the ragged trousered philanthropists-及64准
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lpot was taking a dip of colour察the brush fell from his hand into the pot察and then察finding that he was unable to move his fingers察he put his hand into his trousers pocket to thaw察and began to walk about察stamping his feet upon the ground。 His example was quickly followed by Owen察Easton and Harlow察and they all went round the corner to the sheltered side of the house where Slyme was working察and began walking up and down察rubbing their hands察stamping their feet and swinging their arms to warm themselves。
`If I thought Nimrod wasn't comin'察I'd put my overcoat on and work in it' remarked Philpot察'but you never knows when to expect the br察and if 'e saw me in it察it would mean the bloody push。'
`It wouldn't interfere with our workin' if we did wear 'em' said Easton察 in fact察we'd be able to work all the quicker if we wasn't so cold。'
`Even if Misery didn't come察I suppose Crass would 'ave something to say if we did put 'em on' continued Philpot。
`Well察yer couldn't blame 'im if 'e did say something察could yer' said Slyme察offensively。 `Crass would get into a row 'imself if 'Unter came and saw us workin' in overcoats。 It would look ridiclus。'
Slyme suffered less from the cold than any of them察not only because he had secured the most sheltered window察but also because he was better clothed than most of the rest。
`What's Crass supposed to be doin' inside' asked Easton as he tramped up and down察with his shoulders hunched up and his hands thrust deep into the pockets of his trousers。
`Blowed if I know' replied Philpot。 `Messin' about touchin' up or makin' colour。 He never does 'is share of a job like this察'e knows 'ow to work things all right for 'isself。'
`What if 'e does拭 We'd be the same if we was in 'is place察and so would anybody else' said Slyme察and added sarcastically此 Or p'haps you'd give all the soft jobs to other people and do all the rough yerself'
Slyme knew that察although they were speaking of Crass察they were also alluding to himself察and as he replied to Philpot he looked slyly at Owen察who had so far taken no part in the conversation。
`It's not a question of what we would do' chimed in Harlow。 `It's a question of what's fair。 If it's not fair for Crass to pick all the soft jobs for 'imself and leave all the rough for others察the fact that we might do the same if we 'ad the chance don't make it right。'
`No one can be blamed for doing the best he can for himself under existing circumstances' said Owen in reply to Slyme's questioning look。 That is the principle of the present system ´ every man for himself and the devil take the rest。 For my own part I don't pretend to practise unselfishness。 I don't pretend to guide my actions by the rules laid down in the Sermon on the Mount。 But it's certainly surprising to hear you who profess to be a follower of Christ ´ advocating selfishness。 Or察rather察it would be surprising if it were not that the name of ;Christian; has ceased to signify one who follows Christ察and has come to mean only liar and hypocrite。'
Slyme made no answer。 Possibly the fact that he was a true believer enabled him to bear this insult with meekness and humility。
`I wonder what time it is' interposed Philpot。
Slyme looked at his watch。 It was nearly ten o'clock。
`Jesus Christ Is that all' growled Easton as they returned to work。 `Two hours more before dinner'
Only two more hours察but to these miserable察half´starved察ill´clad wretches察standing here in the bitter wind that pierced their clothing and seemed to be tearing at their very hearts and lungs with icy fingers察it appeared like an eternity。 To judge by the eagerness with which they longed for dinner´time察one might have thought they had some glorious banquet to look forward to instead of bread and cheese and onions察or bloaters ´ and stewed tea。
Two more hours of torture before dinner察and three more hours after that。 And then察thank God察it would be too dark to see to work any longer。
It would have been much better for them if察instead of being `Freemen'察they had been slaves察and the property察instead of the hirelings察of Mr Rushton。 As it was察HE would not have cared if one or all of them had become ill or died from the effects of exposure。 It would have made no difference to him。 There were plenty of others out of work and on the verge of starvation who would be very glad to take their places。 But if they had been Rushton's property察such work as this would have been deferred until it could be done without danger to the health and lives of the slaves察or at any rate察even if it were proceeded with during such weather察their owner would have seen to it that they were properly clothed and fed察he would have taken as much care of them as he would of his horse。
People always take great care of their horses。 If they were to overwork a horse and make it ill察it would cost something for medicine and the veterinary surgeon察to say nothing of the animal's board and lodging。 If they were to work their horses to death察they would have to buy others。 But none of these considerations applies to workmen。 If they work a man to death they can get another for nothing at the corner of the next street。 They don't have to buy him察all they have to do is to give him enough money to provide him with food and clothing ´ of a kind ´ while he is working for them。 If they only make him ill察they will not have to feed him or provide him with medical care while he is laid up。 He will either go without these things or pay for them himself。 At the same time it must be admitted that the workman scores over both the horse and the slave察inasmuch as he enjoys the priceless blessing of Freedom。 If he does not like the hirer's conditions he need not accept them。 He can refuse to work察and he can go and starve。 There are no ropes on him。 He is a Free man。 He is the Heir of all the Ages。 He enjoys perfect Liberty。 He has the right to choose freely which he will do ´ Submit or Starve。 Eat dirt or eat nothing。
The wind blew colder and colder。 The sky察which at first had shown small patches of blue through rifts in the masses of clouds察had now become uniformly grey。 There was every indication of an impending fall of snow。
The men perceived this with conflicting feelings。 If it did commence to snow察they would not be able to continue this work察and therefore they found themselves involuntarily wishing that it would snow察or rain察or hail察or anything that would stop the work。 But on the other hand察if the weather prevented them getting on with the outside察some of them would have to `stand off'察because the inside was practically finished。 None of them wished to lose any time if they could possibly help it察because there were only ten days more before Christmas。
The morning slowly wore away and the snow did not fall。 The hands worked on in silence察for they were in no mood for talking察and not only that察but they were afraid that Hunter or Rushton or Crass might be watching them from behind some bush or tree察or through some of the windows。 This dread possessed them to such an extent that most of them were almost afraid even to look round察and kept steadily on at work。 None of them wished to spoil his chance of being kept on to help to do the other house that it was reported Rushton & Co。 were going to `do up' for Mr Sweater。
Twelve o'clock came at last察and Crass's whistle had scarcely ceased to sound before they all assembled in the kitchen before the roaring fire。 Sweater had sent in two tons of coal and had given orders that fires were to be lit every day in nearly every room to make the house habitable by Christmas。
`I wonder if it's true as the firm's got another job to do for old Sweater' remarked Harlow as he was toasting a bloater on the end of the pointed stick。
`True拭No' said the man on the pail scornfully。 `It's all bogy。 You know that empty 'ouse as they said Sweater 'ad bought ´ the one that Rushton and Nimrod was seen lookin' at'
`Yes' replied Harlow。 The other men listened with evident interest。 `Well察they wasn't pricing it up after all T he landlord of that 'ouse is abroad察and there was some plants in the garden as Rushton thought 'e'd like察and 'e was tellin' Misery which ones 'e wanted。 And afterwards old Pontius Pilate came up with Ned Dawson and a truck。 They made two or three journeys and took bloody near everything in the garden as was worth takin'。 What didn't go to Rushton's place went to 'Unter's。'
The disappointment of their hopes for another job was almost forgotten in their interest in this story。
`Who told you about it' said Harlow。
`Ned Dawson 'imself。 It's right enough what I say。 Ask 'im。'
Ned Dawson察usually called `Bundy's mate'察had been away from the house for a few days down at the yard doing odd jobs察and had only come back to the `Cave' that morning。 On being appealed to察he corroborated Dick Wantley's statement。
`They'll be gettin' theirselves into trouble if they ain't careful' remarked Easton。
`Oh察no they won't察Rushton's too artful for that。 It seems the agent is a pal of 'is察and they worked it between 'em。'
`Wot a bloody cheek察though' exclaimed Harlow。