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ast Christmas a cardboard box containing a lot of glittering tinsel ornaments ´ globes of silvered or gilded or painted glass察birds察butterflies and stars。 Some of these things had done duty three Christmases ago and although they were in some instances slightly tarnished most of them were as good as new。 In addition to these and the toys they had bought that evening they had a box of bon´bons and a box of small coloured wax candles察both of which had formed part of the things they got from the grocer's with the Christmas Club money察and there were also a lot of little coloured paper bags of sweets察and a number of sugar and chocolate toys and animals which had been bought two or three at a time for several weeks past and put away for this occasion。 There was something suitable for each child that was coming察with the exception of Bert White察they had intended to include a sixpenny pocket knife for him in their purchases that evening察but as they had not been able to afford this Owen decided to give him an old set of steel paining combs which he knew the lad had often longed to possess。 The tin case containing these tools was accordingly wrapped in some red tissue paper and hung on the tree with the other things。
They moved about as quietly as possible so as not to disturb those who were sleeping in the rooms beneath察because long before they were finished the people in the other parts of the house had all retired to rest察and silence had fallen on the deserted streets outside。 As they were putting the final touches to their work the profound stillness of the night was suddenly broken by the voices of a band of carol´ singers。
The sound overwhelmed them with memories of other and happier times察and Nora stretched out her hands impulsively to Owen察who drew her close to his side。
They had been married just over eight years察and although during all that time they had never been really free from anxiety for the future察yet on no previous Christmas had they been quite so poor as now。 During the last few years periods of unemployment had gradually become more frequent and protracted察and the attempt he had made in the early part of the year to get work elsewhere had only resulted in plunging them into even greater poverty than before。 But all the same there was much to be thankful for此poor though they were察they were far better off than many thousands of others此they still had food and shelter察and they had each other and the boy。
Before they went to bed Owen carried the tree into Frankie's bedroom and placed it so that he would be able to see it in all its glittering glory as soon as he awoke on Christmas morning。
Chapter 29
The Pandorama
Although the party was not supposed to begin till six o'clock察Bert turned up at half past four察bringing the `Pandoramer' with him。
At about half past five the other guests began to arrive。 Elsie and Charley Linden came first察the girl in a pretty blue frock trimmed with white lace察and Charley resplendent in a new suit察which察like his sister's dress察had been made out of somebody's cast´off clothes that had been given to their mother by a visiting lady。 It had taken Mrs Linden many hours of hard work to contrive these garments察in fact察more time than the things were worth察for although they looked all right ´ especially Elsie's ´ the stuff was so old that it would not wear very long此but this was the only way in which she could get clothes for the children at all此she certainly could not afford to buy them any。 So she spent hours and hours making things that she knew would fall to pieces almost as soon as they were made。
After these came Nellie察Rosie and Tommy Newman。 These presented a much less prosperous appearance than the other two。 Their mother was not so skilful at contriving new clothes out of old。 Nellie was wearing a grown´up woman's blouse察and by way of ulster she had on an old´fashioned jacket of thick cloth with large pearl buttons。 This was also a grown´up woman's garment此it was shaped to fit the figure of a tall woman with wide shoulders and a small waist察consequently察it did not fit Nellie to perfection。 The waist reached below the poor child's hips。
Tommy was arrayed in the patched remains of what had once been a good suit of clothes。 They had been purchased at a second´hand shop last summer and had been his `best' for several months察but they were now much too small for him。
Little Rosie ´ who was only just over three years old ´ was better off than either of the other two察for she had a red cloth dress that fitted her perfectly此indeed察as the district visitor who gave it to her mother had remarked察it looked as if it had been made for her。
`It's not much to look at' observed Nellie察referring to her big jacket察but all the same we was very glad of it when the rain came on。'
The coat was so big that by withdrawing her arms from the sleeves and using it as a cloak or shawl she had managed to make it do for all three of them。
Tommy's boots were so broken that the wet had got in and saturated his stockings察so Nora made him take them all off and wear some old ones of Frankie's whilst his own were drying at the fire。
Philpot察with two large paper bags full of oranges and nuts察arrived just as they were sitting down to tea ´ or rather cocoa ´ for with the exception of Bert all the children expressed a preference for the latter beverage。 Bert would have liked to have cocoa also察but hearing that the grown´ups were going to have tea察he thought it would be more manly to do the same。 This question of having tea or cocoa for tea became a cause of much uproarious merriment on the part of the children察who asked each other repeatedly which they liked best察 tea tea' or `cocoa tea' They thought it so funny that they said it over and over again察screaming with laughter all the while察until Tommy got a piece of cake stuck in his throat and became nearly black in the face察and then Philpot had to turn him upside down and punch him in the back to save him from choking to death。 This rather sobered the others察but for some time afterwards whenever they looked at each other they began to laugh afresh because they thought it was such a good joke。
When they had filled themselves up with the `cocoa´tea' and cakes and bread and jam察Elsie Linden and Nellie Newman helped to clear away the cups and saucers察and then Owen lit the candles on the Christmas tree and distributed the toys to the children察and a little while afterwards Philpot ´ who had got a funny´looking mask out of one of the bon´bons ´ started a fine game pretending to be a dreadful wild animal which he called a Pandroculus察and crawling about on all fours察rolled his goggle eyes and growled out he must have a little boy or girl to eat for his supper。
He looked so terrible that although they knew it was only a joke they were almost afraid of him察and ran away laughing and screaming to shelter themselves behind Nora or Owen察but all the same察whenever Philpot left off playing察they entreated him to `be it again'察and so he had to keep on being a Pandroculus察until exhaustion compelled him to return to his natural form。
After this they all sat round the table and had a game of cards察 Snap'察they called it察but nobody paid much attention to the rules of the game此everyone seemed to think that the principal thing to do was to kick up as much row as possible。 After a while Philpot suggested a change to `Beggar my neighbour'察and won quite a lot of cards before they found out that he had hidden all the jacks in the pocket of his coat察and then they mobbed him for a cheat。 He might have been seriously injured if it had not been for Bert察who created a diversion by standing on a chair and announcing that he was about to introduce to their notice `Bert White's World´famed Pandorama' as exhibited before all the nobility and crowned heads of Europe察England察Ireland and Scotland察including North America and Wales。
Loud cheers greeted the conclusion of Bert's speech。 The box was placed on the table察which was then moved to the end of the room察and the chairs were ranged in two rows in front。
The `Pandorama' consisted of a stage´front made of painted cardboard and fixed on the front of a wooden box about three feet long by two feet six inches high察and about one foot deep from back to front。 The `Show' was a lot of pictures cut out of illustrated weekly papers and pasted together察end to end察so as to form a long strip or ribbon。 Bert had coloured all the pictures with water´colours。
Just behind the wings of the stage´front at each end of the box ´ was an upright roller察and the long strip of pictures was rolled up on this。 The upper ends of the rollers came through the top of the box and had handles attached to them。 When these handles were turned the pictures passed across the stage察unrolling from one roller and rolling on to the other察and were illuminated by the light of three candles placed behind。
The idea of constructing this machine had been suggested to Bert by a panorama entertainment he had been to see some time before。
`The Style of the decorations' he remarked察alluding to the painted stage´front察'is Moorish。'
He lit the candles at