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as having him for a divine governor and counselor。 And when he had first persuaded himself 17 that his actions and designs were agreeable to God's will察he thought it his duty to impress察above all things察that notion upon the multitude察for those who have once believed that God is the inspector of their lives察will not permit themselves in any sin。 And this is the character of our legislator此he was no impostor察no deceiver察as his revilers say察though unjustly察 but such a one as they brag Minos 18 to have been among the Greeks察and other legislators after him察for some of them suppose that they had their laws from Jupiter察while Minos said that the revelation of his laws was to be referred to Apollo察and his oracle at Delphi察whether they really thought they were so derived察or supposed察however察that they could persuade the people easily that so it was。 But which of these it was who made the best laws察and which had the greatest reason to believe that God was their author察it will be easy察 upon comparing those laws themselves together察to determine察for it is time that we come to that point。 19 Now there are innumerable differences in the particular customs and laws that are among all mankind察which a man may briefly reduce under the following heads此Some legislators have permitted their governments to be under monarchies察others put them under oligarchies察and others under a republican form察but our legislator had no regard to any of these forms察but he ordained our government to be what察by a strained expression察may be termed a Theocracy察 。20 by ascribing the authority and the power to God察and by persuading all the people to have a regard to him察as the author of all the good things that were enjoyed either in common by all mankind察or by each one in particular察and of all that they themselves obtained by praying to him in their greatest difficulties。 He informed them that it was impossible to escape God's observation察even in any of our outward actions察or in any of our inward thoughts。 Moreover察he represented God as unbegotten察。21 and immutable察through all eternity察superior to all mortal conceptions in pulchritude察 and察though known to us by his power察yet unknown to us as to his essence。 I do not now explain how these notions of God are the sentiments of the wisest among the Grecians察 and how they were taught them upon the principles that he afforded them。 However察they testify察with great assurance察 that these notions are just察and agreeable to the nature of God察and to his majesty察for Pythagoras察and Anaxagoras察and Plato察and the Stoic philosophers that succeeded them察and almost all the rest察are of the same sentiments察and had the same notions of the nature of God察yet durst not these men disclose those true notions to more than a few察because the body of the people were prejudiced with other opinions beforehand。 But our legislator察who made his actions agree to his laws察did not only prevail with those that were his contemporaries to agree with these his notions察but so firmly imprinted this faith in God upon all their posterity察that it never could be removed。 The reason why the constitution of this legislation was ever better directed to the utility of all than other legislations were察is this察that Moses did not make religion a part of virtue察but he saw and he ordained other virtues to be parts of religion察I mean justice察and fortitude察 and temperance察and a universal agreement of the members of the community with one another察for all our actions and studies察and all our words察。in Moses's settlement撮Аhave a reference to piety towards God察for he hath left none of these in suspense察or undetermined。 For there are two ways of coining at any sort of learning and a moral conduct of life察 the one is by instruction in words察the other by practical exercises。 Now other lawgivers have separated these two ways in their opinions察and choosing one of those ways of instruction察or that which best pleased every one of them察 neglected the other。 Thus did the Lacedemonians and the Cretians teach by practical exercises察but not by words察while the Athenians察and almost all the other Grecians察made laws about what was to be done察or left undone察but had no regard to the exercising them thereto in practice。 18。 But for our legislator察he very carefully joined these two methods of instruction together察for he neither left these practical exercises to go on without verbal instruction察nor did he permit the hearing of the law to proceed without the exercises for practice察but beginning immediately from the earliest infancy察and the appointment of every one's diet察he left nothing of the very smallest consequence to be done at the pleasure and disposal of the person himself。 Accordingly察 he made a fixed rule of law what sorts of food they should abstain from察and what sorts they should make use of察as also察 what communion they should have with others what great diligence they should use in their occupations察and what times of rest should be interposed察that察by living under that law as under a father and a master察we might be guilty of no sin察 neither voluntary nor out of ignorance察for he did not suffer the guilt of ignorance to go on without punishment察but demonstrated the law to be the best and the most necessary instruction of all others察permitting the people to leave off their other employments察and to assemble together for the hearing of the law察and learning it exactly察and this not once or twice察or oftener察but every week察which thing all the other legislators seem to have neglected。 19。 And indeed the greatest part of mankind are so far from living according to their own laws察that they hardly know them察but when they have sinned察they learn from others that they have transgressed the law。 Those also who are in the highest and principal posts of the government察confess they are not acquainted with those laws察and are obliged to take such persons for their assessors in public administrations as profess to have skill in those laws察but for our people察if any body do but ask any one of them about our laws察he will more readily tell them all than he will tell his own name察and this in consequence of our having learned them immediately as soon as ever we became sensible of any thing察and of our having them as it were engraven on our souls。 Our transgressors of them are but few察and it is impossible察when any do offend察to escape punishment。 20。 And this very thing it is that principally creates such a wonderful agreement of minds amongst us all察for this entire agreement of ours in all our notions concerning God察and our having no difference in our course of life and manners察 procures among us the most excellent concord of these our manners that is any where among mankind察for no other people but the Jews have avoided all discourses about God that any way contradict one another察which yet are frequent among other nations察and this is true not only among ordinary persons察according as every one is affected察but some of the philosophers have been insolent enough to indulge such contradictions察while some of them have undertaken to use such words as entirely take away the nature of God察as others of them have taken away his providence over mankind。 Nor can any one perceive amongst us any difference in the conduct of our lives察but all our works are common to us all。 We have one sort of discourse concerning God察which is conformable to our law察and affirms that he sees all things察as also we have but one way of speaking concerning the conduct of our lives察that all other things ought to have piety for their end察and this any body may hear from our women察and servants themselves。 21。 And察indeed察hence hath arisen that accusation which some make against us察that we have not produced men that have been the inventors of new operations察or of new ways of speaking察for others think it a fine thing to persevere in nothing that has been delivered down from their forefathers察 and these testify it to be an instance of the sharpest wisdom when these men venture to transgress those traditions察 whereas we察on the contrary察suppose it to be our only wisdom and virtue to admit no actions nor supposals that are contrary to our original laws察which procedure of ours is a just and sure sign that our law is admirably constituted察for such laws as are not thus well made are convicted upon trial to want amendment。 22。 But while we are ourselves persuaded that our law was made agreeably to the will of God察it would be impious for us not to observe the same察for what is there in it that any body would change拭and what can be invented that is better拭or what can we take out of other people's laws that will exceed it拭Perhaps some would have the entire settlement of our government altered。 And where shall we find a better or more righteous constitution than ours察while this makes us esteem God to be the Governor of the universe