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if you want to move in。 If They show up and want to search察let 'em search。 They won't find a damn thing。; He looked proud察defiant察exhausted。 Eddy reached up to touch her fingertips to his perspiring face。 Her heart was not just breaking but imploding。 He was all but gone。
;e sleep at my place tonight察─she said。 ;No one can find you there。 Leave in the morning察with some rest。;
He didn't even hesitate。 ;I want to get as good a start as possible。 If I go now I'll have the cover of the night。;
The cover of the night。 To Zach this was some big adventure。 He was scared察yes´but more than that察he was excited。 She could hear it in the tremor of his voice察see it in the blaze of his eyes。 He was like a racehorse getting ready to run察elegant nostrils flaring察velvet flanks bunching and tensing。
She had thought perhaps one last night together 。 。 。 But she knew what it would have been like。 They would have stayed up drinking and smoking pot and talking until dawn察maybe whipped up a batch of cayenne popcorn and watched a weird movie or two。 And that would have been it。 Zach didn't mind if she leaned against his shoulder察didn't mind a casual touch of the hand or ruffling of his unruly hair。 But anything more obvious on her part´ like the couple of times she'd leaned over and kissed him full on the lips´would be met with ;I can't察Ed察I just can't。; And if she asked why察she would get the infuriating answer察 Because I like you。;
It wasn't as if Zach were celibate or gay察either。 She had seen him pick up scores of people at the clubs and bars they both frequented察and the ratio was only slightly in favor of cute young males。 He always seemed to go for the good´looking and the empty´headed察preferably drunk察ideally with some absent girlfriend or boyfriend to absorb the aftershock。 He had only one inflexible rule此they had to have a place to fuck。 He would not take them back to his sanctuary of an apartment察would not share his nest with his bimbos。 Maybe he was embarrassed for his puter to see them。
The next day´or night´he would brush them off察not in an especially cruel way察but in a manner that left no doubt that they had been nothing but caprices。 It was察Eddy thought察as if Zach considered sex a biological need on the order of going to the bathroom此you didn't form an emotional bond with every toilet you took a crap in察and when you were done察you flushed and walked away´ feeling better察to be sure察but not really thinking about what you'd just done。
It raised Eddy's blood pressure察and frustrated her察and made her crazy。 Any other friend or potential lover with such an attitude would have been long since trashed。 But Zachary was so sweet察so smart察so cool otherwise that this seemed an aberration察a flaw or handicap he could not be blamed for察like a strawberry birthmark or a missing finger。 She supposed part of it was the hell he had watched his parents put each other through察and the hell he had endured at their hands。 And she kept hoping part of it could be blamed on his age察almost any character defect was forgivable at nineteen。 Eddy was twenty´two察and far more worldwise。
;Won't they know your car拭─she asked。
;I've already switched the plates。;
She glanced at the back end of the Mustang。 Zach's license plate read FET´213察which looked awfully familiar。 ;Isn't that the same one you always had拭
;I didn't switch plates on the car察─he explained patiently。 ;I switched them in the DMV puter。 My plate is pletely wiped out of existence察and I gave myself the plate of some Cajun's 1965 Ford pickup down in Houma。;
;It can't be traced to me。;
;Trust me察Ed I'm making a clean getaway。 I just need to get going。;
They stood awkwardly in the deepening gloom staring at each other。 ;You already have a key察─Zach said。 ;You want the extra拭
;No。 You'll need it if you e back and I'm not home。;
;I'm not ing back察Eddy察─he said gently。 ;Not for a long time察anyway。 I'll kill myself before I'll let them lock me up。;
;I know。; She would not lose her posure察would not slobber and bawl察would not beg him to take her along。 If he wanted her along察he would have said so。
;So´well´I can't call here察but I'll try to get in touch somehow。;
;You do that。; She crossed her arms over her chest察shook a few tiny braids out of her face察fixed him with a steely eye。
;Eddy 。 。 。;
;Don't you fucking Eddy me You could have been more careful You didn't have to show off and take so many dumb chances´it wasn't like you needed the money。 You could have 。 。 。 stayed ─Now she was crying。 She bared her teeth at him察narrowed her eyes nearly to slits to hide the tears。
;I know察─he said。 ;I know。; He took two steps forward and enfolded her in his arms again。 She laid her wet cheek against the soft cotton of his T´shirt察breathed his smoky察slightly sweaty boy´smell察held his skinny body tight against her。 This was how it should have been all along。
Too bad he hadn't agreed。
;Be safe察─she told him at last。
;I'll be careful。;
;Where will you go拭
He shrugged。 ;North。;
They stared at each other again察at a loss for words but not yet ready to say good´bye。 Then Zach leaned down and´ever so carefully察as if touching together two live wires´placed his lips against Eddy's。 She felt the electric thrill of contact察the very tip of his tongue touching hers察and an exquisite heat exploded from the center of her womb。 For an instant she thought her innards would simply melt out of her pussy and run down her thighs察so intense was the rush。 But then Zach pulled back and stepped away。
;Gotta go。;
Eddy nodded察did not trust herself to speak。 She watched him walk around the front of the car察slide into the driver's seat察turn the key in the ignition。 The powerful engine leapt to life察ready to carry Zachary Bosch far away from New Orleans察far away from Eddy Sung。 The horn beeped twice and then he was pulling away from the curb察red taillights pausing at the corner察then merging into the nighttime traffic of Decatur Street。
Eddy stood for several minutes in the shifting shadows cast by the wrought´iron balconies overhead。 She glanced at the door that led up to Zach's place察touched the key ring in her pocket察then shook her head。 The Madison Street apartment was much nicer than her own roach´infested closet察and she knew the rent was paid for the rest of the year。 Zach hated thinking about mundane matters like rent察so he paid it off at the beginning of each year when he renewed his lease。 She would start moving her things in tomorrow。 But she could not go up there now察while his presence still lingered painfully strong察like a voice just beyond the range of hearing察like an atom´thin membrane between reality and memory。
She turned and walked back up Madison察turned left on Chartres察and headed for Jackson Square。 The spires of St。 Louis Cathedral loomed ahead察moon´pale and mysterious察stabbing like bony fingers into the purple night sky。 A brick mons lay between the cathedral and the square察and kids in thrift´shop black and painted leather and torn denim were already beginning to congregate there察smoking cigarettes察passing bottles of cheap wine。
Eddy stopped at the bank machine on the corner of Chartres and St。 Ann。 She still had her day's pay in her pocket察a fat wad that rubbed against her leg and made her nervous。 She would deposit it察saving out thirty dollars´enough to get good and drunk。 Then she might go and join the kids on the square察or she might find a dark little bar and drown her sorrows alone。
She filled out a deposit slip察stuffed her money in the envelope察popped her card into the slot and punched in her personal number察then the necessary information。 She heard little wheels grinding deep inside the machine。 The screen asked her if she needed travelers' checks for that summer vacation。 Finally her eighty´dollar deposit was processed and the machine spit back her card察then a printed receipt。
Eddy turned away察glanced idly at the receipt察and stopped dead in her tracks。 A couple of fratboy tourists crossing the mons nearly walked into her察swore at her察and stumbled on。 She ignored them察kept staring dumbly at the slip of paper。 She tried squinting and blinking察but the numbers stayed the same。
She'd paid her rent a couple of days earlier察and that put the balance of her checking account at a precarious 380。82。 It now stood at 10380。82。
She'd never let Zach give her money。 It was too dangerous for him察and she liked taking care of herself。
But it appeared he had left her a farewell present。
He got on Highway 90´other than superinterstates 59 and 10察which were as dull as direct´dialing a long distance call and paying for it with your own credit card察the two´lane blacktop was pretty much the only way out of New Orleans´and left the city under cover of the night。 The Rolling Stones song of that name pumped monotonously in his head curled up baby察curled up tight察an unwele echo from the bruised ache and white´hot hatred of his eleventh year。 It reminded him that he had hardly any tapes in the car。 He'd left his music察books察