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lty corner of Zach's eye察rounded the curve of Zach's cheekbone察slipped back into Zach's mouth。 Zach pressed gratefully against him察and Trevor felt himself wanting it all to happen again。 He didn't know if it was possible so soon。 But Zach seemed to be showing him that anything was possible。
  It lasted much longer this time。 Zach's hands worked him expertly察stroking察squeezing察fingering and probing察building up a rhythm so exquisite that Trevor thought he would spend his seed between Zach's warm slick palms。 That would have been fine察but Zach began to make his way back down察kissing him everywhere察tracing a wet glistening maze of spit along his body察then sucking him deep and slow察excruciatingly察maddeningly slow。 It was almost painful察yet Trevor wanted it to go on for hours。
  Zach was sprawled between Trevor's legs察his left arm wrapped loosely around Trevor's waist察his right hand doing something ingenious。 Trevor felt Zach's penis growing insistently hard against his thigh。 He moved his leg against it察reached down and barely managed to graze it with his fingertips。 He wanted to do something to make Zach feel good too。
  ;Can I´how do we both´;
  Without breaking rhythm察Zach shifted so that his hips were beside Trevor's head察his boner within easy reach of Trevor's mouth。 This position seemed a marvel of physics察but Trevor grasped its advantages immediately察it leaned their weight into each other察pressed the flat planes of their bodies tightly together察and stretched their throats wide open。 It seemed as if they could go on for hours this way。 And so they did察until their exhausted bodies were all but bound together by a moist web of spit and sweat and semen。
  Then they slept again察easy sated sleep that lasted into the afternoon。 The house was silent around them。 Their dreams were set only to the soft patter of rain on the roof察to the slow even rhythm of one another's breathing。
   Chapter Fourteen
  A tourist from Atlanta was found murdered Tuesday in a warehouse used to store Mardi Gras parade floats。 Elizabeth Linhardt察36察had reportedly been mutilated and an attempt made to burn her corpse。 An anonymous source stated that the victim's head was found in the mouth of a ten´foot bust of Bacchus察partially chewed 。 。 。
  Travis Rigaud of St。 Tammany Parish accidentally shot himself while cleaning his collection of handguns´five different times with five different guns察twice in the left foot察once in the right calf察and once in each hand察severing two fingers。 ;I finally sold the handguns察─said Rigaud察 but I still have my rifles and this bad luck won't keep me home e hunting season察even if I should miss everything by a mile察no察cherie 。 。 。;
  A man was pulled over by state troopers near Chalmette with 148 poisonous snakes in his car 。。。
  Eddy let the newspaper slip to the floor and draped her forearm across her tired eyes。 She wore only a pair of black bikini panties。 Her armpits were dusted with the fine dark hair she'd allowed to grow since she quit the Pink Diamond。 She still wore small silver rings in her nipples察but she had undipped the delicate chain that usually connected them。 She could smell the sweat on her skin察a faint odor of lemons and musk察and thought soon she might get up and take a shower。
  After the cops left察she had gone straight to the bank察then scored the Tuesday morning and afternoon editions of the Times´Picayune。 Now she was lying on top of seven thousand dollars reading every article and squib and photo caption察looking for more clues from Zach。 Her fingers were smudged with cheap black ink。 She paid special attention to the weird news察but it was midsummer in New Orleans and there was plenty of genuinely strange shit going on。
  But could anyone really shoot himself five times with five different guns拭Eddy frowned。 It didn't seem possible。
  She picked up the paper again and reread the article察and a bell went off in her head。 Zach's mother's maiden name had been something Cajun。 She was pretty sure it was Rigaud。 The other fake story had had a byline of Joseph something´or´other。 Joseph was Zach's father's name。
  Eddy thought these obscure references to the people who had spent fourteen years abusing him strange察sad察and slightly perverse察but there they were。 And this improbable item had his scent all over it察from the gibe at trigger´happy rednecks to the corny patois。 ;Even if I should miss everything by a mile察no察cherie拭─What the fuck was that supposed to mean
  No察Cherie 。。。 N 。。。 C 。。。
  She got up and pawed through the books Zach and the Secret Service had left察but of course there was no road atlas。 Either Zach had never had one察or he'd taken it himself察or They had snagged it察maybe hoping he'd plotted his escape route in yellow highlighter。 She should have gotten a map of North Carolina yesterday察when Zach's first clue appeared in the paper。
  Eddy pulled on a pair of denim cutoffs and selected a black T´shirt from the pile Zach had left behind。 An artfully torn rag printed with the Bauhaus´like logo of Midnight Sun察a dreadful Gothic sextet that had played around the Quarter clubs last year察then disappeared into whatever void was reserved for truly bad bands。 She couldn't imagine why Zach had the shirt察unless he had fucked one of the band members。 Probably he had察they'd all been beautiful and stupid。
  Those faithful old twin parasites察anger and pain察tried to worm up inside her。 Eddy pushed them back down。 Never mind who Zach had fucked。 She had put up with it and called herself his friend。 If she really was his friend察then she had to stay several steps ahead of his enemies察or try anyway。
  Outside察the daily cloudburst had e and gone察and the streets were still steaming。 Trash piles at the back doors of bars and restaurants gave off a melange of smells此stale beer察rotting vegetables察fishbones touched with grease and cayenne。 She passed a bushel basket of oyster shells still slick with the mollusks' gluey residue察and caught a whiff of the salty seawater odor that always made her wonder for an instant if she needed a bath。
  I was going to shower before I came out察Eddy remembered。 I probably smell a little like old oyster shells myself。 But it didn't matter。 Nobody was going to get close enough to her to care察and she had more important business to worry about。
  A few blocks up Chartres was a used´book store Eddy and Zach had often frequented together。 They could spend hours in there察enveloped in the delicately dusty察dry察alluring scent of books察poring over leather´bound volumes with gilt´edged pages察stacks of ancient magazines察battered paperbacks whose corners were rounded and softened with age。 The proprietor察an old Creole lady who smoked a fragrant pipe and read incessantly察never seemed to mind having them natter and browse。
  But when Eddy asked for a U。S。 atlas察the old lady shook her head。 ;Maps from the 1920s would be useless to you察no察chere拭Try the Bookstar by Jax Brewery or one of the chains up on Canal。;
  ;Okay察I guess I will。;
  Eddy turned to go察but the old lady must have seen some fleeting sadness in her face察for she put a wrinkled hand on Eddy's arm and stopped her。 The skin of her palm was cool and faintly silken察and three gaudy rings sparkled on her gnarled fingers。 ;Where is that handsome young man you e in with拭
  ;He's察uh 。 。 。; Eddy stared at the old lady's hands察at the stacks of books on the counter。 ;He had to leave town。;
  ;Love trouble拭
  ;Law trouble。;
  ;Ahhh。; The old lady nodded sadly。 ;For him察burn a green candle and a yellow one。 Are you in trouble too拭
  ;For you察take an egg and 。 。 。 Have you been questioned by a policeman拭
  ;How many拭
  ;Well 。 。 。; Eddy tried to tally broad blue backs and sharp gray suits in her head。 ;Just one察─she said察reasoning that Agent Cover was the only cop who had really questioned her。
  ;Write his name on an egg察─the old lady advised her察 and throw the egg up on your roof。 Make sure it breaks。 The police will not return。;
  ;Okay察─said Eddy察genuinely grateful。 She needed any edge she could get。 ;Thank you。 I will。;
  ;Mais non。 The poor boy。 He is so beautiful察so full of the spirit of life。;
  ;Yes察─Eddy agreed。 ;That he is。;
  ;But always there will be some sort of trouble for him察I think。 There is a Creole saying 。。。 he has le coeur me un artichaud。;
  Eddy fumbled for her high school French。 ;A heart like an artichoke拭
  ;Oui。 He has a leaf for everyone察but makes a meal for no one。;
  After a hot exhaust´choked walk up Peter Street to the bookstore察Eddy cut back through the shady察humid side streets of the Quarter察stopping at a corner market to buy a green candle察a yellow candle察and a carton of eggs。 Back home察she locked the door behind her and spread out her new book of maps on the bed。
  She found the state of North Carolina and began scanning it closely察paying special attention to the small towns just off the main roads察noting odd names。 Here were places called Pumpkin Center察Climax 。 。 。 Deep Gap察Blowing Rock察Bat Cave 。 。 。 Silk Hope察Fuquay´Varina 。 。 。 M

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