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  By Monday night she was sore and exhausted。 She had collapsed on Zach's bed察thinking she would just rest for a few minutes察then get up and go to the corner liquor store for a flask of rotgut。 She could drink if she wanted to察she didn't have to get up and drag herself to the Pink Diamond tomorrow afternoon察she could call that hairy failed rock star Loup and tell him to blow。
  Of course察she would do no such thing。 She would inform him politely that she was taking some time off察and she hoped it wasn't too inconvenient察and he could call her if he needed a dancer to fill in sometime。 Then察if he called察she would have to search madly for excuses not to。
  Sometimes the leftover shreds of her upbringing could be a real bitch。 In Korean etiquette there was no such thing as a flat no。 You left all possibilities open察no matter how ambiguous。 You never caused the other person to lose face。 Not even if he was a sexist察coke´snorting asshole。
  She took one last look at the twenty´five wagonloads of her stuff strewn around the room along with everything Zach had left。 It was a mess。 Eddy decided to rest her eyes for a few minutes。
  When she opened them again sunlight was streaming through the open window察a green lizard was poised on the ceiling spearing her with its jeweled gaze察and someone was knocking lightly but rapidly at the door。
  She opened it and Phoetus slipped through the crack。 He was perhaps seventeen察very thin察tall察and loosejointed。 Something about his posture and gait reminded Eddy of those posters of Evolving Man。 Phoetus was somewhere around the midpoint察where the head and muscle structure were more human than ape察but the arms still dangled a bit too low。 His curly brown hair looked as if it might lighten two or three shades if he washed it察and his eyes were nearly hidden behind lenses as thick and swirly as the bottoms of Coke bottles。
  He looked blankly at her。 ;You're not Zach。;
  ;No察Stefan。 I'm Eddy察remember拭We met at the Cafe du Monde once。; She had been having coffee and beignets while Zach nibbled the Thai bird peppers he'd just bought in the Market and chased them with a cold glass of milk。 They had a table by the railing察and Zach hailed the nervous察pasty´skinned boy as he skulked by察dodging street performers察avoiding the eyes of tourists。
  When introduced察the guy stared at Eddy as if petrified by the sight of her察leaned over the railing to mumble something to Zach´it sounded like ;the eunuchs' holes are wide open;´and sidled quickly away toward the river。
  ;Who was that拭─Eddy inquired。
  ;That was one of the most brilliant phone´systems guys on the planet。 He's also the sysop of a pirate board called 'The Lurking Fear' and a member of the 0rder 0f Dag0n。 He's way underground。 Sociable type察isn't he拭
  As usual when Zach talked about his hacker buddies察Eddy understood about half of it察but she always looked at her telephone a bit more warily afterward。 Who knew what unspeakable presences waited within those wires like swollen silver spiders clinging to a fiber´optic web
  Stefan stood by the door wringing his hands and staring at her in sweaty panic。 Eddy realized with something like awe that he might never have been alone in a room with a girl before。 The thought was oddly touching。 She would have to remember not to make any sudden moves察otherwise she might frighten him clean away。
  ;Zach's not here察─she told him。 ;He doesn't actually live in New Orleans anymore。;
  ;I heard he might have gotten busted。;
  ;Who said so拭
  ;I hear things。;
  That much she didn't doubt。 ;He wasn't busted。 He got away。 But he's okay´I got a message from him。;
  The hacker looked aghast。 ;He didn't call you here 
  ;No。 He put a message in the paper察in secret code。; She showed him the folded page of yesterday's Times´Picayune。 Goddess in a bowl of gumbo察indeed。 ;See察I think this means he's in North Carolina察maybe heading for New York next。;
  He scowled at the paper。 ;Secret code拭This is kid stuff 
  ;I suppose shutting down the 911 system is mature察─Eddy said coolly。 Zach had told her how Phoetus bragged on the boards that he could overload every emergency telephone circuit in the city if he wanted to。
  Not seeming to register the insult´or perhaps not considering it an insult´Stefan edged past her into the room。 ;Where's the phone拭
  She pointed to Zach's desk察which was still piled high with books and papers but looked rather forlorn without the puter and boxes of floppy disks。 Zach had left his printer behind察though察Eddy guessed she would drag it out and hock it sometime soon。
  Stefan took the receiver from the hook and pried off the plastic earpiece before Eddy could protest。 He removed a small black box from his pocket and clipped some wires running from it to something inside the phone察then peered owlishly at the box。 ;Well察nobody else has a tap on this line察but the government might。 They can tap straight from the phone pany if they've got a warrant。 Assume it's bugged。;
  ;What did you do to it拭
  He held up the black box。 ;This is called a multitester。 It reads your standard off´hook voltage。 If ifs too low察there's probably another device sucking volts off your line。;
  Stefan had bee briefly animated。 Now he seemed to sink back into his sniffling察nervous fugue。 ;Look察I've got people after me too。 Why察if They knew I was here´;
  Eddy had closed the door as Stefan entered but had not yet bothered to lock it。 There was an iron security gate at the street entrance that led up to the apartment察and while French Quarter residents were generally careful about locking all their doors察the gate offered some semblance of privacy察some illusion of safety。
  This illusion was shattered as the door flew open and banged against the wall察making a dent in the soft plaster。 All the policemen in the world seemed to e pouring into her tiny apartment。 Eddy had no idea how many there actually were。 All she saw was the guns察great oily insectile things unholstered and dripping death察pointed straight at her。
  Eddy crouched and wrapped her arms around her head and screamed ;NO NO ─She couldn't help it。 She had always had an instinctive terror of guns察perhaps in another life she had been a revolutionary sentenced to the firing squad or a gangster cut down in a street battle。
  Behind her察she heard one of the most brilliant phone systems guys on the planet burst into tears。
  The raid team totaled fifteen men此Secret Service agents察BellSouth phone´security experts察and curious New Orleans cops along for the ride。 Most of them faltered at the sight of the two cowering kids。 Several guns went back into their holsters。
  The German machine pistol carried by Agent Absalom Cover wasn't one of them。 He kept it trained on the suspects and watched them writhe。 Either of these two could be Zachary Bosch察or the person hiding behind that name。
  Agent Cover had wanted Bosch for a long time。 Other hackers goaded him unmercifully察threatened his credit and disrupted his phone service察left taunting messages in his E´mail察had done all but beard him in his New Orleans field office。 But Bosch was smarter than ten such crooks察and far more dangerous。 He didn't brag much。 He didn't leave cute little clues in his wake。 He just breezed through systems nobody should be able to get into察stealing information and wreaking havoc察and he covered his tracks like an Indian。
  Finally a fifteen´year´old software pirate under interrogation had given them the keys they needed to trace him。 Scratch a hacker and find a rat察ask him the right questions察marvel a little at his amazing technical feats察and turn him into an eager rat。 Some of these kids were terrifyingly smart察but they were still kids。 And Agent Cover believed all kids were basically amoral。
  He got his warrant and moved in fast。 Bosch couldn't have had time to slip between his fingers。
  Still察once the first flush of adrenaline began to wear off察he found himself looking doubtfully at the two bawling kids。 He hadn't expected Bosch to fold so easily。 Most of these teenage whiz kids turned to jelly when they saw a few guns and badges察but then most of them had only broken into a system or two and browsed through sensitive files察maybe used a stolen phone code here and there or downloaded some software they shouldn't have。 Most of them weren't brazen enough or criminally inclined enough to rip shit off on the scale that Zachary Bosch had。
  Cover took one last loving look at his Heckler & Koch and tucked it back into the holster inside his jacket。 He hadn't needed a gun on a hacker raid yet。 These kids loved to brag on the boards about how they would go down shooting察but the deadliest weapon Agent Cover had found in a hacker's possession was a dental probe the kid used for jimmying phone jacks。
  As he approached the suspects察the punked´out Asian girl lifted her head and stared at him in teary defiance察like a gut´shot deer watching a hunter loom over her in the bloody snow。 She had enough crap dangling from her earlobes to set off a metal detector察and her hair looked like she'd cut it with a weed´eater in the dark。 Cove

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