the ragged trousered philanthropists-第102节
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equired to account for every minute of the day。 The form of these sheets vary slightly with different firms: that of Rushton & Co。; was as shown。
…+…+…+…+…+ | | Time When | Time When | | | Where Working | Started | Finished | Hours | What Doing …+…+…+…+…+ Sat | | | | | …+…+…+…+…+ Mon | | | | | …+…+…+…+…+ Tues | | | | | …+…+…+…+…+ Wed | | | | | …+…+…+…+…+ Thur | | | | | …+…+…+…+…+ Fri | | | | | …+…+…+…+…+ | | Total Hours | | …+…+…+…+…+
One Monday morning Misery gave each of the sub…foremen an envelope containing one of the firm s memorandum forms。 Crass opened his and found the following:
When you are on a job with men under you; check and initial their time…sheets every night。
If they are called away and sent to some other job; or stood off; check and initial their time…sheets as they leave your job。
Any man coming on your job during the day; you must take note of the exact time of his arrival; and see that his sheet is charged right。
Any man who is slow or lazy; or any man that you notice talking more than is necessary during working hours; you must report him to Mr Hunter。 We expect you and the other foremen to help us to carry out these rules; AND ANY INFORMATION GIVEN US ABOUT ANY MAN IS TREATED IN CONFIDENCE。
Rushton & Co。
Note: This applies to all men of all trades who come on the jobs of which you are the foreman。
Every week the time…sheets were scrutinized; and every now and then a man would be ‘had up on the carpet' in the office before Rushton and Misery; and interrogated as to why he had taken fifteen hours to do ten hours work? In the event of the accused being unable to give a satisfactory explanation of his conduct he was usually sacked on the spot。
Misery was frequently called ‘up on the carpet' himself。
If he made a mistake in figuring out a ‘job'; and gave in too high a tender for it; so that the firm did not get the work; Rushton grumbled。 If the price was so low that there was not enough profit; Rushton was very unpleasant about it; and whenever it happened that there was not only no profit but an actual loss; Rushton created such a terrible disturbance that Misery was nearly frightened to death and used to get on his bicycle and rush off to the nearest ‘job' and howl and bellow at the ‘chaps' to get it done。
All the time the capabilities of the men … especially with regard to speed … were carefully watched and noted: and whenever there was a slackness of work and it was necessary to discharge some hands those that were slow or took too much pains were weeded out: this of course was known to the men and it had the desired effect upon them。
In justice to Rushton and Hunter; it must be remembered that there was a certain amount of excuse for all this driving and cheating; because they had to compete with all the other firms; who conducted their business in precisely the same way。 It was not their fault; but the fault of the system。
A dozen firms tendered for every ‘job'; and of course the lowest tender usually obtained the work。 Knowing this; they all cut the price down to the lowest possible figure and the workmen had to suffer。
The trouble was that there were too many ‘masters'。 It would have been far better for the workmen if nine out of every ten of the employers had never started business。 Then the others would have been able to get a better price for their work; and the men might have had better wages and conditions。 The hands; however; made no such allowances or excuses as these for Misery and Rushton。 They never thought or spoke of them except with hatred and curses。 But whenever either of them came to the ‘job' the ‘coddies' cringed and grovelled before them; greeting them with disgustingly servile salutations; plentifully interspersed with the word ‘Sir'; greetings which were frequently either ignored altogether or answered with an inarticulate grunt。 They said ‘Sir' at nearly every second word: it made one feel sick to hear them because it was not courtesy: they were never courteous to each other; it was simply abject servility and self…contempt。
One of the results of all the frenzied hurrying was that every now and then there was an accident: somebody got hurt: and it was strange that accidents were not more frequent; considering the risk; that were taken。 When they happened to be working on ladders in busy streets they were not often allowed to have anyone to stand at the foot; and the consequence was that all sorts and conditions of people came into violent collision with the bottoms of the ladders。 Small boys playing in the reckless manner characteristic of their years rushed up against them。 Errand boys; absorbed in the perusal of penny instalments of the adventures of Claude Duval; and carrying large baskets of green…groceries; wandered into them。 Blind men fell foul of them。 Adventurous schoolboys climbed up them。 People with large feet became entangled in them。 Fat persons of both sexes who thought it unlucky to walk underneath; tried to negotiate the narrow strip of pavement between the foot of the ladder and the kerb; and in their passage knocked up against the ladder and sometimes fell into the road。 Nursemaids wheeling perambulators … lolling over the handle; which they usually held with their left hands; the right holding a copy of Orange Blossoms or some halfpenny paper; and so interested in the story of the Marquis of Lymejuice … a young man of noble presence and fabulous wealth; with a drooping golden moustache and very long legs; who; notwithstanding the diabolical machinations of Lady Sibyl Malvoise; who loves him as well as a woman with a name like that is capable of loving anyone; is determined to wed none other than the scullery…maid at the Village Inn … inevitably bashed the perambulators into the ladders。 Even when the girls were not reading they nearly always ran into the ladders; which seemed to possess a magnetic attraction for perambulators and go…carts of all kinds; whether propelled by nurses or mothers。 Sometimes they would advance very cautiously towards the ladder: then; when they got very near; hesitate a little whether to go under or run the risk of falling into the street by essaying the narrow passage: then they would get very close up to the foot of the ladder; and dodge and dance about; and give the cart little pushes from side to side; until at last the magnetic influence exerted itself and the perambulator crashed into the ladder; perhaps at the very moment that the man at the top was stretching out to do some part of the work almost beyond his reach。
Once Harlow had just started painting some rainpipes from the top of a 40…ft ladder when one of several small boys who were playing in the street ran violently against the foot。 Harlow was so startled that he dropped his brushes and clutched wildly at the ladder; which turned completely round and slid about six feet along the parapet into the angle of the wall; with Harlow hanging beneath by his hands。 The paint pot was hanging by a hook from one of the rungs; and the jerk scattered the brown paint it contained all over Harlow and all over the brickwork of the front of the house。 He managed to descend safely by clasping his legs round the sides of the ladder and sliding down。 When Misery came there was a row about what he called carelessness。 And the next day Harlow had to wear his Sunday trousers to work。
On another occasion they were painting the outside of a house called ‘Gothic Lodge'。 At one corner it had a tower surmounted by a spire or steeple; and this steeple terminated with an ornamental wrought…iron pinnacle which had to be painted。 The ladder they had was not quite long enough; and besides that; as it had to stand in a sort of a courtyard at the base of the tower; it was impossible to slant it sufficiently: instead of lying along the roof of the steeple; it was sticking up in the air。
When Easton went up to paint the pinnacle he had to stand on almost the very top rung of the ladder; to be exact; the third from the top; and lean over to steady himself by holding on to the pinnacle with his left hand while he used the brush with his right。 As it was only about twenty minutes' work there were two men to hold the foot of the ladder。
It was cheaper to do it this way than to rig up a proper scaffold; which would have entailed perhaps two hours' work for two or three men。 Of course it was very dangerous; but that did not matter at all; because even if the man fell it would make no difference to the firm … all the