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tales of troy-第10节

小说: tales of troy 字数: 每页4000字

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Achilles; and Greeks and Trojans fought for the dead body of
Patroclus。  Then Zeus; the chief of the Gods; looked down and said
that Hector should never come home out of the battle to his wife;
Andromache。  But Hector returned into the fight around the dead
Patroclus; and here all the best men fought; and even Automedon;
who had been driving the chariot of Patroclus。  Now when the
Trojans seemed to have the better of the fight; the Greeks sent
Antilochus; a son of old Nestor; to tell Achilles that his friend
was slain; and Antilochus ran; and Aias and his brother protected
the Greeks who were trying to carry the body of Patroclus back to
the ships。

Swiftly Antilochus came running to Achilles; saying:  〃Fallen is
Patroclus; and they are fighting round his naked body; for Hector
has his armour。〃  Then Achilles said never a word; but fell on the
floor of his hut; and threw black ashes on his yellow hair; till
Antilochus seized his hands; fearing that he would cut his own
throat with his dagger; for very sorrow。  His mother; Thetis; arose
from the sea to comfort him; but he said that he desired to die if
he could not slay Hector; who had slain his friend。  Then Thetis
told him that he could not fight without armour; and now he had
none; but she would go to the God of armour…making and bring from
him such a shield and helmet and breastplate as had never been seen
by men。

Meanwhile the fight raged round the dead body of Patroclus; which
was defiled with blood and dust; near the ships; and was being
dragged this way and that; and torn and wounded。  Achilles could
not bear this sight; yet his mother had warned him not to enter
without armour the battle where stones and arrows and spears were
flying like hail; and he was so tall and broad that he could put on
the arms of no other man。  So he went down to the ditch as he was;
unarmed; and as he stood high above it; against the red sunset;
fire seemed to flow from his golden hair like the beacon blaze that
soars into the dark sky when an island town is attacked at night;
and men light beacons that their neighbours may see them and come
to their help from other isles。  There Achilles stood in a
splendour of fire; and he shouted aloud; as clear as a clarion
rings when men fall on to attack a besieged city wall。  Thrice
Achilles shouted mightily; and thrice the horses of the Trojans
shuddered for fear and turned back from the onslaught;and thrice
the men of Troy were confounded and shaken with terror。  Then the
Greeks drew the body of Patroclus out of the dust and the arrows;
and laid him on a bier; and Achilles followed; weeping; for he had
sent his friend with chariot and horses to the war; but home again
he welcomed him never more。  Then the sun set and it was night。

Now one of the Trojans wished Hector to retire within the walls of
Troy; for certainly Achilles would to…morrow be foremost in the
war。  But Hector said; 〃Have ye not had your fill of being shut up
behind walls?  Let Achilles fight; I will meet him in the open
field。〃  The Trojans cheered; and they camped in the plain; while
in the hut of Achilles women washed the dead body of Patroclus; and
Achilles swore that he would slay Hector。

In the dawn came Thetis; bearing to Achilles the new splendid
armour that the God had made for him。  Then Achilles put on that
armour; and roused his men; but Ulysses; who knew all the rules of
honour; would not let him fight till peace had been made; with a
sacrifice and other ceremonies; between him and Agamemnon; and till
Agamemnon had given him all the presents which Achilles had before
refused。  Achilles did not want them; he wanted only to fight; but
Ulysses made him obey; and do what was usual。  Then the gifts were
brought; and Agamemnon stood up; and said that he was sorry for his
insolence; and the men took breakfast; but Achilles would neither
eat nor drink。  He mounted his chariot; but the horse Xanthus bowed
his head till his long mane touched the ground; and; being a fairy
horse; the child of the West Wind; he spoke (or so men said); and
these were his words:  〃We shall bear thee swiftly and speedily;
but thou shalt be slain in fight; and thy dying day is near at
hand。〃  〃Well I know it;〃 said Achilles; 〃but I will not cease from
fighting till I have given the Trojans their fill of war。〃

So all that day he chased and slew the Trojans。  He drove them into
the river; and; though the river came down in a red flood; he
crossed; and slew them on the plain。  The plain caught fire; the
bushes and long dry grass blazed round him; but he fought his way
through the fire; and drove the Trojans to their walls。  The gates
were thrown open; and the Trojans rushed through like frightened
fawns; and then they climbed to the battlements; and looked down in
safety; while the whole Greek army advanced in line under their

But Hector stood still; alone; in front of the gate; and old Priam;
who saw Achilles rushing on; shining like a star in his new armour;
called with tears to Hector; 〃Come within the gate!  This man has
slain many of my sons; and if he slays thee whom have I to help me
in my old age?〃  His mother also called to Hector; but he stood
firm; waiting for Achilles。  Now the story says that he was afraid;
and ran thrice in full armour round Troy; with Achilles in pursuit。
But this cannot be true; for no mortal men could run thrice; in
heavy armour; with great shields that clanked against their ankles;
round the town of Troy:  moreover Hector was the bravest of men;
and all the Trojan women were looking down at him from the walls。

We cannot believe that he ran away; and the story goes on to tell
that he asked Achilles to make an agreement with him。  The
conqueror in the fight should give back the body of the fallen to
be buried by his friends; but should keep his armour。  But Achilles
said that he could make no agreement with Hector; and threw his
spear; which flew over Hector's shoulder。  Then Hector threw his
spear; but it could not pierce the shield which the God had made
for Achilles。  Hector had no other spear; and Achilles had one; so
Hector cried; 〃Let me not die without honour!〃 and drew his sword;
and rushed at Achilles; who sprang to meet him; but before Hector
could come within a sword…stroke Achilles had sent his spear clean
through the neck of Hector。  He fell in the dust and Achilles said;
〃Dogs and birds shall tear your flesh unburied。〃  With his dying
breath Hector prayed him to take gold from Priam; and give back his
body to be burned in Troy。  But Achilles said; 〃Hound! would that I
could bring myself to carve and eat thy raw flesh; but dogs shall
devour it; even if thy father offered me thy weight in gold。〃  With
his last words Hector prophesied and said; 〃Remember me in the day
when Paris shall slay thee in the Scaean gate。〃  Then his brave
soul went to the land of the Dead; which the Greeks called Hades。
To that land Ulysses sailed while he was still a living man; as the
story tells later。

Then Achilles did a dreadful deed; he slit the feet of dead Hector
from heel to ankle; and thrust thongs through; and bound him by the
thongs to his chariot and trailed the body in the dust。  All the
women of Troy who were on the walls raised a shriek; and Hector's
wife; Andromache; heard the sound。  She had been in an inner room
of her house; weaving a purple web; and embroidering flowers on it;
and she was calling her bower maidens to make ready a bath for
Hector when he should come back tired from battle。  But when she
heard the cry from the wall she trembled; and the shuttle with
which she was weaving fell from her hands。  〃Surely I heard the cry
of my husband's mother;〃 she said; and she bade two of her maidens
come with her to see why the people lamented。

She ran swiftly; and reached the battlements; and thence she saw
her dear husband's body being whirled through the dust towards the
ships; behind the chariot of Achilles。  Then night came over her
eyes and she fainted。  But when she returned to herself she cried
out that now none would defend her little boy; and other children
would push him away from feasts; saying; 〃Out with you; no father
of thine is at our table;〃 and his father; Hector; would lie naked
at the ships; unclad; unburned; unlamented。  To be unburned and
unburied was thought the greatest of misfortunes; because the dead
man unburned could not go into the House of Hades; God of the Dead;
but must always wander; alone and comfortless; in the dark
borderland between the dead and the living。


When Achilles was asleep that night the ghost of Patroclus came;
saying; 〃Why dost thou not burn and bury me? for the other shadows
of dead men suffer me not to come near them; and lonely I wander
along the dark dwelling of Hades。〃  Then Achilles awoke; and he
sent men to cut down trees; and make a huge pile of fagots and
logs。  On this they laid Patroclus; covered with white linen; and
then they slew many cattle; and Achilles cut the throats of twelve
Trojan prisoners of war; meaning to burn them with Patroclus to do
him honour。  This was a deed of shame; for Ach

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