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弌傍 pzb.drawingblood 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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e other models one night察going to someone's apartment to get stoned the next。 Daddy didn't like that察had even refused to smoke the joint she brought him as a present from her friends。 She said they wanted to meet him and the kids察but Daddy told her not to invite them out。
  Trevor had gone into Raleigh with Momma one day。 He brought his sketchbook and sat in a corner of the big airy studio that smelled of paint thinner and charcoal dust。 Momma stood gracefully naked on a wooden podium at the front of the room察joking with the students when she took her breaks。 Some of them laughed at him察bent over his sketchbook so quiet and serious。 Their laughter faltered when they saw the likenesses he had produced of them during the class period此the stringy´haired girl whose granny glasses pinched her beaky nose like some torture device made of wire察the droopy´eyed boy whose patchy beard grew straight down into the collar of his black turtleneck because he had no chin。
  But on this day Trevor had stayed home。 Daddy sat in the living room all evening察sprawled in a threadbare recliner that had e with the house察his feet tapping out a meaningless tattoo on the warped floorboards。 He had the turntable hooked up and kept playing record after record察anything that his hand fell upon察Sarah Vaughan察Country Joe and the Fish察frenetic band music from the twenties that sounded like something skeletons might jitterbug to´it all ran together in one long musical cry of pain。 Most of all Trevor remembered Daddy searching obsessively for a set of Charlie Parker records此Bird with Miles察Bird on Fifty´second Street察Bird at Birdland。 He found them察slammed one onto the turntable。 The saxophone spiraled through the old house察found the cracks in the walls and spun out into the night察an exalted sound察terribly sad but somehow free。 Free as a bird in Birdland。
  Daddy hefted the bottle and chugged bourbon straight from it。 A moment later he let out a long察wet察rippling belch。 Trevor got up from the corner where he'd been sitting察keeping an eye out for Momma's headlights察and started to leave the room。 He didn't want to see Daddy get sick。 He'd seen it before and it had nearly made him sick too察not even so much the sight of the thin察stringy whiskey´vomit as that of his father's helplessness and shame。
  His foot struck a loose piece of wood and sent it skittering across the floor。 Daddy had been doing repairs around the house a few days earlier察nailing down a board that had begun to curl away from the wall。 Long silver nails and a hammer were still scattered around the hall doorway。 Trevor began to gather up the nails察thinking Didi might step on one察then stopped。 Didi was smart enough not to go around the house barefoot察with all the splinters in the floorboards。 Maybe Daddy would need the nails。 Maybe he would still finish the repairs。
  At the sound of the nails chinking together察Daddy looked up from his bottle。 His eyes focused on Trevor察pinned him to the spot where he stood。 ;Trev。 What're you doin'拭
  ;Going to bed。;
  ;Thass good。 I'll fixyer juice。; Momma usually gave the boys fruit juice to take to bed with them察when there was any in the house。 Daddy got up and stumbled past Trevor into the kitchen察slapping one hand against the door frame to support himself。 Trevor heard the refrigerator opening察bottles rattling。 Daddy came back in and handed him a glass of grapefruit juice。 A few drops sloshed over the side察trickled over Trevor's fingers。 He put his hand to his mouth and licked them away。 Grapefruit was his favorite察because of the interestingly sour察almost salty taste。 But there was an extra bitterness to this juice察as if it had begun to spoil in the bottle。
  He must have made a face察because Daddy kept staring at him。 ;Something wrong拭
  Trevor shook his head。
  ;You gonna drink that or not拭
  He raised the glass to his lips and drank half of it察took a deep breath察and finished it off。 The bitter taste shivered over his tongue察lingered in the back of his throat。
  ;There you go。; Daddy reached out察pulled Trevor into his embrace。 Daddy smelled of stinging liquor and old sweat and dirty clothes。 Trevor hugged back anyway。 As the side of his head pressed against Daddy's察a panicky terror flooded through him察though he didn't know why。 He clutched at Daddy's shoulders察tried to wrap his arms around Daddy's neck。
  But after a moment察Daddy pried him off and gently pushed him away。
  Trevor went down the hall察glancing into Didi's dark bedroom。 Sometimes Didi got scared at night察but now he was fast asleep despite the punishing volume Of the music察his face burrowed into his pillow察the faint light from the hallway casting a halo on his pale hair。 Back in Austin the brothers had shared a room察this was the first time they had slept apart。 Trevor missed waking up to the soft sound of Didi's breathing察to the scent of talcum powder and candy when Didi crawled in bed with him。 For a moment he thought he might sleep with Didi tonight察might wrap his arms around his brother and not have to fall asleep alone。
  But he didn't want to wake Didi。 Daddy was being too scary。 Instead Trevor walked down the hall to his own bedroom察trailing his hand along the wall。 The old boards were damp察faintly sticky。 He wiped his fingers on the front of his T´shirt。
  His own room was nearly as bare as Didi's。 They had been able to bring none of their furniture from Austin察and hardly any of their toys。 Trevor's mattress lay flat on the floor察a rumpled blanket thrown over it。 He had pinned up some of his drawings on the walls察though he hadn't put up Skeletal Sammy and he hadn't tried to draw any of Daddy's other characters。 More drawings lay scattered on the floor察along with the ics he had scrounged from Daddy。 He picked up a Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers book察thinking he might read it in bed。 The antics of those friendly fools might make him forget Daddy sprawled in the chair察pouring straight whiskey on top of his pain。
  But he was too tired察his eyes were already closing。 Trevor turned off his bedside lamp and crawled under the blanket。 The familiar contours of his mattress cradled him like a weling hand。 From the living room he heard Charlie Parker run down a shimmering scale。 Birdland察he thought again。 That was the place where you could work magic察the place where no one else could touch you。 It might be an actual spot in the world察it might be a place deep down inside you。 Daddy could only reach his Birdland by drinking now。 Trevor had begun to believe his own Birdland might be the pen moving over the paper察the weight of the sketchbook in his hands察the creation of worlds out of ink and sweat and love。
  He slept察and the music wove uneasily in and out of his dreams。 He heard Janis Joplin singing ;Me and Bobby McGee察─and remembered suddenly that she had died last year。 From drugs察Momma had told him察taking care to explain that the drugs Janis had been using were much worse than the pot she and Daddy sometimes smoked。 An image came to him of Daddy walking hand in hand with a girl shorter and more rounded than Momma察a girl who wore bright feathers in her hair。 She turned to Daddy and Trevor saw that her face was a swollen purple mass of flesh察the holes of her eyes black and depthless behind the big round glasses察her ruined features split in the semblance of a smile as she leaned in to give his father a deep soul kiss。
  And Daddy kissed back 。 。 。
  Sunlight woke him察streaming through the dirty panes of his window察trickling into the corners of his eyes。 His head ached slightly察felt somehow too heavy on his neck。 Trevor rolled over察stretched察and looked around the room察silently greeting his drawings。 There was one of the house察one of Momma holding Didi察a whole series of ones that he was pretty sure were going to turn into a ic。 He knew he could never draw the slick察tawdry world of Birdland the way Daddy had察but he could make his own world。 He needed to practice writing smaller so he could do the letters。
  His head slightly logy but full of ideas察Trevor rolled off the mattress察pushed open the door of his room察and walked down the hall toward the kitchen。
  He saw the blood on the walls before he saw Momma。
  It would e out in the autopsy report´which Trevor did not read until years later´that Daddy had attacked her near the front door察that they must have argued察that there had been a struggle and he had driven her back toward the hall before he killed her。 That was where he would have picked up the hammer。
  Momma was crumpled in the doorway that led from the living room into the hall。 Her back rested against the frame。 Her head lolled on the fragile stem of her neck。 Her eyes were open察and as Trevor edged around her body察they seemed to fix on him。 For a heart´stopping second he thought she was alive。 Then he saw that the eyes were cloudy察and filmed with blood。
  Her arms were a mass of blood and bruise察silver rings sparkling amid the ruin of her hands。 Seven fingers broken察the autopsy report would say察along with most of the small bones in her palms察as she raised her hands to ward off the blows of the hammer。 There was a deep gouge in her lef

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