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;I was hoping you'd say that。;
And I guess I'll take my chances with the long arm of the law察Trevor thought as he rolled over and fitted himself into the curve of Zach's body。 Harboring a fugitive is bad enough´ they probably have a special punishment if you fall in love with one。 He found that the idea of mitting a federal crime didn't faze him much。 The thought of being in love still seemed far stranger。
Zach had broken all kinds of laws察he supposed察but Trevor had never had much regard for laws。 Few of them made sense to him察and none of them worked worth a shit。 He had managed to avoid breaking them very often simply because he didn't have many bad habits察and most of the ones he did have happened to be legal。 But if any suit´wearing察mirrorshaded zombie dared touch a hair on Zach's head察or set foot inside the boundaries of Birdland 。。。
Trevor didn't know what might happen then。 But he thought there would be great damage and pain。 After all察this house had tasted blood before察had tasted it again today。
He thought it might be getting a taste for the stuff。
Somewhere in the hazy zone between night and morning察Zach opened his eyes a crack and squinted into the darkness。 He had no real sense of the room around him察of where he was at all。 He only knew that he was still mostly asleep and about half´drunk察that his head was throbbing and his bladder was painfully full。
He pushed himself off the mattress and stumbled into the hall。 At the end of it a soft light glowed like a beacon。 All he had to do was make his way to that light and relieve himself察then he could fall back into bed and sleep until the headache was gone。
Zach shuffled down the hall naked and barefooted察trailing a hand along the wall for balance察and entered the bathroom。 One of the forty´watt bulbs in the ceiling fixture buzzed fitfully察giving off a dim察flickering light。 He stepped up to the toilet bowl and urinated into the small pool of dark muddy´looking water。 The sound of his pee hitting the stained porcelain seemed very loud in the silent house察and he hoped he wouldn't wake Trevor。
Trevor 。 。 。 asleep in the next room察in Birdland 。 。 。
Zach was suddenly wide awake and very conscious of where he was。 His stream of urine dried up。 As he let go of his dick he felt a single warm drop slide down his thigh。 The ghost of cheap red wine still swirled in his brain察making him dizzy察making him aware of just how easy it would be to panic。
But there was no need。 All he had to do was turn察step away from the toilet察and´and he knew he hadn't shut the door behind him when he came in。
Though he had been mostly asleep察he remembered groping past it察hearing the knob rattle against the wall。 The hinges were caked with rust and could not have closed silently。 But though Zach had heard nothing察the door was now shut tight。
He swallowed察felt his throat click dryly。
Well察you live in a haunted house察you're going to have doors shutting themselves once in a while。 But that doesn't mean anything in here can hurt you。 All you have to do is walk over and turn the knob and you're out of here。
and don't look at the tub
That last thought came unbidden。 Zach threw himself at the door察clawed at the knob。 It slipped through his fingers and he realized that his hands were slick with sweat。 He wiped them on his bare chest and made himself try again。 The knob would not turn察would not even rattle in its moorings。 It was as if the workings of the lock had fused。
Or as if something were holding the door shut from the other side。
He yanked at the door with all his strength。 Though he could feel the old wood bowing inward察nothing gave。 He wondered what would happen if he managed to tear the knob clean out of the door。 If there was something in the hall察would it e rushing in through the hole and engulf him
Zach let go of the knob and stared around the bathroom。 The ancient linoleum had begun to curl at the corners察exposing the rotting wood beneath。 The peeling paint was streaked from ceiling to floor with long rusty watermarks。 The bare shower curtain rod was cruelly bowed察the bottom of the tub glazed with a thin layer of filth察the black hole of the drain ringed in green mold。 He thought of pounding on the wall察trying to wake Trevor to e get him out of here察but the tub was set into the wall that adjoined their room。 He would have to lean way over it察or climb right in。
He looked quickly away from the tub察and his gaze fell on the mirror over the sink。 It reflected his own pale sweaty face察his own wide scared eyes察but Zach thought he saw something else in there too。 Some subtle movement察a rippling in the surface of the glass itself察a strange sparkling in its depths as if the glass were a silver vortex trying to draw him in。
Frowning察he moved closer。 The cold lip of the sink pushed against his lower belly。 Zach leaned closer until his forehead was nearly touching the glass。 It occurred to him that the mirror could simply explode outward察burying razor´shards of glass in his face察his eyes察his brain。
Part of his mind was cowering察gibbering察begging him to get away。 But part of him´the larger part´had to know。
One of the taps twisted on。
Hot liquid gushed into the sink察splashed up onto his belly察his chest察his hands and arms。 Zach jumped back察looked down at himself察and felt his well´trained gag reflex try to trigger for the second time that night。
He was covered with dark streaks and splotches of the blood that was still globbing out of the faucet察pooling in the sink。 But this was no fresh vivid crimson like the blood from his lip yesterday。 This blood was thick and rank察already half´clotted。 Its color was the red´black of a scab察and it stank of decaying meat。
As he watched察the other tap turned slowly on。 A second fluid began to mingle with the rotting blood察a thinner fluid察viscous and milky´white。 The odor of decay was suddenly laced with the raw fresh smell of semen。 As they came out of the faucet察the two streams twisted together like some sort of devil's candy cane察red and white and Black all over 。 。 。 wouldn't Trevor love to put this in a story殖。
Zach felt hysterical laughter bubbling up in his throat。 Tom Waits's drunken piano had nothing on this bathroom。 The sink was bleeding and ejaculating此great。 Maybe next the toilet would decide to take a shit or the bathtub would begin to drool。
He looked back up at the mirror and felt the laughter turn sour察caustic察like harsh vomit on the back of his tongue。
But for certain familiar landmarks´his green eyes察the dark tangle of his hair´Zach barely knew his own reflection in the glass。 It was as if a sculptor had taken a plane to his face and shaved layers of flesh from the already prominent bones。 His forehead and cheekbones and chin were carved in stark relief察the skin stretched over them like parchment察sickly white and dry察as if the lightest touch would start it sifting from the bones。 His nostrils and eye sockets seemed too large察too deep。 The shadowy smudges beneath his eyes had bee enormous dark hollows in which his pupils glittered feverishly。 The skin around his mouth looked desiccated察the lips cracked and peeling。
It was not the face of a nineteen´year´old boy in any kind of health。 It was the face of the skull hiding beneath his skin察waiting to be revealed。 Zach suddenly understood that the skull always grinned because it knew it would emerge triumphant察that it would prise the sole identity of the face long after vain baubles like lips and skin and eyes were gone。
He stared at his wasted image in fascination。 There was a certain consumptive beauty to it察a certain dark flame like that which burns in the eyes of mad poets or starving children。
He put out his hand to touch the mirror察and the lesions began to appear。
Just a few tiny purplish spots at first察one on the stark jut of his cheekbone察one bisecting the dark curve of his eyebrow察one nestled in the small hollow at the corner of his mouth。 But they began to spread察deepening like enormous bruises察like a stop´motion film of blighted orchids blooming beneath the surface of his skin。 Now nearly half his face was suffused with the purple rot察tinged necrotic blue at the edges and shot through with a scarlet web of burst capillaries察and there was no semblance of beauty to it察no dark flame察nothing but corruption and despair and the promise of death。
Zach felt his stomach churning察his chest constricting。 He had never obsessed about his looks察had never needed to。 His parents had usually avoided fucking up his face too badly because it might be noticed。 He still had faint belt marks on his back and two lumpy finger joints on his left hand from breaks that had healed badly察but no facial scars。 He'd never even had zits to speak of。 He had grown up with no particular awareness of his own beauty察and once he realized he had it and learned what it was good for察he had taken it for granted。
Now watching it rot away was like feeling the ground disappear from under his feet察like having a limb severed察like watching the knife descend for the final stroke of the lobotomy。