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弌傍 pzb.drawingblood 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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  Trevor made a soft moaning sound deep in his throat。 Zach sucked harder at the tender flesh察and the scar he was kissing opened against his tongue like a torrid kiss。 The coppery taste of fresh blood spilled into his mouth。
  Trevor felt a silvery stinging sensation in his arm察then another and another察then three at once察a deep bone´shivering pain。 He raised himself on his right elbow察saw the old cuts on his left arm opening察parting like little red mouths。 Zach stared up at him in confusion察then in horror as he realized Trevor was seeing the blood too。 Deep wet crimson ringed his mouth and streaked his face察shocking against the whiteness of his skin。
  ;Trev拭What 。 。 。 拭
  Trevor felt weirdly serene。 The open wounds hurt no more than they had when he'd made them。 It was察rather察a way of draining off pain。 He remembered the feeling so well now。 ;It's nearly here察─he said。
  Zach's pupils were enormous察guttering。 His mouth hung slightly open。 Trevor took his hands察pulled him up and held him察smearing Zach's body with blood。 He kissed Zach's sticky lips。 ;Don't be scared。;
  ;But 。 。 。 aren't you bleeding拭
  ;Only for a little while。;
  ;Trevor Have your stigmata察then察goddammit察but don't pull this mystical shit on me ─Zach pounded the mattress。 ;Don't you dare die´if you die察I swear to God I'll e after you´I'll hunt you down and haunt your damn ghost´;
  ;I'm not dying。 e here。 Hold me。; He wrapped his arms tighter around Zach察felt the blood flowing between them察trickling down Zach's spine。 I have to go察he thought。 You're the only thing that will bring me back。 But that would just frighten Zach worse察so he didn't say it。
  He didn't know where he was going察or even how。 He knew it would be Birdland察the true Birdland that lay paradoxically far beyond the house and deep within it。 But Trevor was realizing that Birdland wasn't just the place of his past察the place in his childhood where he had found his talent察his dreams。 It was also the place where his dreams could find him察and some of them were very bad。 It was a place of scars察and of wounds that had never healed。
  ;Just don't leave me here察─Zach murmured against his chest。
  ;I promise。;
  Trevor remembered lying in bed this afternoon imagining Zach's body inextricably linked with his察remembered his fantasy of Zach's flesh flowing over him察surrounding him。 He pressed his body up against Zach's察wrapped his legs around Zach's skinny hips。 ;I want you to fuck me察─he said。
  ;Yes。 Now。;
  Emotions were warring in Zach's face此confusion察fear察sorrow察frustration察arousal。 Trevor felt Zach's penis growing cautiously hard against the back of his thigh。 He reached down and cupped Zach's balls察ran his hand up the silky shaft察streaking it with blood。 Zach shuddered察took a deep breath。 ;Are you sure拭
  But apparently he could see the answer in Trevor's face。 His eyes never left Trevor's as he wet his hand with saliva and rubbed it up and down his penis察then lifted Trevor's knees and spread his legs and eased in。 The sensation was not so much painful as pletely alien。 Trevor felt his asshole trying to contract察his whole body trying to tense up。 He sought Zach's mouth and sucked at his tongue。 He would have this boy inside him any and every way he could。 It was time。
  Then his intestines were loosening and warming察his muscles melting in concentric rings around Zach察drawing him in deep。 He linked his hands at the small of Zach's back。 Blood ran down his arms察dripped over their bodies察began to soak into the mattress。
  ;Ahhh´; Zach's teeth closed on Trevor's shoulder察a tiny exquisite pain。 ;You're so tight。 It almost hurts。;
  ;You can fuck me hard。 You can open me up。;
  ;Yeah拭─Zach scrambled to his knees察put his hands on Trevor's thighs and pushed them up and back察driving in still deeper。 His face was streaked with blood察his expression poised between pain and ecstasy。 ;Like that拭Does that feel good拭
  ;Yes´but harder´; Trevor groped for Zach's hand察guided it to his penis。 When Zach closed his fingers around the head and began to stroke察Trevor put his hand over Zach's and squeezed brutally。
  ;Trev察I don't want to hurt you´;
  ;Harder ─Trevor sobbed。 ;I have to get there 
  ;WHERE察DAMMIT拭─Zach grabbed Trevor's chin with his free hand察forced Trevor to look him in the face。 Zach's eyes were huge察wild。 ;WHAT ARE YOU MAKING ME DO TO YOU拭
  The pleasure and the drugs overloaded Trevor's synapses with towering sensation。 But he felt a vortex beginning to open in his brain。 His consciousness swirled around the edges of it察began to be drawn into it。 He drove his hips up hard against Zach察impaling himself。 The area between his asshole and his balls and the tip of his penis felt like one huge raw nerve。 Zach's heartbeat throbbed deep in his guts。 Light poured out of the vortex察sparkling察swarming。
  Beyond that vortex was Birdland。 If he was ever going to be with Zach again察he had to go there now。
  Trevor let himself go。
  ;Trev拭Trevor殖 GODDAMMIT察TREVOR。。 ─Zach punched the pillow beside Trevor's head。 Trevor didn't move or seem to hear。
  Zach had felt Trevor's back arching察Trevor's e welling into his palm and dripping between his ringers察and he had nearly e too。 But then Trevor had stopped moaning and his eyes had gone blank and he had fallen back on the mattress。
  Zach's heart lurched painfully。 He felt for Trevor's heartbeat察listened for his breathing。 Both were strong and steady。 Trevor's eyes were half´open察blinking slowly。 But they were unfocused察and did not flicker when Zach passed his hand before them or peered into them。 Zach shivered。 Trevor's eyes looked abandoned。
  ;Trev拭─he whispered。 ;Remember察you promised not to leave me。;
  No response。
  ;Trevor拭  。 。 Please拭─Zach pressed his mouth against Trevor's slack lips察kissed hard。 Again no response。
  He didn't think Trevor was in there。 Or perhaps Trevor had gone so deep that he couldn't hear。 A word rang in Zach's mind like the tolling of a deep dissonant bell。 Catotonia。
  The thought scared him so badly that he grabbed Trevor by the shoulders and shook him hard。 Trevor's head rolled bonelessly on his neck。 A silvery thread of saliva leaked from one corner of his mouth。 There was nothing in his eyes察nothing in his face。
  Zach clawed at his own face察bit his fingers viciously察sobbed in frustration and dread。 Why had he ever thought it was a good idea to feed Trevor mushrooms拭Why had he thought either of them could handle such a heavy´duty mindfuck within these cursed察malicious walls
  Suddenly he remembered what Trevor had said right before passing out。 I have to get there。 Had Trevor used the shock of orgasm to detach himself from his body somehow拭Was his spirit careening around the house察unable to municate with Zach察unable to get back in
  Or察worse察was Trevor no longer here at all拭What if he went crashing into the spirit world察demanding his explanation for being alive察and Bobby decided to keep him there拭What if Bobby just wanted to finish the job he'd left undone before拭Embodied or not察Trevor was still tripping his ass off察and that made him more vulnerable than he already was。 If Trevor had gone somewhere else察Zach knew he had to follow。
  But how in hell was Zach supposed to leave his body拭He was used to having orgasms察no matter how intense they were察his spirit did not separate from his flesh察did not extrude on some umbilical thread of ectoplasm察did not detach。 He had never thought about how solidly mired in his body he was until now察when he wanted to get out of it。
  He concentrated furiously察tried to project himself into Trevor's brain。 He'd gotten in once察but it seemed the password had been changed。 Zach tried to imagine what the new one might be察tried to feel around the edges of Trevor's blown consciousness。 He forced himself to go limp察surrender to the drug察think about anything but projecting。 He tore at his hair and his scalp察trying to rip his own ghost out of his skull。 None of it worked。 Zach collapsed back on the mattress察hugged Trevor and sobbed into his chest。 A thin sheen of sweat had e up on Trevor's skin。 It rippled with opalescent colors and smelled faintly of coffee。
  Coffee 。 。 。
  Zach had a dangerous idea。
  He tested Trevor's heartbeat again。 It remained even and strong。 He kissed Trevor's cheek察spoke into his ear。 ;I love you察Trev。 I'm ing to get you。 Just try not to go too far in。;
  He pushed himself up察nearly passed out himself as the blood rushed to his head察tried to let it happen but recovered。 He crossed the bedroom and edged into the hall察refused to look toward the bathroom or at the doorway into the living room察would not glance over his shoulder as he entered the kitchen。 He had never felt so unsafe in this house。
  Zach opened the refrigerator察squinted into the dazzling light察took out the bag of coffee Trevor had bought。 He carried it over to the coffee maker from Potter's Store and shook a generous amount into the filter basket察then ran tapwater into the pot and poured it through。 A few seconds later the machine 

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