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弌傍 rh.conanthewarrior 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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  The last Tecuhltli except Tascela had fallen when the princess reached the Cimmerian and the girl who had taken refuge beside him。 Tascela bent and touched the floor察pressing a design upon it。 Instantly the iron jaws released the bleeding limb and sank back into the floor。
  ;Slay him if you can ─she panted察and pressed a heavy knife into his hand。 ;I have no magic to withstand him 
  With a grunt he sprang before the woman察not heeding his lacerated leg in the heat of the fighting lust。 Tolkemec was ing toward him察his weird eyes ablaze察but he hesitated at the gleam of the knife in Conan's hand。 Then began a grim game察as Tolkemec sought to circle about Conan and get the barbarian between him and the altar or a metal door察while Conan sought to avoid this and drive home his knife。 The women watched tensely察holding their breath。
  There was no sound except the rustle and scrape of quick´shifting feet。 Tolkemec pranced and capered no more。 He realized that grimmer game confronted him than the people who had died screaming and fleeing。 In the elemental blaze of the barbarian's eyes he read an intent deadly as his own。 Back and forth they weaved察and when one moved the other moved as if invisible threads bound them together。 But all the time Conan was getting closer and closer to his enemy。 Already the coiled muscles of his thighs were beginning to flex for a spring察when Valeria cried out。 For a fleeting instant a bronze door was in line with Conan's moving body。 The red line leaped察searing Conan's flank as he twisted aside察and even as he shifted he hurled the knife。 Old Tolkemec went down察truly slain at last察the hilt vibrating on his breast。
  Tascela sprang´not toward Conan察but toward the wand where it shimmered like a live thing on the floor。 But as she leaped察so did Valeria察with a dagger snatched from a dead man察and the blade察driven with all the power of the pirate's muscles察impaled the princess of Tecuhltli so that the point stood out between her breasts。 Tascela screamed once and fell dead察and Valeria spurned the body with her heel as it fell。
  ;I had to do that much察for my own self´respect ─panted Valeria察facing Conan across the limp corpse。
  ;Well察this cleans up the feud察─he grunted。 ;It's been a hell of a night Where did these people keep their food拭I'm hungry。;
  ;You need a bandage on that leg。; Valeria ripped a length of silk from a hanging and knotted it about her waist察then tore off some smaller strips which she bound efficiently about the barbarian's lacerated limb。
  ;I can walk on it察─he assured her。 ;Let's begone。 It's dawn察outside this infernal city。 I've had enough of Xuchotl。 It's well the breed exterminated itself。 I don't want any of their accursed jewels。 They might be haunted。;
  ;There is enough clean loot in the world for you and me察─she said察straightening to stand tall and splendid before him。
  The old blaze came back in his eyes察and this time she did not resist as he caught her fiercely in his arms。
  ;It's a long way to the coast察─she said presently察withdrawing her lips from his。
  ;What matter拭─he laughed。 ;There's nothing we can't conquer。 We'll have our feet on a ship's deck before the Stygians open their ports for the trading season。 And then we'll show the world what plundering means 
  Conan's amour with Valeria does not last long察perhaps the fact that each of them insists on being the boss has something to do with the fact。 At any rate察they part此Valeria to return to the sea察Conan to try his luck in the black kingdoms。 Hearing of the priceless ;Teeth of Gwahlur察─a fortune in ancient jewels hidden somewhere in Keshan察he sells his services to the irascible king of Keshan to train his armies for war against the neighboring kingdom of Punt。
   1。  Paths of Intrigue
  The cliffs rose sheer from the jungle察towering ramparts of stone that glinted jade´blue and dull crimson in the rising sun察and curved away and away to east and west above the waving emerald ocean of fronds and leaves。 It looked insurmountable察that giant palisade with its sheer curtains of solid rock in which bits of quartz winked dazzlingly in the sunlight。 But the man who was working his tedious way upward was already halfway to the top。
  He came from a race of hillmen察accustomed to scaling forbidding crags察and he was a man of unusual strength and agility。 His only garment was a pair of short red silk breeks察and his sandals were slung to his back察out of his way察as were his sword and dagger。
  The man was powerfully built察supple as a panther。 His skin was bronzed by the sun察his square´cut black mane confined by a silver band about his temples。 His iron muscles察quick eyes and sure feet served him well here察for it was a climb to test these qualities to the utmost。 A hundred and fifty feet below him waved the jungle。 An equal distance above him the rim of the cliffs was etched against the morning sky。
  He labored like one driven by the necessity of haste察yet he was forced to move at a snail's pace察clinging like a fly on a wall。 His groping hands and feet found niches and knobs察precarious holds at best察and sometimes he virtually hung by his finger nails。 Yet upward he went察clawing察squirming察fighting for every foot。 At times he paused to rest his aching muscles察and察shaking the sweat out of his eyes察twisted his head to stare searchingly out over the jungle察bing the green expanse for any trace of human life or motion。
  Now the summit was not far above him察and he observed察only a few feet above his head察a break in the sheer stone of the cliff。 An instant later he had reached it´a small cavern察just below the edge of the rim。 As his head rose above the lip of its floor察he grunted。 He clung there察his elbows hooked over the lip。 The cave was so tiny that it was little more than a niche cut in the stone察but it held an occupant。 A shrivled brown mummy察cross´legged察arms folded on the withered breast upon which the shrunken head was sunk察sat in the little cavern。 The limbs were bound in place with rawhide thongs which had bee mere rotted wisps。 If the form had ever been clothed察the ravages of time had long ago reduced the garments to dust。 But thrust between the crossed arms and the shrunken breast there was a roll of parchment察yellowed with age to the color of old ivory。
  The climber stretched forth a long arm and wrenched away this cylinder。 Without investigation察he thrust it into his girdle and hauled himself up until he was standing in the opening of the niche。 A spring upward and he caught the rim of the cliffs and pulled himself up and over almost with the same motion。
  There he halted察panting察and stared downward。
  It was like looking into the interior of a vast bowl察rimmed by a circular stone wall。 The floor of the bowl was covered with trees and denser vegetation察though nowhere did the growth duplicate the jungle denseness of the outer forest。 The cliffs marched around it without a break and of uniform height。 It was a freak of nature察not to be paralleled察perhaps察in the whole world此a vast natural amphitheater察a circular bit of forested plain察three or four miles in diameter察cut off from the rest of the world察and confined within the ring of those palisaded cliffs。
  But the man on the cliffs did not devote his thoughts to marveling at the topographical phenomenon。 With tense eagerness he searched the tree´tops below him察and exhaled a gusty sigh when he caught the glint of marble domes amidst the twinkling green。 It was no myth察then察below him lay the fabulous and deserted palace of Alkmeenon。
  Conan the Cimmerian察late of the Baracha Isles察of the Black Coast察and of many other climes where life ran wild察had e to the kingdom of Keshan following the lure of a fabled treasure that outshone the hoard of the Turanian kings。
  Keshan was a barbaric kingdom lying in the eastern hinterlands of Kush where the broad grasslands merge with the forests that roll up from the south。 The people were a mixed race察a dusky nobility ruling a population that was largely pure Negro。 The rulers´princes and high priests´claimed descent from a white race which察in a mythical age察had ruled a kingdom whose capital city was Alkmeenon。 Conflicting legends sought to explain the reason for that race's eventual downfall察and the abandonment of the city by the survivors。 Equally nebulous were the tales of the Teeth of Gwahlur察the treasure of Alkmeenon。 But these misty legends had been enough to bring Conan to Keshan察over vast distances of plain察riverlaced jungle察and mountains。
  He had found Keshan察which in itself was considered mythical by many northern and western nations察and he had heard enough to confirm the rumors of the treasure that men called the Teeth of Gwahlur。 But its hiding place he could not learn察and he was confronted with the necessity of explaining his presence in Keshan。 Unattached strangers were not wele there。
  But he was not nonplussed。 With cool assurance he made his offer to the stately察plumed察suspicious grandees of the barbarically magnificent court。 He was a professional fighting man。 In search of employ

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