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that Socrates was put to death by them拭For certainly he neither betrayed their city to its enemies察nor was he guilty of any sacrilege with regard to any of their temples察but it was on this account察that he swore certain new oaths 26 and that he affirmed either in earnest察 or察as some say察only in jest察that a certain demon used to make signs to him what he should not doА For these reasons he was condemned to drink poison察and kill himself。 His accuser also complained that he corrupted the young men察by inducing them to despise the political settlement and laws of their city此and thus was Socrates察the citizen of Athens察 punished。 There was also Anaxagoras察who察although he was of Clazomente察was within a few suffrages of being condemned to die察because he said the sun察which the Athenians thought to be a god察was a ball of fire。 They also made this public proclamation察─That they would give a talent to any one who would kill Diagoras of Melos察─because it was reported of him that he laughed at their mysteries。 Protagoras also察who was thought to have written somewhat that was not owned for truth by the Athenians about the gods察had been seized upon察and put to death察if he had not fled away immediately。 Nor need we at all wonder that they thus treated such considerable men察when they did not spare even women also察for they very lately slew a certain priestess察 because she was accused by somebody that she initiated people into the worship of strange gods察it having been forbidden so to do by one of their laws察and a capital punishment had been decreed to such as introduced a strange god察it being manifest察that they who make use of such a law do not believe those of other nations to be really gods察 otherwise they had not envied themselves the advantage of more gods than they already had。 And this was the happy administration of the affairs of the Athenians Now as to the Scythians察they take a pleasure in killing men察and differ but little from brute beasts察yet do they think it reasonable to have their institutions observed。 They also slew Anacharsis察a person greatly admired for his wisdom among the Greeks察 when he returned to them察because he appeared to come fraught with Grecian customs。 One may also find many to have been punished among the Persians察on the very same account。 And to be sure Apollonius was greatly pleased with the laws of the Persians察and was an admirer of them察 because the Greeks enjoyed the advantage of their courage察 and had the very same opinion about the gods which they had。 This last was exemplified in the temples which they burnt察and their courage in coming察and almost entirely enslaving the Grecians。 However察Apollonius has imitated all the Persian institutions察and that by his offering violence to other men's wives察and gelding his own sons。 Now察with us察it is a capital crime察if any one does thus abuse even a brute beast察and as for us察neither hath the fear of our governors察 nor a desire of following what other nations have in so great esteem察been able to withdraw us from our own laws察nor have we exerted our courage in raising up wars to increase our wealth察but only for the observation of our laws察and when we with patience bear other losses察yet when any persons would compel us to break our laws察then it is that we choose to go to war察though it be beyond our ability to pursue it察and bear the greatest calamities to the last with much fortitude。 And察indeed察what reason can there be why we should desire to imitate the laws of other nations察while we see they are not observed by their own legislators 27 And why do not the Lacedemonians think of abolishing that form of their government which suffers them not to associate with any others察as well as their contempt of matrimony拭And why do not the Eleans and Thebans abolish that unnatural and impudent lust察which makes them lie with males拭For they will not show a sufficient sign of their repentance of what they of old thought to be very excellent察and very advantageous in their practices察unless they entirely avoid all such actions for the time to come此nay察such things are inserted into the body of their laws察and had once such a power among the Greeks察that they ascribed these sodomitical practices to the gods themselves察as a part of their good character察and indeed it was according to the same manner that the gods married their own sisters。 This the Greeks contrived as an apology for their own absurd and unnatural pleasures。 39。 I omit to speak concerning punishments察and how many ways of escaping them the greatest part of the legislators have afforded malefactors察by ordaining that察for adulteries察 fines in money should be allowed察and for corrupting 28 virginsАthey need only marry them as also what excuses they may have in denying the facts察if any one attempts to inquire into them察for amongst most other nations it is a studied art how men may transgress their laws察but no such thing is permitted amongst us察for though we be deprived of our wealth察of our cities察or of the other advantages we have察our law continues immortal察nor can any Jew go so far from his own country察nor be so aftrighted at the severest lord察as not to be more aftrighted at the law than at him。 If察therefore察 this be the disposition we are under察with regard to the excellency of our laws察let our enemies make us this concession察that our laws are most excellent察and if still they imagine察that though we so firmly adhere to them察yet are they bad laws notwithstanding察what penalties then do they deserve to undergo who do not observe their own laws察which they esteem so far superior to them拭Whereas察therefore察 length of time is esteemed to be the truest touchstone in all cases察I would make that a testimonial of the excellency of our laws察and of that belief thereby delivered to us concerning God。 For as there hath been a very long time for this comparison察if any one will but compare its duration with the duration of the laws made by other legislators察he will find our legislator to have been the ancientest of them all。 40。 We have already demonstrated that our laws have been such as have always inspired admiration and imitation into all other men察nay察the earliest Grecian philosophers察though in appearance they observed the laws of their own countries察yet did they察in their actions察and their philosophic doctrines察 follow our legislator察and instructed men to live sparingly察and to have friendly communication one with another。 Nay察 further察the multitude of mankind itself have had a great inclination of a long time to follow our religious observances察 for there is not any city of the Grecians察nor any of the barbarians察nor any nation whatsoever察whither our custom of resting on the seventh day hath not come察and by which our fasts and lighting up lamps察and many of our prohibitions as to our food察are not observed察they also endeavor to imitate our mutual concord with one another察and the charitable distribution of our goods察and our diligence in our trades察and our fortitude in undergoing the distresses we are in察on account of our laws察and察what is here matter of the greatest admiration察our law hath no bait of pleasure to allure men to it察but it prevails by its own force察and as God himself pervades all the world察so hath our law passed through all the world also。 So that if any one will but reflect on his own country察and his own family察he will have reason to give credit to what I say。 It is therefore but just察either to condemn all mankind of indulging a wicked disposition察when they have been so desirous of imitating laws that are to them foreign and evil in themselves察rather than following laws of their own that are of a better character察or else our accusers must leave off their spite against us。 Nor are we guilty of any envious behavior towards them察when we honor our own legislator察and believe what he察by his prophetic authority察 hath taught us concerning God。 For though we should not be able ourselves to understand the excellency of our own laws察 yet would the great multitude of those that desire to imitate them察justify us察in greatly valuing ourselves upon them。 41。 But as for the distinctАpolitical laws by which we are governed察I have delivered them accurately in my books of Antiquities察and have only mentioned them now察so far as was necessary to my present purpose察without proposing to myself either to blame the laws of other nations察or to make an encomium upon our own察but in order to convict those that have written about us unjustly察and in an impudent affectation of disguising the truth。 And now I think I have sufficiently completed what I proposed in writing these books。 For whereas our accusers have pretended that our nation are a people of very late original察I have demonstrated that they are exceeding ancient察for I have produced as witnesses thereto many ancient writers察who have made mention of us in their books察wh