it was察he did not want to bee a small part of a greater good or evil察a streamlined fragment of information that meant nothing on its own。 He wanted his troublesome individuality察with all its attendant difficulties and dangers。 He wanted his body back。 He wanted Trevor。
  With every particle of will left in him察Zach strained toward the waking world。
  He felt a cold electric flash察became aware of his body's weight and the mattress under him察felt his heart hammering in his chest。 He was unfortably sure that it had just started back up。 Blood was draining from his nasal cavities into his throat察nearly choking him。 His head buzzed and throbbed。 His hands felt as if someone had gone at them with coarse sandpaper。
  Either everything he remembered had really just happened察or this was one intense motherfucker of a trip。
  Zach forced his eyes open and saw Trevor sitting on the edge of the bed staring vacantly at the opposite wall。 His tangled察sweat´soaked hair streamed over his naked shoulders and down his back。 His arms and hands were still bloody察but the scars seemed to have closed。
  Clutched in his right fist was the hammer察glistening with blood and other matter。 Zach knew Trevor hadn't hit him此if all that gunk was his察he wouldn't be breathing now。 But what had Trevor done拭And what did he think he had done
  He propped himself up on one elbow察felt his head spinning察his vision going blurry。 He realized he had lost his glasses somewhere。 ;Trev拭─he whispered。 ;Are you okay拭
  No response。
  ;Trevor拭─Zach's hand felt rooted to the mattress。 He managed to lift it a few inches察extend it for what seemed like miles。 His fingers just brushed Trevor's thigh。 The flesh felt cold and smooth as marble。 Zach's fingertips left four parallel smudges of blood on the pale skin。
  He had scraped the hell out of his hands。 There was nowhere in the house he could have done that。 Of course not察he thought察it happened falling on the sidewalk in Birdland察trying not to bust your teeth out on the curb。 Joe pushed you察remember
  And if he had met Joe察what had Trevor seen
  He pushed himself closer to Trevor察tried to sit up。 ;Trev察listen察you didn't hurt me。 I'm fine。; A wave of dizziness washed over him察threatened to bee nausea without further notice。 ;Are you okay拭What's going on拭
  Trevor turned。 His eyes were like holes drilled in a glacier察black gouges going down deep into the ice。 His face looked hollow察haggard察used up。 His skull seemed to be trying to wear right through the skin。
  ;He saw me察─said Trevor。 ;He saw me in here。;
  ;My father。; There was recognition in Trevor's eyes察but no warmth。 Looking into them was like falling through the void again。 ;He saw me e in here that night。 He talked to me。;
  Oh man察thought Zach察bad trip。 Bad察bad trip。 ;Where were you拭─he asked cautiously。
  Of course。 Where else拭 No察I mean 。 。 。; What the hell did he mean拭 I mean察where were you on the space´time continuum拭When were you拭
  ;This house。 That night。 I saw my mother dead。 I saw my brother dead。 Then I came in here and Bobby was alive察was sitting on the bed deciding whether to kill me。 He saw me察spoke to me察and decided he couldn't do it。 It was my own fault。;
  ;I don't understand。 You mean you woke up and talked him out of it拭
  ;NO He saw me the way I am NOW He talked to ME NOW察and then he went and HUNG HIMSELF LOOK AT THIS DON'T YOU SEE拭─Trevor gestured wildly with the hammer。 A tiny gobbet of gore hit Zach's already´bloody lip。 He shrank back against the wall and surreptitiously wiped it away。
  ;He talked to you at age twenty´five拭
  ;He was haunted by your ghost。;
  ;Shit。; Zach's head was beginning to clear a little察it almost made sense。 He thought of loops察which were puter programs designed to repeat a set of instructions until a certain condition was satisfied。 Zach had previously suspected that hauntings察if they existed察might operate on much the same principle。 This was borne out by most of New Orleans' famous ghost stories察in which the ghost usually appeared in the same place and repeated the same actions again and again察such as pointing at the spot where its bones were buried or rolling its decapitated head down the stairs。
  The idea still seemed to make sense somehow。 This was one hell of a plicated program察but maybe Trevor had managed to break into the loop。
  A drop of blood landed on Zach's chest察trickled in a wavy line down his ribs。 Then Trevor reached out and laid the head of the hammer ever so gently against Zach's face。 He traced the curve of Zach's jawline with it察stroked the underside of Zach's chin with the claw。 The metal felt cold察slightly rough察horribly sticky。 Trevor's face was exalted察nearly ecstatic。
  ;Trev拭─Zach asked softly。 ;What are you doing拭
  ;I'm getting ready。;
  ;For what拭
  ;The puzzle of flesh。;
  Whatever that means。 ;Okay。 I'll help you with that if you want。 But could you put the hammer down拭
  Trevor just looked at him with those drilled´ice eyes。
  ;Please拭─Zach's voice was little more than a hoarse whisper now。
  Very slowly察Trevor shook his head。 ;I can't察─he said察and raised the hammer high。 His eyes never left Zach's。 They were full of lust察pleading察naked terror。 Zach saw clearly that Trevor didn't want to be doing this察hated doing this察he saw just as clearly that this was the only thing in the world Trevor wanted to be doing。
  He also saw the traje

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