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And he put away java the way Terry's car chugged motor oil。 Terry wondered what Trevor was trying to stay awake for。
One thing was certain此Missing Mile had itself another live one。
Trevor stayed long enough to drink most of the second pot of coffee。 Terry finished the joint and ran his mouth in what seemed like a friendly way察talking about music察the town察even ics once he found out Trevor drew them。 Trevor didn't usually talk about it察but Terry asked so many questions that he couldn't help answering some。
At least Terry didn't mention Bobby McGee察but then Birdland probably wasn't his sort of thing。 He liked the Freak Brothers察predictably察but most of his other favorites featured guys in capes and long underwear beating up guys in black。 There was an awkward silence here察then Trevor察unable to help himself察mumbled ;I hate that shit。; Terry just shrugged。
Terry seemed kind enough察still Trevor could not shake the idea that he was being surreptitiously examined like some three´headed sideshow attraction。 In few other places had people seemed as curious about him察as interested in him察as here。 It was as if they sensed that he was a hometown boy察or nearly so。
Finally Terry stood up and stretched。 Trevor saw a flash of bare belly beneath his T´shirt此the skin lightly tanned察with the barest beginnings of a roll of fat and a thin line of pale brown hair disappearing into the waistband of his jeans。 ;Guess we better get moving。 You want a ride somewhere拭
;Violin Road。;
;Pretty dead out there察man。 You sure拭
;That's where I'm staying now。;
Terry glanced at Trevor察seemed to wrestle with something he wanted to say察evidently decided it was none of his business。 ;Okay。 Violin Road it is。;
The rain had stopped but the day was still overcast。 The air felt heavy and moist against Trevor's skin察like an unwanted kiss。 The Rambler gunned through town and bumped over the railroad tracks。 It was Sunday afternoon察and nearly everything seemed to be shut down察doors locked tight察windows dark and shaded。 Freak subculture or not察Missing Mile was still in the heart of the Bible Belt。 The thought of his lambs being able to buy a tube of toothpaste or get a cup of coffee on Sunday was surely a terrible affront to the Lord。
Then they were turning off Firehouse Street onto another gravel road察one that changed to rutted dirt after half a mile or so。 Violin Road。 Trevor felt a loosening in his chest察a hot ribbon of excitement uncoiling in his stomach。 The scrap heaps and rusted hulks of automobiles察the unpainted trailers察the castle´like spires of kudzu slipped past察less substantial than blurry images in old photographs。 His eyes swept the roadside。
Then察suddenly察there was the house此his hell察his Birdland。
It was set farther back from the road than he remembered。 The porch and the peak of the roof were barely visible through the rioting growth that had taken over the yard。 A weeping willow at the side of the house had not been much taller than Momma's head察now its pale green fronds caressed the roof。 A verdant tangle of goldenrod and forsythia察Queen Anne's lace and pokeweed and brown´eyed Susans ran right up to the porch steps察which were partly crumbled。 Kudzu was draped over everything like a green blanket察tendrils twining between the porch railings察through the broken windows。
;You can let me out here。;
Terry slowed the Rambler to a crawl察looked around。 This far out察Violin Road was sparsely populated察there was no other house in sight。 ;Where拭
;Right here。;
;The murder house拭
Trevor didn't say anything察waited for the car to slow enough so that he could jump out。 Terry seemed to have forgotten that his foot was on the gas察the Rambler inched along at ten miles per hour。 ;Oh shit察─he said。 ;I think I know who you are。;
;Yeah察I'm starting to feel like a local celebrity or something。 Thanks for the ride。 I'll see you at the Yew。;
Trevor grabbed his bag and pushed the passenger door open察prompting Terry to apply his brakes at last。 Trevor's sneakers hit the scrubby grass at the side of the road察then察before he could think about it察he was sprinting toward the house。
;Be careful察man ─Terry yelled。 Trevor pretended not to hear。 Then the Rambler was speeding up察disappearing down the road察throwing mud in its wake。 It rounded a bend and was gone。
Trevor stood alone in the yard察panting察staring at the house。 A few patches of weathered wood and broken glass were visible through the growth察other than that the face of the house was mostly hidden。
The grass just brushed his knees。 As he pushed through it察sparkling drops of water scattered to earth察grasshoppers whirred away from his invading feet。 He ducked under a dripping bower of vine and was there。 No more obstacles lay between him and the house。 The steps were mostly intact察and he thought the porch would hold him。 The front door was barely ajar。 Beyond that was dusty darkness。
Trevor closed his eyes for a long moment察heard the sigh and hush of leaves察the high shrill drone of insects察the distant conversation of birds 。 。 。 and beneath that察a subliminal voice whispering to him察making itself heard over years of absence and decay
He was afraid so。 He hoped so。
He opened his eyes察took a deep breath of sunlight and the verdant smell the rain had left察and put his foot on the first step。
Chapter Nine
The air in Birdland was golden as slow syrup察green as the light that filtered through the kudzu察weighted with dampness and rot。 The cool decaying scent of a house abandoned for decades察made up of many things此the black earth under the floor察the dry droppings of animals察the drifts of dead insects sifting to shards of iridescent chitin beneath shimmering tapestries of cobweb。 In the random shafts of sunlight that fell through the lattice of roof and vegetation察dust motes slowly shifted察turned。 Each one might represent a memory Trevor had of this house察a particle of the universe charged with the terrible energy of years。
He moved deeper in。 Here was the living room察the husks of the ugly chair and old brown sofa that had e with the house moldering in a corner察reduced to skins of brittle colorless cloth stretched over skeletons of wood and wire。 The rain had e in through the holes in the roof察and the room smelled of slow damp decay察of fungal secrets。 Here were the remains of the stacked milk crates where the records had been stored。 Most of the records were gone察probably stolen by kids who had made it this far in察though by the end of that summer the magical vinyl wheels would have been as warped as if they had spent two months in a slow oven。
A few fleeting images of album covers came to him此Janis Joplin's Cheap Thrills with art by R。 Crumb察the psychedelic hologram of the Rolling Stones' Satanic Majesties Request that could induce dizziness if he stared into it too long察a photograph of Sidney Bechet that had scared him a little to look at察because the muscles of the jazz saxophonist's cheeks and neck were so developed that his head appeared swollen察elephantine。
Here was the doorway leading into the hall察where Momma had died。 Her blood had long since faded to a barely discernible pattern of streaks and spatters on the wall察not much darker than the shadow and grime around it。 But here and there the wooden frame had been splintered by hammer blows that missed。 And in two spots察one on either side of the door察Momma's fingers had dug into the wall hard enough to leave gouges in the plaster。 That must have happened when Bobby didn't miss。
In the autopsy report was a list of substances found under her fingernails此wood察plaster察her husband's blood and her own。 And little divots of Bobby's skin察strands of Bobby's hair。 She had fought him off hard。 She had died in intimate contact with him。
Cause of death此blunt trauma。 Victim had fifteen separate wounds made by a claw hammer察five to the head察three to the chest area察seven to the arms and hands。 Three of the head wounds and two of the chest wounds could in and of themselves have been fatal。
Had Momma died quietly拭This was something Trevor had wondered about for a long time。 She might have wrestled with Bobby in a desperate silence at first察not wanting to wake the boys and scare them with another fight。 But once she realized that Bobby meant them harm察Trevor thought察she would have started screaming。 She would have tried to hold Bobby off long enough to let them get out of the house。
And the injuries she had taken before her death此seven broken fingers察a splintered collarbone and a shattered tibia察three cracked ribs察a blow sunk so deeply into her chest that it penetrated the breastbone。 Could she have remained silent through those
Trevor didn't think so。 He probably could have slept through anything that night。 He remembered the bitter´tasting grapefruit juice Bobby had given him before bed察the dull loginess of his head the next morning when he woke。 And a notation in his file at the Home said there had been Seconal in his blood when he was brought in。
Bobby had drugged him察which meant he had planned the murd