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t he had thought it a separate piece of clothing。 Her arms were swathed to the elbows in gore。
She raised her hands and showed him what she held。 Trevor saw a gelatinous glob of blood shot through with dark veins察the black dot of an eye察five tiny curled fingers。
;I didn't have the money for a doctor察─she said察 so I hit myself in the stomach until it bled。 I just wanted the damn thing out of me。 Do you hear拭Out
Trevor advanced on her察stared her down。 A quick hot vein of anger pulsed in his head。 Zach had suffered unforgivably at the hands of this woman。 ;You did not察─he said。 ;You didn't want him but you had him anyway察and you two tortured him as long as you could get away with it。 That was nineteen years ago and your baby's doing fine。 Where are you now察you fucking evil bitch拭
The woman crumpled back against the door frame。 The bloody mess slid out of her hands。 Trevor had to resist the urge to scoop the lonely detritus into his own hands and sob over it。 That mangled thing wasn't Zach察couldn't be。 It was only a neverborn phantom。
He remembered that Zach's mother was named Evangeline察like the poem。 ;Go away察Evangeline察─he said。 ;Get out of my house。 I hate you。;
Her huge stricken eyes settled on Trevor。 He couldn't tell if she was hearing him察she hadn't responded directly to anything he said。 ;You're a ghost察─he told her察 and you're not even the right one。;
Her head fell back。 Her hands curled into claws。 A shudder went through her察and for a moment the outlines of her body blurred察as if she were passing through some unseen membrane。 Then all at once her hair was turning to cornsilk shot through with streaks of darker gold察matted with blood。 Her features grew softer察rounder察her breasts heavier。 Her arms hung by her sides察a mass of blood and bruise。 Trevor found himself looking at his own mother察Rosena McGee察as he had discovered her that morning。
He remembered the first day he had e back to the house察when he switched on the light in the studio and saw Bobby's drawing of this scene察identical to the one Trevor had done on the bus。 At the time Trevor thought maybe Bobby had drawn it before her death察as a sort of dry run。 But it was too exact察with Rosena struggling察he never could have landed the blows as precisely on her flesh as he had done on paper。
No。 He had killed her察and then he had sat down here with his sketchbook and drawn her。 Then he had tacked the drawing to the studio wall before he went in and killed Didi。 Trevor had no proof of this sequence of events察but he could see it all too clearly。 Bobby hunched on the floor before her broken body察hand flying over the paper察eyes flickering with manic intensity from Rosena's dead face to the page and back again。 But why
His mother's eyes were open察the whites filmed with blood。 There were deep gouges in her forehead察her left temple察the center of her chest。 All had bled heavily。 From the head wounds had also trickled some clear substance´ cerebral fluid察he supposed´that cut pale tracks through the blood。 Trevor noticed that unlike himself and Skeletal Sammy察Rosena was not in forties´noir costume察she wore the same embroidered jeans and cotton dashiki top she'd had on the night she died。
What the hell did that mean拭What the hell did any of it mean拭He suddenly wanted Zach here with him as badly as he had ever wanted anything。 Zach could unravel intricate patterns of logic察perhaps explain them。 And if there was no logic in Birdland察then Zach could hold him察give him somewhere to hide his face so he would not have to keep looking into his mother's bloody eyes。
No。 This was what he had e for。 He had to see everything。
Rosena's body blocked half the doorway。 Trevor edged by察careful not to let his leg brush her。 He could picture the stiff sprawl of her limbs if he were to knock her over察could hear the hollow sound her head would make hitting the floor。 When he was nearly past察he could also imagine how it would feel if she reached out and wrapped a hand around his ankle。 But Rosena remained motionless。 He could not believe that she would ever harm him。
He pushed open the door of Didi's room and looked through the crack but did not enter the room。 There was a tiny body sprawled on the mattress。 Even in the dim light Trevor could make out the dark stain surrounding the head。
Had Bobby drawn Didi after killing him too拭Maybe察but Trevor didn't think so。 It would have been getting very late by then察and Bobby didn't want to see another dawn。 But where had he gone next拭Straight into the bathroom with his rope察or somewhere else
So many questions。 Trevor was suddenly disgusted with himself for asking them when there seemed to be no answers。 What the fuck did it matter what Bobby had done拭What difference could it make to him now拭He should never have eaten those mushrooms察should never have catapulted himself over into Birdland。 He had left Zach behind察and he didn't know how to find his way back察and everything here seemed like a senseless dead end。
Maybe he was hallucinating it all。 This world seemed as tangible as the other此he had felt the sting of Sammy's needle going into his arm察smelled the fresh blood and raw sewage stink of the bodies。 But he was on an unfamiliar drug。 Who knew what could happen拭Maybe he would enter his bedroom and see his own body asleep on the mattress察curled around Zach。 Maybe he could get back through。
You came for answers察he reminded himself。 Did you think they would be written on the walls in blood拭Are you really ready to go back to the real house察to the empty house拭Are you ready to stop trying to fit yourself like an odd piece into the puzzle of your family's deaths察to fly away with Zach察to start your own life
He didn't know。 There seemed to be an invisible barrier between him and all he saw察as if the house were letting him look but not touch察telling him You were never a part of this as if he needed to hear it again。 The dead were linked in a terrible intimacy察and Trevor was the living察the outsider。 You never had anything to do with it。 Bobby left you out pletely。 They all left you。 Go back to the one person who cared enough to stay。
Trevor found himself standing before the closed door of his own room。 He felt as if he were walking a thin line between his past and his future。 If he fell察he would have neither。 Balance was everything。
As if in a dream察Trevor saw his hand reaching out察his fingers closing on the knob。 Very slowly察he opened the door。
The man sitting on the edge of the bed looked up。 His eyes locked with Trevor's察ice´blue irises rimmed in black察pupils hugely dilated。 His gaunt face and his bare chest were smeared with blood。 His ginger hair was matted with it。 In his right hand he held a rusty hammer察its head glistening thick sticky red察its claw a nightmare of tangled blond hair察shredded skin察pulverized brain and bone。 Slow rivulets of blood ran down the handle察coursed in dark veinlike patterns over his arm。
Trevor was dimly aware of someone else in the room察a small still form on the mattress察breathing deeply察shrouded in covers。 But he could not focus on it察the membrane seemed to shimmer and grow opaque at that point察like a wrinkle in the fabric of this world。
For a long察long moment he and Bobby simply stared at each other。 Their faces were more alike than Trevor had remembered。 Then Bobby's trance seemed to break a little察and his lips moved。 What came out was a broken whisper察hoarse with whiskey and sorrow。 ;Who are you拭
;I'm your son。;
;Didi and Rosena´;
;You killed them。 You know me察Bobby。; Trevor advanced a few steps into the room。 ;You better know me。 I haven't stopped thinking about you for twenty years。;
;Oh察Trev 。 。 。; The hammer fell out of Bobby's hand察landed with a heavy thunk on the floorboards less than an inch from his bare toes察but Bobby didn't flinch。 Trevor saw tears coursing down his face察washing away some of the blood。 ;Is it really you拭
;Go look in the mirror if you don't believe me。;
;No 。。。 no 。。。 I know who you are。; Bobby's shoulders slumped。 He looked ancient察desolate。 ;How old are you拭Nineteen拭Twenty拭
;Do you still draw拭
;Goddammit ─Trevor remembered the drift of shredded paper on the mattress察the pillow察their bodies。 ;You ought to know
Very slowly察Bobby shook his head。 ;No察Trev。 I don't know anything anymore。; He looked up again察and Trevor saw by the naked pain in Bobby's face that it was true。 A terrible suspicion drifted like a cold mist into his mind。
;Why didn't you kill me拭─Trevor asked。 He had been waiting so long to say those words。 Now they sounded flat and lifeless。
Bobby shrugged helplessly。 Trevor recognized the gesture察it was one of his own。 ;I just kept sitting here察─Bobby went on察 looking at your drawings on the wall察wondering how in hell I could hit you with that thing察wondering how I could bury that chunk of metal in your sweet察smart brain察thinking how easy they'd been pared to you。 They were like anatomy lessons。 The body is a puzzle of flesh and blood and bone 。 。 。 you understand拭
Trevor nodded。 He thought of th