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ic waste and a crisp察golden察piss´like undertone 。 。 。
He smelled the warm stale beer leaking onto the asphalt察saw a submerged cigarette butt dissolving in one of the little puddles察and lost it。 He pushed away from Trevor and sprawled headlong over the curb and vomited in Kinsey's yard。 It felt marvelous察like the release of some crushing pressure察like vile crimson poison flooding out of his system。 He felt the palms of his hands connecting with the earth察felt energy flowing up into his arms and through his body in huge察slow察steady waves。 He was plugged into the biggest damn battery of all。
When he was able to raise his head察Zach saw Trevor staring at him like some interesting but faintly repulsive bug。 Zach crawled away from his puddle of vomit and sat shakily on the curb。 He took off his spattered glasses察wiped them on the tail of his shirt察Trevor sat down next to him。
;Do you know how many times I saw my dad get sick from drinking拭─Trevor asked。
;A bunch察I guess。;
;No。 Just once。 Sometimes I wonder what would have happened察though察if he'd had a few more shots before Momma came home that night。 What if he'd made himself sick and passed out拭What if Momma could tell somehow that he'd drugged us拭
;It sounds like Bobby was pretty much unstoppable。;
;Maybe。; Trevor shrugged。 ;But maybe one more shot would've knocked him out。 Maybe Momma would have taken me and Didi away。;
;I guess it's possible。; More than anything察Zach wanted Trevor to put an arm around his shoulders察wanted to lean into Trevor's solid forting warmth。 But he wasn't sure if Trevor was mad at him。 ;I used to hope the same thing when my parents would go on a binge察─he said。 ;I'd think察Just a couple more drinks and they'll pass out。 They'll shut up。 They won't hit me anymore。 But once they got on a tear察they usually stayed on it for a while。;
;And you caught the worst of it。;
;Yeah察unless they had something better to do。;
;Then how´; Trevor turned to Zach察spread his hands wide。 The expression on his face was half disgust察half genuine bewilderment。 ;How can you drink now拭You saw what it did to them´how can you do it too拭
;Simple。 It doesn't do the same things to me that it did to them。;
;But nothing。 Remember what you said last night拭The still doesn't have a choice about making liquor察the choice is up to the person who drinks it拭Drinking didn't make my parents act like that。 They were like that。 I'm not。;
;So where does that leave my father拭─Trevor's voice was quiet察but deadly。
;Well 。 。 。; This was the all´important question察Zach sensed。 If he answered it wrong察he could forget about drinking around Trevor´which meant he could forget about Trevor察because he wasn't going to start letting someone else do his thinking for him。 And if he answered it too wrong察he wondered if he might see his blood decorating Trevor's knuckles again。
;Maybe Bobby was trying to tamp down his anger察─he said。 ;Maybe he was trying to make himself pass out before your mom came home。;
;You think so拭
He wants to believe that。 Is it cruel to encourage him拭I don't think so察hell察I'd want to believe it if I were him。 It might even be true。 ;I wouldn't be surprised察─said Zach。 ;You know he loved you´;
;No I don't。 I know he loved them。 He took them with him。 He left me here。;
;Bullshit ─Zach didn't care about giving the right answer now察this line of reasoning made him too angry to worry about getting hit。 ;He wasted everything they ever could have done察could have been。 The only life he had a right to take was his own。 He robbed them。;
;But if you love someone´;
;Then you want them to be alive。 What's to love about a cold察dead body拭─Zach caught himself before he went too far on that track。 ;Bobby fucked up your life pretty good察but at least he let you keep it。 He must have loved you best。 If you were dead察twenty years of drawings never could've existed察and I couldn't be loving you察and you couldn't even be wondering about all this´;
;I said察you couldn't even be wondering´;
;No。 The other part。;
;I couldn't be loving you察─Zach repeated softly。 The words felt so strange in his mouth察they had slipped out before he had even known he was going to say them。 But he didn't want to take them back。
;I love you too察─said Trevor。 He leaned over and kissed Zach full on the mouth。 Zach's eyes widened and he tried to pull away察but Trevor held him tight。 He felt Trevor's tongue sliding over his lips察worrying at the corners察and finally he gave up and opened his mouth to Trevor。 They had already exchanged most of their other bodily fluids察he supposed a little puke wouldn't make much difference。
At last Trevor relented and just held him。 Zach felt his shakes beginning to recede察the raw burn of bile fading from his throat。
;So you're really on the run拭─Trevor asked after a while。
Zach nodded。
;And you told Kinsey and Terry you were from New York拭
;Well察I don't think Kinsey believes me。 But that's what I told them察yeah。;
;You want to talk about it拭
;Could we get in the car first拭
;Sure。; Trevor reached for the keys察and Zach surrendered them without argument。 ;We ought to get going anyway察before those rednecks decide to e back and kick our asses。;
Zach laughed。 ;Hell察if they did察Kinsey could just e out brandishing his casserole and scare 'em off。;
Trevor got a feel for the Mustang quickly。 He had once had a brief job driving cars from place to place察reasons unspecified and questions not encouraged by the management。 Most of them had been scary old junkers or boring Japanese cracker´boxes察but this car was fun to drive。 Its engine was loud but smooth察and its wheels chewed up the road like a vicious little wildcat worrying a blacksnake。
There was a sour taste in his mouth like fruit juice gone bad察the ghost of Zach's recycled wine。 To Trevor it wasn't much different from having the flavor of Zach's sweat or spit or e on his lips。 If you loved someone察he thought察you should know their body inside and out。 You should be willing to taste it察breathe it察wallow in it。
He got off Kinsey's road察found his way to the highway察then took a side road that wandered off into the country。
;I like the way you drive察─said Zach。
;What do you mean拭
;Just talk to me。;
;It has to do with puters察─Zach warned。
;I figured as much察─Trevor said darkly。
They drove for an hour or more around the outskirts of Missing Mile察past dark fields察deserted churches and railroad crossings察small neat houses lit warm against the night。 They passed the occasional bright store or honkytonk joint察swerved to miss the occasional wet splay of roadkill on the hot blacktop。
Zach told his tale without interruption from Trevor察save for an occasional question。 When he finished察Trevor's brain was spinning with unfamiliar terminology察with arcane concepts he had never believed possible察but many of which Zach claimed he had already done。
;You mean you could get information about anybody´ and change it拭Could you get information about me拭
;Well察let's see。; Zach ticked off possibilities on his fingers。 ;Do you have any credit cards拭
;Ever had a phone in your name拭
;How about a police record拭
;Well 。 。 。 yeah。; Trevor shuddered at the memory。 ;I got picked up for vagrancy once in Georgia。 Spent the night in jail。;
;I could get that easy。 Erase it察too。 With your Social Security number I could probably get your school and social´services records。 And your standing with the IRS察of course。;
;I doubt the IRS has ever heard of me。;
Zach laughed softly。 ;Don't bet on it察boyfriend。;
They took a roundabout route back to Violin Road。 By the time Trevor parked the car behind the house察it felt very late。 The clouds had blown over and the sky was a brilliant inverted bowl of stars。 Zach saw the Big Dipper察the Little Dipper察and the faint soft skirl of the Milky Way察which pretty much exhausted his store of astronomical knowledge。 But he stared up into the universe until he was dizzy with infinity察and he thought he could see the great bowl slowly revolving around them察order born of chaos察meaning born of void。
They pushed their way through the vines and entered the dark living room。 The house felt very calm and still。 Even the doorway to the hall had gone neutral。 It was as if some charge had been switched off察as if some current had been interrupted察though the lights still worked。 They brushed their teeth in the kitchen sink察fitted the sheets from Potter's Store onto the mattress in Trevor's room察undressed and lay together in the restful dark察their heads touching on the single pillow察their hands loosely joined。
;So I might bring ghosts into your Me察─Trevor mused察 and you might bring feds into mine。;
;I guess so。;
Trevor thought about it。 ;I believe I'd take my chances with the ghosts if I were you。;
;I was hoping you'd say that。;
And I guess I'll take my chances with the long arm of the law察Trevor thought as he rolled over