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aiden name was McFate察and all the McFates were psychotic delusionaries of one stripe or another。 A pale shadow of a father who was drunk or gone most of the time察then suddenly dead察as if he had never existed at all察most of the Hummingbirds were poetic souls tethered to alcoholic bodies察though Kinsey himself had always been able to take a drink or two without requiring three or four。
In 1970 he inherited the mechanic's job from the garage where his father had worked off and on。 Kinsey was better at repairing engines than Ethan Hummingbird had ever been察though deep inside he suspected this was not what he wanted to do。
Growing older察his friends leaving for college and careers察and somehow the new friends he made were always younger此the forlorn察bewildered teenagers who had never asked to be born and now wished they were dead察the misfits察the rejects。 They sought Kinsey out at the garage察they sat and talked to his skinny legs sticking out from under some broken´down Ford or Chevy。 That was the way it always was察and for a while Kinsey thought it always would be。
Then in 1975 his mother died in the terrible fire that shut down the Central Carolina Cotton Mill for good。 Two years later Kinsey received a large settlement察quit the garage察and opened the first´ever nightclub in Missing Mile。 He tried to mourn his mother察but when he thought about how much better his life had gotten since her death察it was difficult。
Kinsey fumbled in his pocket for the key。 A large察ornate pocketwatch fell out and dangled at the end of a long gold chain察the other end of which was safety´pinned to Kinsey's vest。 He flipped the watch open and glanced at its pearly face。 Nearly an hour ahead of schedule此he liked to be at the Yew by four to take deliveries察clean up the last of the previous night's mess察and let the bands in for an early sound check if they wanted。 But it was barely three。 The overcast day must have deceived him。 Kinsey shrugged and let himself in anyway。 There was always work to do。
The windowless club was dark and still。 To his right as he entered was the small stage he had built。 His carpentry was unglamorous but sturdy。 To his left was the art wall察a mural of painted察crayoned察and Magic Markered graffiti that stretched all the way back to the partition separating the bar area from the rest of the club。 The tangle of obscure band names and their arcane symbols察song lyrics察and catchphrases was indistinct in the gloom。 Kinsey could only make out one large piece of graffiti察spray´painted in gold察wavering halfway between wall and ceiling此WE ARE NOT AFRAID。
Those words might be the anthem of every kid who passed through that door察Kinsey thought。 The hell of it was that they were afraid察every one of them察terribly so。 Afraid they would never make it to adulthood and freedom察or that they would make it only at the price of their fragile souls察afraid that the world would prove too dull察too cold察that they would always be as alone as they felt right now。 But not one of them would admit it。 We are not afraid察they would chant along with the band察their faces bathed in golden light察we are not afraid察believing it at least until the music was over。
He crossed the dance floor。 The sticky remnants of last night's spilled beer and soda sucked softly at the soles of his shoes with each step。 Idly brooding察he passed the restrooms on his right and entered the room at the back that served as the bar。
He was brought up short by the stifled screech of the girl bent over the cash drawer。
The back door stood open察as if she had been ready to leave in a hurry。 The girl stood frozen at the register察catlike face a mask of shock and fear察wide eyes fixed on Kinsey察a sheaf of twenties clutched in her hand。 Her open handbag sat on the bar beside her。 A perfect察damning tableau。
;Rima拭─he said stupidly。 ;What 。 。 。 拭
His voice seemed to unfreeze her。 She spun and broke for the door。 Kinsey threw himself over the bar察shot out one long arm察and caught her by the wrist。 The twenties fluttered to the floor。 The girl began to sob。
Kinsey usually had a couple of local kids working at the Yew察mostly doing odd jobs like stocking the bar or collecting money at the door when a band played。 Rima had worked her way up to tending bar。 She was fast察funny察cute察and Kinsey had thought utterly trustworthy察so much so that he had let her have a key。 When he had another bartender察he didn't have to stay until closing time every night察on slow nights someone else could lock up。 It was almost like having a mini´vacation。 But keys had a way of getting lost察or changing hands察and Kinsey didn't entrust them to many of his workers。 He had believed he was a pretty good judge of character。 The Sacred Yew had never been ripped off。
Until now。
Kinsey reached for the phone。 Rima threw herself across him察grabbing for it with her free hand。 They struggled briefly for the receiver察then Kinsey wrested it free and easily held it out of her reach。 The phone cord caught her purse and swept it onto the floor。 The contents spilled察skittered察shattered。 Kinsey tucked the receiver into the hollow of his shoulder and began to dial。
;Kinsey察no察please ─Rima grabbed futilely for the phone again察then sagged back against the bar。 ;Don't call the cops 。。。;
His finger paused over the last number。 ;Why shouldn't I拭
She saw her opening and went for it。 ;Because I didn't take any money。 Yes察I was going to察but I didn't have time 。 。 。 and I'm in trouble察and I'm leaving town。 Just let me go and you'll never see me again。; Her face was wet with tears。 In the half´light of the bar Kinsey could not see her eyes。 Her wrist was so thin that his hand could have encircled it two or three times察the bones felt as fragile as dry twigs。 He eased his grip a little。
;What kind of trouble拭
;I went to the Planned Parenthood clinic over in Corinth 。 。 。;
Kinsey just looked at her。
;You want me to spell it out拭─Her sharp little face went mean。 ;I'm pregnant察Kinsey。 I need an abortion。 I need five hundred dollars
Kinsey blinked。 Whatever he had expected察that wasn't it。 Rima had arrived in Missing Mile just a few months ago。 Among local guys who had asked her out and been turned down察the word was that she carried a torch for the guitarist of a speed metal band back in her native California。 So far as Kinsey knew察she hadn't been back to California recently。 ;Who 。 。 。 拭─he managed。
;You don't know him察okay拭─She swiped a hand across her eyes。 ;An asshole who wouldn't wear a rubber because that's like taking a shower with a raincoat on。 There's plenty of 'em around。 They shoot their wad and that's the last thing they have to worry about ─Now her mean face had collapsed察she was crying so hard she could barely choke out the words。 ;Kinsey察I slept with the wrong guy and he's not going to help me out察he won't even talk to me。 And I don't want any goddamn baby察let alone his。;
;At least tell me who。 I could talk to him。 There are things 。 。 。;
She shook her head violently。 ;NO I just want to go to Raleigh and get rid of it。 I won't e back to Missing Mile。 I'll go to my sister's place in West Virginia察or maybe back to L。A。 。 。 。 Please察Kinsey。 Just let me go。 You won't see me around here again。;
He studied her。 Rima was twenty´one察he knew察but her body seemed years younger此barely five feet tall察breastless and hipless察all flat planes and sharp angles。 Her straight察shiny brown hair was held back with plastic barrettes like a little girl's。 He tried to imagine that childish body swollen with pregnancy察could not。 The very idea was painful。
;I can't give you any money察─he said。
;No察I wouldn't´;
;But you can take your last pay envelope。 It's there on the bulletin board。; Kinsey let go of her wrist and turned away。
;Oh察God察Kinsey察thank you。 Thank you。; She knelt and began scraping together the contents of her purse。 When she had searched out everything in the dimness of the bar察she went to the bulletin board and took down her envelope。 Kinsey was hardly surprised to see her glance into it as if making sure enough money was there。 She turned and stared at him for a long moment察as if deciding whether to say anything else。
;Good luck察─he told her。
Rima looked surprised察and a little guilty。 Then察as if the milk of human kindness were too heady a potion for her parched soul察she spun on her heel and left without another word。
There goes my mini´vacation察Kinsey thought。
Thirty minutes later察with the lights turned up and the swampy area behind the bar half´mopped察he found the little white packet。
It was nestled in a crack in the wooden floor directly below the spot where Rima's purse had spilled。 With the lights off察as they had been when Kinsey caught her察it was unlikely that she would have spotted it。 Kinsey bent察picked it up察and looked at it for a long time。 It didn't look like much此a tiny twist of plastic察the corner of a Baggie perhaps察with an even tinier pinch of white powder inside。 No察it didn't look like much at all。 But Kinsey knew it for what it was此a towering monument to his gullibility。
She c