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弌傍 pzb.drawingblood 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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  Some kind of suit察he'd thought in the theater。 But what a suit It was woven from nubbly´textured cloth of the palest shell pink察cut loose and baggy察with vast lapels。 Underneath he had on a cream´colored shirt and an extravagant red silk tie with a tiny paisley figure。 Zach felt something on his head察reached up to investigate。 A beret。 Wouldn't you just know it。 Even the lenses of his glasses seemed to have taken on a smoky hipster tint。
  Birdland might try to fuck with you at every turn察Zach thought察but at least you got to dress cool。
  He heard a ripple of music nearby。 The clear voice of a saxophone察leisurely rising察then descending。 The sound was getting closer。 By this time Zach would not have been surprised to see Charlie Parker or his zombie e swaying round the corner察eyes shut tight and forehead wrinkled察blowing the horn as he walked。 Bird used to e onstage like that察Trevor had told him察after the rest of the band had already been playing for an hour or so。 He would start somewhere way off in the bowels of the club察and the other musicians would gradually fall in with him as they heard his approach察until by the time he walked onstage Bird was leading the band。
  But what rounded the corner instead was察in the most literal sense of the term察a solo instrument。 Walking on four multi´jointed察chitinous´looking legs察depressing its own keys with two equally insectile three´fingered hands察brass gleaming through a web of scuffs and scratches察came an unacpanied alto saxophone。
  ;Oh now察─Zach muttered察 this is just silly。;
  The music stopped察and a low fluting voice spoke out of the instrument's bell。 ;Hey察cat´you in a cartoon察dig拭Cartoons is s'posed to be silly。 Here察have a stick of tea and you be gettin' silly too。;
  Zach could see no speaking apparatus anywhere on the thing察nothing that vaguely resembled lips or vocal cords察yet the voice did not sound synthesized。 The alto reached one of those spiny claws deep into the curve of its bell and pulled out a fat twisted cigarette。 This it tossed to Zach察who caught it eagerly。
  ;Pick up on that tea察─the sax advised him。 ;Don't be lettin' zombies bring you down。 They ain't cool or viperish neither。 Not like us。;
  ;De nada察─said the instrument suavely。 ;Any descendant of Hieronymus is a friend o' mine。; It began to noodle off down the street察playing a few bars of ;Ornithology´;
  ;Wait ─Zach stuck the joint in his pocket and hurried after it。 ;Do you know where any of the McGees are拭Trevor拭Bobby拭
  The alto switched to ;Lullaby of Birdland; but did not otherwise reply。 It had a half´block start on Zach察and it always seemed to stay just a little too far ahead of him察dropping to all fours and scuttling like a roach on those barbed legs察still playing itself with its spiky little hands察the gay tune spiraling behind。 Zach's fancy new shoes pinched his feet when he tried to hurry。 He could not catch up。 Eventually the thing disappeared down an alley and lost him altogether。
  Now Zach was in a narrow street lined on both sides with dark buildings that seemed to lean forward over the sidewalk察swaying slightly。 Many of the buildings had old´fashioned stoops and stairs leading up to recessed entryways that might have once been elegant察but all were in a state of advanced decay。 He saw fanlights with the stained glass broken out察only a few shards remaining like jagged multicolored teeth in the frames。 Overhead he could barely make out a purple slice of sky。 The place was deserted。 Zach reached into his jacket察knowing somehow that there would be a streamlined silver lighter tucked in a pocket。 There was。
  He leaned against a stoop察stuck the joint in his mouth察and lit up。 An acrid察bitter taste filled his mouth察nothing remotely like marijuana。 He burst out coughing。 ;A stick of tea察─the alto had said察and Zach assumed it was talking beatnik slang。 Now he remembered a panel from Birdland of cat´headed smugglers at a river dock察unloading bales of Darjeeling and Earl Grey under cover of darkest night。 It really was tea。
  Well察fuck it。 Caffeine had started him on this journey察maybe it would preserve him。 Zach took another hit off the stick of tea and found himself getting a delicious dizzy high察as good as that from the sticky green bud Dougal used to sell in the French Market。 He felt a sudden wave of homesickness察wondered if he would ever see New Orleans again。
  But if he didn't get his ass moving and find Trevor察he might never even see Missing Mile again。 Zach took a couple more tokes察bent over to snuff the joint on the sidewalk。 And then all at once a premonition hit him察stronger than any he'd ever had before此Get the fuck out of here。 Now。
  Zach began to straighten up察heard a door slam and heavy footsteps pounding down the stairs behind him。 He dropped the joint察but before he could turn察a hard shove sent him sprawling across the sidewalk。 He managed to get his hands under him and his chin up fast enough not to break any teeth察but he felt the healing cut on his lip burst open察saw fresh blood spatter the cement。 His palms screamed agony。 He felt sidewalk grit working its way into raw subcutaneous layers of flesh。
  ;You stupid fuckin' kid Leave you alone for five minutes and I find you smokin' dope on the street corner ─A boot ground into the small of his back。 The voice was familiar察deep and faintly gravelly。 Shit察no察please察no察thought Zach。 Make me fuck a zombie。 Let me watch my own face rotting in the mirror。 Please察anything but my dad。
  Zach twisted away from the boot。 A large hand wrapped around his wrist and hauled him up。 He found himself staring up into the pale exasperated face of Joe Bosch察and remembered one of the scariest things about his father此even when he was beating the crap out of someone察usually his wife or son察his face never lost that wideeyed察slightly harassed expression。 It was as if he sincerely believed he was inflicting this damage for the good of all concerned察and was only pissed that they couldn't see it that way。
  When Zach left home察his father had been a foot taller than he察skinny but muscular。 Since then Zach had grown six inches and gained thirty pounds。 Joe must have kept growing too察for he still seemed just as big。 Zach had always looked very much like his mother。 He had her pallid coloring察her slender bones察her narrow nose and sulky underlip and thick blue´black hair。 The almond shape of his eyes was hers too。 Joe didn't look so different察he was fair´skinned and dark´haired with sharp intense features察and could have been Evangeline's brother。 But Evangeline's eyes were Cajun black。 Joe's were the color of jade。
  His father's relentless stare bored into him察dissected him察mirrored him。 Zach could not even try to pull away。 He remembered the consequences of evasive action all too well。 The trick of being beaten up was to take what you couldn't avoid and show just enough pain to appease their anger察but not enough to make them want more。 If you awakened their lust for pain察they would make you bleed察break察burn。
  But there was one thing Zach had never been able to control察one thing that had gotten him hurt more times than he could remember察and that was his smart mouth。
  He looked straight into Joe's eyes察wondering if there was anything of his real father in there or if this was a phantom like Calvin in the movie theater察a distillation of Birdland and mushrooms and his own fear。
  ;I know you can kick my ass察─he said察 but can you talk to me拭
  ;Talk拭─Joe sneered。 Zach saw a gold tooth察remembered a night when he was four or five察his father staggering in with blood pouring from his mouth。 It looked as if he had been vomiting the stuff。 He'd been in a bar fight over some woman察and Evangeline had screamed at him all night。
  ;Sure察Zach´a´reee。; His mother had named him after her own grandfather。 Joe hated the name察always spoke it that way察with a taunting twist to his lips。 ;We can talk。 What do you wanna talk about拭
  ;I've got all kinds of shit I want to talk about。; Zach had never dared say these things to his father。 If he didn't say them now察he never would。 ;Tell me why you hate me so much。 Tell me why I have belt scars on my back that haven't faded in five years。 Tell me how e I could leave home and support myself at fourteen but you couldn't even deal with your fucking life at thirty´three 
  He tensed察expecting to get slapped。 But Joe only smiled。 It turned his eyes brilliant and dangerous。 ;You wanna know all that拭Then take a look at this。;
  Joe stuck his free hand into his shirt pocket and pulled out a used condom。 Holding it by the rim with thumb and forefinger as if his own seed were distasteful to him察he thrust it in Zach's face。 The reservoir tip was split open察and a long thin string of e dangled from it察glistening in the purple light。 The Bosch family heirloom。
  ;This is why I hate you察─said Joe。 ;I didn't want a kid any more than you want one right now。 I could've done anything with my life。 Your momma didn't want you because she was scared of being pregnant and too lazy to take care of you once you got there。 But I had a future察and you killed it

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