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ng in his desire to see the gods immediately拭how came that unreasonable dread upon him of judgments that were not to happen in his lifetime拭or what worse thing could he suffer察out of the fear of which he made haste to kill himself拭But now let us see the silliest thing of all此  The king察although he had been informed of these things察and terrified with the fear of what was to come察yet did not he even then eject these maimed people out of his country察when it had been foretold him that he was to clear Egypt of them察but察as Manetho says察 he then察upon their request察gave them that city to inhabit察which had formerly belonged to the shepherds察and was called Avaris察whither when they were gone in crowds察─he says察 they chose one that had formerly been priest of Hellopolls察and that this priest first ordained that they should neither worship the gods察nor abstain from those animals that were worshipped by the Egyptians察but should kill and eat them all察and should associate with nobody but those that had conspired with them察and that he bound the multitude by oaths to be sure to continue in those laws察and that when he had built a wall about Avaris察he made war against the king。; Manetho adds also察that ;this priest sent to Jerusalem to invite that people to come to his assistance察and promised to give them Avaris察for that it had belonged to the forefathers of those that were coming from Jerusalem察and that when they were come察they made a war immediately against the king察and got possession of all Egypt。; He says also that ;the Egyptians came with an army of two hundred thousand men察and that Amenophis察the king of Egypt察not thinking that he ought to fight against the gods察ran away presently into Ethiopia察and committed Apis and certain other of their sacred animals to the priests察and commanded them to take care of preserving them。; He says further察that; the people of Jerusalem came accordingly upon the Egyptians察and overthrew their cities察and burnt their temples察and slew their horsemen察and察in short察abstained from no sort of wickedness nor barbarity察and for that priest who settled their polity and their laws察─he says察─he was by birth of Hellopolis察and his name was Osarsiph察from Osyris the god of Hellopolis察but that he changed his name察and called himself Moses。; He then says that ;on the thirteenth year afterward察Amenophis察according to the fatal time of the duration of his misfortunes察came upon them out of Ethiopia with a great army察and joining battle with the shepherds and with the polluted people察overcame them in battle察and slew a great many of them察and pursued them as far as the bounds of Syria。;

29。 Now Manetho does not reflect upon the improbability of his lie察for the leprous people察and the multitude that was with them察although they might formerly have been angry at the king察and at those that had treated them so coarsely察and this according to the prediction of the prophet察yet certainly察when they were come out of the mines察and had received of the king a city察and a country察they would have grown milder towards him。 However察had they ever so much hated him in particular察they might have laid a private plot against himself察but would hardly have made war against all the Egyptians察I mean this on the account of the great kindred they who were so numerous must have had among them。 Nay still察if they had resolved to fight with the men察they would not have had impudence enough to fight with their gods察nor would they have ordained laws quite contrary to those of their own country察and to those in which they had been bred up themselves。 Yet are we beholden to Manethe察that he does not lay the principal charge of this horrid transgression upon those that came from Jerusalem察but says that the Egyptians themselves were the most guilty察and that they were their priests that contrived these things察and made the multitude take their oaths for doing so。 But still how absurd is it to suppose that none of these people's own relations or friends should be prevailed with to revolt察nor to undergo the hazards of war with them察while these polluted people were forced to send to Jerusalem察and bring their auxiliaries from thence What friendship察I pray察or what relation was there formerly between them that required this assistance拭On the contrary察these people were enemies察and greatly differed from them in their customs。 He says察indeed察that they complied immediately察upon their praising them that they should conquer Egypt察as if they did not themselves very well know that country out of which they had been driven by force。 Now had these men been in want察or lived miserably察perhaps they might have undertaken so hazardous an enterprise察but as they dwelt in a happy city察and had a large country察and one better than Egypt itself察how came it about that察for the sake of those that had of old been their enemies察of those that were maimed in their bodies察and of those whom none of their own relations would endure察they should run such hazards in assisting them拭For they could not foresee that the king would run away from them此on the contrary察he saith himself that ;Amenophis's son had three hundred thousand men with him察and met them at Pelusium。; Now察to be sure察those that came could not be ignorant of this察but for the king's repentance and flight察how could they possibly guess at it拭He then says察that ;those who came from Jerusalem察and made this invasion察got the granaries of Egypt into their possession察and perpetrated many of the most horrid actions there。; And thence he reproaches them察as though he had not himself introduced them as enemies察or as though he might accuse such as were invited from another place for so doing察when the natural Egyptians themselves had done the same things before their coming察and had taken oaths so to do。 However察 Amenophis察some time afterward察came upon them察and conquered them in battle察and slew his enemies察and drove them before him as far as Syria。; As if Egypt were so easily taken by people that came from any place whatsoever察and as if those that had conquered it by war察when they were informed that Amenophis was alive察did neither fortify the avenues out of Ethiopia into it察although they had great advantages for doing it察nor did get their other forces ready for their defense but that he followed them over the sandy desert察and slew them as far as Syria察while yet it is rot an easy thing for an army to pass over that country察even without fighting。

30。 Our nation察therefore察according to Manetho察was not derived from Egypt察nor were any of the Egyptians mingled with us。 For it is to be supposed that many of the leprous and distempered people were dead in the mines察since they had been there a long time察and in so ill a condition察many others must be dead in the battles that happened afterward察and more still in the last battle and flight after it。

31。 It now remains that I debate with Manetho about Moses。 Now the Egyptians acknowledge him to have been a wonderful and a divine person察nay察they would willingly lay claim to him themselves察though after a most abusive and incredible manner察and pretend that he was of Heliopolis察and one of the priests of that place察and was ejected out of it among the rest察on account of his leprosy察although it had been demonstrated out of their records that he lived five hundred and eighteen years earlier察and then brought our forefathers out of Egypt into the country that is now inhabited by us。 But now that he was not subject in his body to any such calamity察is evident from what he himself tells us察for he forbade those that had the leprosy either to continue in a city察or to inhabit in a village察but commanded that they should go about by themselves with their clothes rent察and declares that such as either touch them察or live under the same roof with them察should be esteemed unclean察nay察more察if any one of their disease be healed察and he recover his natural constitution again察he appointed them certain purifications察and washings with spring water察and the shaving off all their hair察and enjoins that they shall offer many sacrifices察and those of several kinds察and then at length to be admitted into the holy city察although it were to be expected that察on the contrary察if he had been under the same calamity察he should have taken care of such persons beforehand察and have had them treated after a kinder manner察as affected with a concern for those that were to be under the like misfortunes with himself。 Nor was it only those leprous people for whose sake he made these laws察but also for such as should be maimed in the smallest part of their body察who yet are not permitted by him to officiate as priests察nay察although any priest察already initiated察should have such a calamity fall upon him afterward察he ordered him to be deprived of his honor of officiating。 How can it then be supposed that Moses should ordain such laws against himself察to his own reproach and damage who so ordained them拭Nor indeed is that other notion of Manetho at all probable察wherein he relates the change of his name察and says that ;he was formerly called Osarsiph察─and this a name no way agreeable to the other察while his true name was Mosses察and si

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