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弌傍 rh.conanthewarrior 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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  ;Even without the peril of the dragons察─he continued察 we who were born and raised in the city would not dare leave it。 We have never set foot outside the walls。 We are not accustomed to the open sky and the naked sun。 No察we were born in Xuchotl察and in Xuchotl we shall die。;
  ;Well察─said Conan察 with your leave we'll take our chances with the dragons。 This feud is none of our business。 If you'll show us to the west gate we'll be on our way。;
  Tascela's hands clenched察and she started to speak察but Olmec interrupted her此 It is nearly nightfall。 If you wander forth into the plain by night察you will certainly fall prey to the dragons。;
  ;We crossed it last night察and slept in the open without seeing any察─returned Conan。
  Tascela smiled mirthlessly。 ;You dare not leave Xuchotl 
  Conan glared at her with instinctive antagonism察she was not looking at him察but at the woman opposite him。
  ;I think they dare察─stated Olmec。 ;But look you察Conan and Valeria察the gods must have sent you to us察to cast victory into the laps of the Tecuhltli You are professional fighters´why not fight for us拭We have wealth in abundance´precious jewels are as mon in Xuchotl as cobblestones are in the cities of the world。 Some the Xuchotlans brought with them from Kosala。 Some察like the firestones察they found in the hills to the east。 Aid us to wipe out the Xotalancas察and we will give you all the jewels you can carry。;
  ;And will you help us destroy the dragons拭─asked Valeria。 ;With bows and poisoned arrows thirty men could slay all the dragons in the forest。;
  ;Aye ─replied Olmec promptly。 ;We have forgotten the use of the bow察in years of hand´to´hand fighting察but we can learn again。;
  ;What do you say拭─Valeria inquired of Conan。
  ;We're both penniless vagabonds察─he grinned hardily。 ;I'd as soon kill Xotalancas as anybody。;
  ;Then you agree拭─exclaimed Olmec察while Techotl fairly hugged himself with delight。
  ;Aye。 And now suppose you show us chambers where we can sleep察so we can be fresh tomorrow for the beginning of the slaying。;
  Olmec nodded察and waved a hand察and Techotl and a woman led the adventurers into a corridor which led through a door off to the left of the jade dais。 A glance back showed Valeria Olmec sitting on his throne察chin on knotted fist察staring after them。 His eyes burned with a weird flame。 Tascela leaned back in her seat察whispering to the sullen´faced maid察Yasala察who leaned over her shoulder察her ear to the princess's moving lips。
  The hallway was not so broad as most they had traversed察but it was long。 Presently the woman halted察opened a door察and drew aside for Valeria to enter。
  ;Wait a minute察─growled Conan。 ;Where do I sleep拭
  Techotl pointed to a chamber across the hallway察but one door farther down。 Conan hesitated察and seemed inclined to raise an objection察but Valeria smiled spitefully at him and shut the door in his face。 He muttered soemthing unplimentary about women in general察and strode off down the corridor after Techotl。
  In the ornate chamber where he was to sleep察he glanced up at the slot´like skylights。 Some were wide enough to admit the body of a slender man察supposing the glass were broken。
  ;Why don't the Xotalancas e over the roofs and shatter those skylights拭─he asked。
  ;They cannot be broken察─answered Techotl。 ;Besides察the roofs would be hard to clamber over。 They are mostly spires and domes and steep ridges。;
  He volunteered more information about the ;castle; of Tecuhltli。 Like the rest of the city it contained four stories察or tiers of chambers察with towers jutting up from the roof。 Each tier was named察indeed察the people fo Xuchotl had a name for each chamber察hall察and stair in the city察as people of more normal cities designate streets and quarters。 In Tecuhltli the floors were named The Eagle's Tier察The Ape's Tier察The Tiger's Tier and The Serpent's Tier察in the order as enumerated察The Eagle's Tier being the highest察or fourth察floor。
  ;Who is Tascela拭─asked Conan。 ;Olmec's wife拭
  Techotl shuddered and glanced furtively about him before answering。
  ;No。 She is´Tascela She was the wife of Xotalanc´the woman Tecuhltli stole察to start the feud。;
  ;What are you talking about拭─demanded Conan。 ;That woman is beautiful and young。 Are you trying to tell me that she was a wife fifty years ago拭
  ;Aye I swear it She was a full´grown woman when the Tlazitlans journeyed from Lake Zuad。 It was because the king of Stygia desired her for a concubine that Xotalanc and his brother rebelled and fled into the wilderness。 She is a witch察who possesses the secret of perpetual youth。;
  ;What's that拭─asked Conan。
  Techotl shuddered again。
  ;Ask me not I dare not speak。 It is too grisly察even for Xuchotl 
  And touching his finger to his lips察he glided from the chamber。
   4。  Scent of Black Lotus
  Valeria unbuckled her sword belt and laid it with the sheathed weapon on the couch where she meant to sleep。 She noted that the doors were supplied with bolts察and asked where they led。
  ;Those lead to adjoining chambers察─answered the woman察indicating the doors on right and left。 ;That one拭─pointing to a copper´bound door opposite that which opened into the corridor´;leads to a corridor which runs to a stair that descends into the catabs。 Do not fear察naught can harm you here。;
  ;Who spoke of fear拭─snapped Valeria。 ;I just like to know what sort of harbor I'm dropping anchor in。 No察I don't want you to sleep at the foot of my couch。 I'm not accustomed to being waited on´not by women察anyway。 You have my leave to go。;
  Alone in the room察the pirate shot the bolts on all the doors察kicked off her boots and stretched luxuriously out on the couch。 She imagined Conan similarly situated across the corridor察but her feminine vanity prompted her to visualize him as scowling and muttering with chagrin as he cast himself on his solitary couch察and she grinned with gleeful malice as she prepared herself for slumber。
  Outside察night had fallen。 In the halls of Xuchotl the green fire´jewels blazed like the eyes of prehistoric cats。 Somewhere among the dark towers察a night wind moaned like a restless spirit。 Through the dim passages察stealthy figures began stealing察like disembodied shadows。
  Valeria awoke suddenly on her couch。 In the dusky emerald glow of the fire´gems she saw a shadowy figure bending over her。 For a bemused instant the apparition seemed part of the dream she had been dreaming。 She had seemed to lie on the couch in the chamber as she was actually lying察while over her pulsed and throbbed a gigantic black blossom so enormous that it hid the ceiling。 Its exotic perfume pervaded her being察inducing a delicious察sensuous languor that was something more and less than sleep。 She was sinking into scented billows of insensible bliss察when something touched her face。 So supersensitive were her drugged senses察that the light touch was like a dislocating impact察jolting her rudely into full wakefulness。 Then it was that she saw察not a gargantuan blossom察but a dark´skinned woman standing above her。
  With the realization came anger and instant action。 The woman turned lithely察but before she could run Valeria was on her feet and had caught her arm。 She fought like a wildcat for an instant察and then subsided as she felt herself crushed by the superior strength of her captor。 The priate wrenched the woman around to face her察caught her chin with her free hand and forced her captive to meet her gaze。 It was the sullen Yasala察Tascela's maid。
  ;What the devil were you doing bending over me拭What's that in your hand拭
  The woman made no reply察but sought to cast away the object。 Valeria twisted her arm around in front of her察and the thing fell to the floor´a great black exotic blossom on a jade´green stem察large as a woman's head察to be sure察but tiny beside the exaggerated vision she had seen。
  ;The black lotus ─said Valeria between her teeth。 ;The blossom whose scent brings deep sleep。 You were trying to drug me If you hadn't accidentally touched my face with the petals察you'd have´why did you do it拭What's your game拭
  Yasala maintained a sulky silence察and with an oath Valeria whirled her around察forced her to her knees and twisted her arm up behind her back。
  ;Tell me察or I'll tear your arm out of its socket 
  Yasala squirmed in anguish as her arm was forced excruciatingly up between her shoulder blades察but a violent shaking of her head was the only answer she made。
  ;Slut ─Valeria cast her from her to sprawl on the floor。 The pirate glared at the prostrate figure with blazing eyes。 Fear and the memory of Tascela's burning eyes stirred in her察rousing all her tigerish instincts of self´preservation。 These people were decadent察any sort of perversity might be expected to be encountered among them。 But Valeria sensed here something that moved behind the scenes察some secret terror fouler than mon degeneracy。 Fear and revulsion of this weird city swept her。 These people were neither sane nor normal察she began to doubt if they were even human。 Madness smoldered in the eyes of them all´all except the cruel察cryptic

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