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ood punching bag。
Trevor might be crazy察probably was crazy察but at least he was looking for the source of his craziness instead of running from it。
Trevor raised his head。 His face was wet with tears too。 。 He saw Zach looking at him察saw the blood察and his expression of uneasy calm crumbled into fresh woe。 ;You can leave if you want。 I won't 。 。 。 hurt you。;
;I don't want to leave。;
Trevor tried to speak察could not make his throat work察lowered his face into his hands again。
;Wh 。 。 。; He forced back a sob。 ;What。;
;Why don't you get back in bed with me拭
Amazed察not trusting his ears察Trevor looked up。 He saw Zach's face察scared but not angry。 Even with blood dripping fresh off his chin察Zach wanted him over there。 Trevor couldn't imagine why。 He only knew that he did not want to stay here alone on the dirty floor of his childhood room察with his faded drawings staring down from the walls。
He crawled across the rough floorboards察through the drifts of torn paper and dust察toward the mattress。 When he was halfway there Zach held out his hand察and Trevor crawled toward that。
Zach clasped the outstretched hand and pulled Trevor onto the mattress察into his arms。 He pulled Trevor's head into the hollow of his shoulder察buried his face in Trevor's hair。 Zach's body felt to Trevor like a reflection of his own察Zach's bones seemed to interlock with his like atoms in the structure of a molecule。 Trevor thought he could feel their very souls察their molten cores of pain察flowing together like white´hot metals。
How can you know that拭Is this falling in love拭And if it is察how the hell does anyone SURVIVE it
He realized that he was sobbing and Zach was too察that their faces and throats and collarbones were wet with each other's tears察that their skin was spattered and streaked with Zach's blood。 Zach's arms were wrapped tightly around Trevor's chest察and his sharp chin dug into Trevor's shoulder。 Trevor turned his head slightly and his mouth found Zach's jawline察still bloody。
Without thinking察Trevor rubbed his lips across the blood察then licked some of it away。 Then Zach's mouth moved to meet his察and Trevor supposed this was kissing察this warm察strange察melting thing。 He tasted salt and copper and the sharp smoky flavor of Zach's mouth。 Zach's torn lips were very soft against his察surely sore。 As they kissed more deeply Trevor felt the wounds e open again察felt Zach's blood flowing over his tongue。 He sucked at it and swallowed it。 He had spilled it察now he could take it into himself。 And it tasted so sweet察so full of the twin energies of life and death。
Zach's hands traced light patterns across his chest察making the skin shiver into goosebumps。 Trevor moved his mouth to Zach's ear察smelled yesterday's rainwater in Zach's hair。 ;What are you doing拭─he whispered。
Zach placed his lips against the hollow of Trevor's throat and left them there for a moment before he answered。 ;Do you mind拭
;No察I don't think so。 I just don't know 。 。 。;
;Don't know what拭
Zach glanced up察met Trevor's eyes。 ;You mean you've never 。 。 。;
Trevor was silent。 Zach's eyes widened and he started to speak察but was apparently struck dumb with awe。 Finally he said察 What did you do拭
;Jerk off拭
;Not much。;
Zach shook his head slowly察marveling。 ;I'd be dead in a week if I didn't do something。 I'd be splattered all over the walls。;
Trevor shrugged。
;Well´; Zach lowered his head so that the longer strands of his hair fell forward and tickled Trevor's chest。 Most of his face was hidden察but Trevor saw a fierce spot of color blazing in one pale cheek。 ;I would show you。 If you wanted me to。;
He looked up。 His eyes were full of doubt and desire察enormous´pupiled察insanely green。
;I don't even know how to say yes。;
Their hands found each other and intertwined。 Zach squeezed Trevor's fingers察brought them to his lips and kissed them。 His tongue slid over the ball of Trevor's thumb察soft as velvet。 Trevor felt something uncoil deep inside him察some unfamiliar warmth seeping like liquor through his innards。 Only it didn't dull his senses察it heightened them察he was aware of every inch of his skin察every hair on his body察every pore and cell。 All of them were straining toward Zach察thirsting for him。
Then they were kissing again察carefully at first察learning the shape and texture of each other's lips察testing the sharpness of the teeth behind them。 Trevor felt Zach's hands sliding down his back and straying beneath the waistband of his sweatpants察cupping his buttocks and squeezing察moving down to the sensitive juncture of his thighs and lightly stroking the downy hairs there。 He had an erection for the first time in as long as he could remember察had almost forgotten what one felt like。 It felt a hell of a lot better snuggled into the warm hollow of someone's hipbone察that was for sure。
It's too fast said a panicky voice in his mind。 And too dangerous He'll drink your juices察taste your brain察crack your soul open like an egg
Hell察I think I want him to do all that。
The thought released Trevor察gave him abandon。 He sucked at Zach's tongue and pulled it deep into his mouth。 You became so used to the texture and mass of your own tongue that you seldom noticed it nestling in the cradle of your lower jawbone察pressing against your teeth。 Having another tongue there felt alien at first察like trying to swallow some small slippery animal察a baby eel or perhaps an energetic oyster。
Their hands roamed the planes and hollows of one another's bodies。 Now Zach's clever fingers were teasing Trevor's nipples察plugging into unfamiliar nerve endings察webs of sensation that seemed to radiate from his chest up his spinal cord and into his brain察down through the pit of his stomach to his aching penis。 Never mind when he had last had a boner察he couldn't remember ever having had one that felt like this。
Then Zach's hand slid down to cup it through the soft cloth察and Zach's lips kissed a slow trail down his chin察along the curve of his throat and the hollow of his collarbone察and wrapped hot and wet around his left nipple。 Trevor felt his heart lurch察his mind begin to dissolve in pleasure。 He choked back a throatful of saliva。 ;Don't
Zach's mouth paused but did not go away。 His hand moved to the ridge of Trevor's hipbone and squeezed gently。 ;Why not拭
Trevor caught his breath察searched for a reply。 ;It hurts察─he said at last察though that was not precisely what he meant。
;You mean it feels too good拭
Silver motes swarmed in the air above his face察his vision was drowning in red filigree。 Trevor closed his eyes and nodded。
;Sometimes you just have to ride it。 But we can slow down。; Zach shrugged。 ;I'll kiss you all day if that's what you want。; He lowered his face to Trevor's察brushed his lips ever so lightly across Trevor's。 Trevor felt tears starting again behind his eyelids for the kindness of this boy。
Do you want to do this拭he thought。 You were finally able to e back to this house察to e home。 You haven't had that damn dream in two nights。 You're on the verge of finding whatever is left here for you to find。 Do you want to add this to the equation
But he was sick of listening to the voices in his head and the slow settling of empty rooms。 There were other things to hear。 Zach's breathing and heartbeat察the whisper of Zach's hands against the slight stubble on Trevor's face察the liquid sound their mouths made together。 Zach lay half on top of him察holding him loosely察kissing him languorously。 It became impossible to think of anything but tastes and textures。
They kissed dreamily察then searchingly察then with increasing urgency。 Then Zach was nuzzling his neck and chest again察but this time Trevor wasn't scared。 He arched his back察twined his fingers into Zach's thick soft hair。 Zach's fingers strayed again to the band of Trevor's sweatpants察found the drawstring and deftly untied the bow。 His lips moved across the concavity of Trevor's stomach察paused just above the cloth。 Trevor thought his penis might simply explode soon。 He imagined shimmering globules of semen dripping from the ceiling察nestling in Zach's hair like diamonds on blue´black velvet。
Zach looked up at Trevor and suddenly his serious察almost´scared face split into a wide dazzling grin。
;This feels so good察─he said察 you won't even believe it。;
He tugged the cloth away and kissed the tip of Trevor's penis察then took the whole throbbing burning thing into his mouth。 He was right。 All at once there was no more house察no childhood room察no dirty mattress under Trevor's back。 There was only this moment and this boy察only the smooth glide of saliva and fingertips and tongue察only the deep silken tunnel of Zach's throat surrounding him。 It was like nothing else ever。
He felt a stream of pure white energy blazing along his spine察sending twin bolts into his balls and his brain察filling every cell with light。 His scalp and the palms of his hands tingled madly。 He felt his pores open and bead with sweat察heard himself moaning and Zach moaning muffled encour